If you have an email ending in @hotmail.com, @live.com or @outlook.com (or any other Microsoft-related domain), please consider changing it to another email provider; Microsoft decided to instantly block the server's IP, so emails can't be sent to these addresses.
If you use an @yahoo.com email or any related Yahoo services, they have blocked us also due to "user complaints"
If somebody is willing to that again, then I could get my character done =/
So there are six priorities, if you recall. These are:
Wealth/Social Class
Gifts and Flaws
You assign a letter (A to F) to each one, depending on how important it is to you. Each letter can only be used once. Since we're all playing mundane humans, we can assume that Race will be your F priority.
What works well from there on out depends on your character concept. For instance, decent attributes and good proficiencies are important for combat-aligned characters.
B: Proficiencies
B: Race
B: Attributes
E: Social Class
F: Gifts and Flaws
You're going off the Companion, I presume?
In any case, I'm restricting race to F because it's a non-magical PC campaign. You'll probably not want to sink Social Class so low, either, depending on your character concept. As for gifts and flaws, I think F buys you two major flaws, or a major and a minor one. In any case, a low class and those flaws could be quite a disadvantage.
On the bright side, with F in race, you're freed up a bit.
I guess I should ask what you're trying to represent with this. Still a swordsman-type?
And I thought we were going with magic?
Bleh, confusion
Guess I'll bump up Gifts and Flaws to a C and Social Class to a D if Race will be F
5 Pro.
5 Att.
4 Gifts
3 Skills
3 Class
1 Race
B Pro.
B Att.
C Gifts
D Skills
D Class
F Race
Let's start with attributes. You have 43 points to spend within the following stats. Keep in mind that one stat must be higher than the others, and the maximum for that stat is 7.
Temporal (or physical)
Strength (base damage)
Agility (contributes to your combat pool)
Toughness (base damage resistance)
Endurance (your capacity to fight on)
Health (resistance to illnesses, poisons, blood loss and so on)
Will Power (one's capacity to stay psychologically strong and resolute)
Wit (contributes to your combat pool)
Mental Aptitude (helps with learning skills)
Social (this game's charisma)
Perception (one's capacity to observe with their senses)
Derived (all rounded down)
Reflex = (Ag+Wit)/2 (Your basic ability to fight and quickly maneuver in tight spots)
Aim = (Ag+Per)/2 (Your basic ability to use ranged weapons)
Knockdown = (Str+Ag)/2 (Your ability to resist being knocked over)
Knockout = (To+(WP/2)) (Your ability to resist being knocked unconscious)
Move = (Str+Ag+En)/2 (The rate at which you traverse basic, open ground)
Agility: 6
Toughness: 3
Endurance: 4
Health: 5
Will: 4
Wit: 5
M. Apt.: 4
Soc: 3
Perc: 5
That gives you (after rounding)
Reflex = 5
Aim = 5
Knockdown = 5
Knockout = 5
Move = 7
Good scores. Alrighty!
Now, proficiencies. I won't give you the full list, as there's quite a few. What kind of weapon would you like to specialise in?
It does, but it's not particularly accurate to the 1440s timeframe. At this stage, standard shields have been largely abandoned. If you really want to use that combination, I won't stop you.
The other thing is that short swords are pretty gimp in this game. If you wanted to use an arming sword and shield, you'd be much better off. You could then combine it with a buckler, giving you a period-accurate and effective sword-and-shield combo.
When it comes to proficiencies, you also get "defaults". Your defaults are equal to your highest score minus X. This means that you can use similar or related weapons nearly as well as your best weapon.
In your case, I'd make your sword and shield proficiency 7 and put your remaining 2 points into wrestling. This would mean that your most relevant proficiencies would be
Sword and Shield: 7
Mass Weapon and Shield: 6
Wrestling: 5
Polearms: 4 (from the basic bonus I gave everyone)
Your Reflex is added to thse proficiencies, meaning that with a sword and shield, your total combat pool (CP) would be 12.
Now, let's do skills. You get to choose two "skill packets". Like proficiencies, there's quite a lot to this bit. You're better off telling me what you're after in terms of non-combat skillset and letting me throw some suggestions for skill packets at you. Mind, there's quite a variety -- your background could be in sailing, clergy work, woodsman's work or basically whatever.
Skill sets... Being able to maintain his weapons, armour, and shield (so smithing?) and his class is a little low... Would a thievery based set be too out there for him?
Thievery wouldn't be so out there. The sword-and-buckler combination is quite swashbuckley. In any case, there's a thief skill packet, so if you want that, it's good to go.
As for smithing, that's part of the crafstman skill set. This also provides a variety of skills to do with basic, every day common life. If you want, though, I could expand the smithing skills and make a whole skill packet based on it. It might go like this:
- Swordsmithing
- Armouring
- Weaponsmithing
- Blacksmithing
- Ore identification
- Ore manipulation
- Appraisal (Weapons)
- Appraisal (Armour)
That seem alright?
I updated my character sheet with possessions and a new name and stuff. Just putting it on the record that I'm ready to go.
^ Cool beans. To the best of my memory, INUH and Cygan are done as well. Only one thing, though. I notice you sunk points into dagger. That might not be so useful to you; since I gave you 4 in polearms, you might want to bump that up to 6 with your non-ranged-weapon points. That'll give you good defaults on a few different weapons. To the best of my memory, you'll have 2 in daggers this way anyway.
^^ Alright, so you chose D for skills, right? That means each skill packet begins at 8.
These are the thief skills:
Panhandling -1
Streetwise -1
Pick Pocket + 1
Lock Picking +1
Climbing +1
Gambling +1
A -1 denotes that the skill is 7 rather than 8. A +1 is the opposite. A lower score is better, because the rating of your skill is the number you have to beat on your dice roll. Furthermore, you can reduce skill ratings at character creation by a number equal to your Mental Aptitude.
Also, here's the smith skill packet with modifiers:
- Swordsmithing +1
- Armouring +1
- Weaponsmithing
- Blacksmithing -1
- Ore identification
- Ore manipulation
- Appraisal (Weapons) -1
- Appraisal (Armour) -1
I admit that I didn't really look through all the relations between proficiencies that hard, and I feel like he'd be more partial to a dagger than a pole-arm. Then again, I also forgot that we had 4 points there (which I suppose comes from all the characters' military backgrounds?), so yeah, Pole-arms 6 sounds good. I could see him being a cut above with them. Though I think INUH also put points towards Dagger where he could have put them there, too. That's part of why I figured it was a decent idea.
INUH had 6 points to put into dagger, though, and dagger defaults really well to unarmed skills. So apart from having dagger 6, he also has wrestling and pugilism 5.
Your character would only default to 1, though, with 2 points in dagger.
I forgot how much he put into it. I just remembered seeing that he had points there. Well, anyway, that's fixed now.
Yeah, Spiritual Attributes.
These are
You are to choose 5, and spend 7 points among them. A Spiritual Attribute with an asterix needs a focus. For instance, you could have Faith: Catholicism. Even more specifically, you could have Faith: I am the Son of God. In either case, you'd get these dice when partaking of any action to do with your Faith where there's risk involved.
Mind you, passions generally refer to particular people. Drives are for personal goals. Oath is loyalty to one's word, whether they feel it's the right to profitable thing to do or not. Destiny is a character's ultimate fate. Choosing a destiny doesn't mean it'll necessarily happen, but it gives you dice which can be used whenever you partake of an action to do with it.
It's the amount of extra dice you get for stuff to do with the Spiritual Attribute.
Remember, nothing too general.
Spiritual Attributes are also how you level up. After a session, you can permanantly spend your SA points to empower your character's regular attributes or proficiencies. I believe your SAs can rise to any level, but only 5 can ever be used per situation or session. So you could get to something like 17 Faith, but it would only "count as" 5, except for the purposes of character advancement.
This is because the cost for attributes and proficiencies goes up as they get higher.
You advance your SAs themelves by using them, essentially. Whenever your character is somehow at risk (not necessarily mortally) and a SA comes into play, you get a point or two to that SA. For instance, a Faith: Catholic character would get more points for their Faith stat if they were defending a Church for no other reason than it is their duty.
The reason I put all my proficiencies into daggers was that I just couldn't picture my character learning to use something else.
3 Luck
1 Passion: Swords
1 Drive: ? (What would be an example of a drive?)
1 Faith: Self
1 Destiny: ? (Example please)
I have to veto Passion: Swords -- far too general, and would give you far too much upgrade potential. The same applies to Faith: Self. Both of those options are choices I can't accept for the same reason.
A drive is something you want to do or accomplish. Your character may be driven to forge excellent weapons, and be destined to forge the greatest. Or one's destiny could be to slay a king, or whatever.
A drive is something your character wants to do; a destiny is something your character cannot avoid. Apart from that contextual difference, they could be exactly the same thing (although not both at once).
Ok Passion: Smithing swords
Drive: To smith the best sword
Faith: Self's ability with swords
Destiny: To defeat the best swordsman in the kingdom with a sword of his own make
That's a very single-minded character you have there. xD
But I still can't allow that kind of thing. You have to look for more general character motivations. Even I have a life outside swordsmanship. Remember, these characters aren't just mechanical fighting tools -- they're actors in a play.
Here's a few questions you might like to consider when deciding on who you character really is.
- Why is he in Zurich's Swiss army?
- Why is he fighting on the frontlines when smiths are so much more valuable making gear?
- What kind of background could cause one to be a smith, but also have skills in sneaking and theft?
- Has he ever killed anyone before? If so, why?
- Secularism has been gaining popularity as of late. What does he think of it?
Spiritual attributes aren't about making a character more optimised for a certain role. They're about giving a character a boost in situations they really care about, very specifically. If I were a TRoS character, for instance, I might have "Drive: To become a truly excellent swordsman". That's acceptable, and would probably give me bonuses when it came to training and seeking out instructors and the like. None of my other SAs would have anything to do with swords, though, because my swordsmanship is just one part of what makes me.
My goal isn't to throw you guys into a string of fight scenes, but to help you weave a story. Spiritual attributes are a guide for both your decisions and my design. They're not something that are easy to come up with on the fly, but they're the most important aspects of your character.
Your "Drive: To smith the best sword" is one I'll accept, because it's specific enough. The others are too general, except for Destiny. Since we'll be merrily skipping along Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Italy and other locations central to Europe, there's no one best swordsman.
I'll need to take a bit to think this one through
Take your time.
I'm RP'ing my Fable 2 character similarly to how I'm going to RP this character. I will post what I think when I have a more complete view :V