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  • Store them in Breezehome and sell them later.

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    It will cost nearly all my gold to buy it though ;-;

  • Yeah, but it's definitely worth it. You can get all of that back very easily anyway. Heck, you probably have enough to get it all back now anyway.

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    fiiiine ;-;

  • edited 2012-02-03 07:51:00

    I didn't really care for the Sheogorath quest in Solitude. From reading lore books related to him, I thought he would come off as the cool, creepy type of insanity.

    Instead he came off as some dude trying too hard to seem like he was crazy. Like, the Jim Carrey version of insanity.

    Quick question: Is there some way to turn Mammoth Tusks into Powdered Mammoth Tusks? Or do you just find the latter lying around somewhere?

    @Cygan: When your speech gets up to 50, I highly recommend taking the "Merchant" perk that lets you sell any item to any merchant. It makes offloading crap SO much easier, and you only have to go three perks deep in the speech tree to get to it.

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    that lets you sell any item to any merchant

    fuckin' done

    Also, confirmed: Two sneak attacks with daggers can take down a Giant. At Level 20. With a Steel Dagger. And no enchantments to raise damage. :>

  • Ooh, I never thought to try double sneak-attacking with daggers. I always kept a sword in my off-hand to add more damage output on stand-up fights. Good thinking!

    I'll have to give that a try next time I load up my Rogue profile. :D

  • edited 2012-02-03 12:54:17
    a little muffled

    I found the Sheogorath quest suitably entertaining myself.

  • No rainbow star
    Actually there are shavks where you can store stuff that also act like homes

    And you could have smithed the gold into jewelery

  • I didn't really care for the Sheogorath quest in Solitude. From reading lore books related to him, I thought he would come off as the cool, creepy type of insanity.

    Instead he came off as some dude trying too hard to seem like he was crazy. Like, the Jim Carrey version of insanity.

    Did you play Oblivion/Shivering Isles?

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    And you could have smithed the gold into jewelery

    I did not know that. Luckily I know where more Iron mines are.

    Anyway. Time for today's episode, entitled argh what the fuck is this i dont even, or The episode in which Nova fights off two giants, a mammoth, a cave bear and a dragon.

    The day started off like any other; I sent Lydia home to keep her safe while I went giant hunting.

    Now, it turns out that the second of the two giants can't quite be killed by two Sneak Attacks. So, here I was, Sneak Attacking the first of the two giants, and it's left on about two health. So, I shrug to myself and say, well, whatever. I turn and run a bit, then equip my bow, turn around and shot the giant in the head.

    Or should I say I tried to? Because the giant moved, and my arrow shot wide; it flew over and hit a mammoth instead. The mammoth turned to me, pretty pissed off at the arrow in its' shoulder.

    At this point, I swore and tried to run around it and shoot it. I peppered down its' health a bit, running, shooting and running again- then I realized that I had forgotten to keep track of the giants. I turned and they were nearly on me.

    So I turned and ran like fuuuuuuuuck

    I remembered one bandit camp I had been to, which had a hut in it. I ran in that general direction, scared out of my wits as I had two giants and a fucking mammoth coming after me.

    So, imagine my horror when I get into the hut- and find a fucking cave bear in there.

    I went nuts and started slashing at it with my dagger. I did maybe a third of its' health in damage, and then was forced to drink half of my healing potions just to stay alive.

    Apparently, at this point, the game decided I wasn't murdered badly enough, because it was at this point that a dragon decided "Hey, you know what would be fun? Let's join in the fight!"

    So, at this point I take off outta the hut and tried to run for the bandit encampment. Turning back to see if I was safe, I was pretty shocked to see one giant dead, the other giant, the mammoth and the cave bear all fighting the dragon!

    I stood there watching for a while. The cave bear died during the fight, but the giant and the mammoth took it down (with a killsteal by yours truly). By the time we had killed it, though, they were on maybe a quarter of their max health.

    I proceeded to pepper the giant with arrows as he made his way towards me. He died, and I was left with a near-dead mammoth to contend with; not nearly so daunting a task as what I had been facing before.

    I killed the mammoth and looted everything. They had surprisingly little in the way of loot, but one of the giants had had a Steel Plate Gauntlet on him which was fairly decent, and in the chest in the giant's campsite I found 180-odd coins and a Circlet of Minor Destruction.

    Feeling on top of the world now, I snuck into a bandit camp. This bandit camp had surprisingly little in it, though; a dog, two bandits, and a bandit chief.

    The bandits and the dog died easily enough to my Sneak Attacks with a bow. The Bandit Chief presented significantly more difficulty.

    I snuck up behind her and Sneak Attacked her with my dagger. Imagine, fucking i-magine my horror when the attack, dealing 15x critical damage, enough to take out half of a Giant's health, took off maybe two fifths of her health.

    I fled outta that cave, but I was determined to get back into the cave and get what was in the chest in there. I snuck back in and Sneak Attacked her again now that she wasn't looking for me. When she stood, I proceeded to burn her to a flaming crisp. I then discovered what I assume was the reason she died so hard; she was wearing a full set of Steel Plated armour!

    She also had on her a Mace of Ice or something, which does 15 points of Ice and Stamina damage, and, lo and behold, an Elven Dagger! It does the same damage as my Steel Dagger does, and it has not yet been upgraded.

    Looting the chest, I found two items of interest; another Amethyst, and a lovely pair of Elven Bracers of Eminent Archery, which increase my Bow Damage by 30%, fuck yeah.

    I hightailed it back to Whiterun and sold all the armour I had accumulated. Going up to Dragonsreach, I Disenchanted the Circlet and the Mace, and proceeded to fully decorate my house.

    All in all, a fruitful day.

  • No rainbow star
    Reminds me when I had killed two mammoths and nearly killed a giant. I hid in a tower. The whiterun guard was in the way of me killing the giant safely, so I got closer

    I died and never wanted to kill a guard more than I did that day
  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    So, anyway .-.

    Lydia and I were exploring some more. We had just finished exploring several caves, and one mountaintop ruin that must have been a scripted encounter because we fought a dragon and then found a Shout (Disarm, Weapon or something).

    We found a cave with some bandits in it. We had faced plenty of these before; we were confident in our ability to take on the bandits. I snuck in, leaving Lydia near the entrance, and proceeded to kill the two bandits near the entrance.

    I made a miscalculation here. Foolishly, I thought that no bandit could offer me a challenge that I couldn't take on if I used Potions a lot. One of the bandits around the corner spotted me, and caleld over two of his friends.

    One of these friends was a Bandit Chief.

    They proceeded to halve my health in a matter of seconds, while I knocked off maybe a tenth of the Chief's health.

    Panicking, i turned and ran for it. My usual method was insufficient, though; the three bandits followed me out of the cave, completely ignoring Lydia.

    I turned and stood my ground. I took out the Bandit who was wielding magic against me, only to die because the Bandit Chief caught up to me.

    I reloaded my game- and bam, it reloaded when I had exited the cave, with the bandits still in hot pursuit!

    There was no way I could take them on my own. I remembered something I had seen earlier; some Mammoths. Panicking again, I ran towards the Mammoths, hoping the Mammoths would deal with the bandits for me.

    The Mammoths did indeed kill off the Bandit wielding a sword.

    Now, imagine my face when the Bandit Chief waltzed up and knocked two-thirds of the Mammoth's health in one hit.

    The Mammoth didn't even know what hit it. The Chief hit it again, killing it. The other Mammoth, beside it, turned and attacked, and did... no appreciable damage. The Chief proceeded to kill the Mammoth.

    I was pretty confident, now- the Chief had turned on the Giant.

    So, imagine my dismay when the Chief proceeded to kill the Giant in three hits. The Giant got one hit in, which did maybe ten percent of his health in damage.

    At this point, I was practically beside myself. This Bandit Chief had just killed two Mammoths and a Giant, when I get slaughtered by a single Giant in close combat. I turned and ran, back to the cave entrance.

    Eventually, I noticed the Chief was no longer following me. Turning back, I found he had somehow got caught in a river and could not escape.

    Breathing a sigh of relief, I peppered him to death with arrows and looted his corpse.

    He was wearing a full set of Steel Plate Armour, a Dwarven Shield and a Dwarven War Axe, among miscellaneous other items, including over a hundred gold.

    tl;dr: Bandit Chiefs are harder to kill than Cave Bears and Dragons.

  • edited 2012-02-04 05:29:06

    You'll stop saying that when random Elder Dragons show up.

    And Ancient Dragons.

    Finish Snapleg Cave at level 10

    Dwarven Armour of the Knight is reward


  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    I have only fought Blood Dragons so far, so.

    Also, i did the sensible thing.

    Now Lydia is running around in full Steel Plate Armour, with a Dwarven Shield and a Dwarven War Axe.

    I wonder how she will fare against Giants now.

    Man, I really need to get a set of Heavy Armour for when i'm forced into melee like that. Level it to 100, although probably only spend 1 or 2 perks on it.

    And I just did a quest where I had to kill a bunch of vampires.

    Now, I really need to find a better dagger.

  • I'm just rockin' and rollin' through dungeons again. Dovahkin is back on top form, baby. Think I might be tough enough to grind up block against giants. Will try.

  • I went out and saw the Mournful Giant today. It really is a sad thing. D;

  • I should go and visit him sometime.

    Killed a bear and barely took a scratch. I feel good. Can't hit what's not there, can you Mr Grizzly? Rawr to you too, motherfucker.

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    I was considering starting the Dark Brotherhood questline, then killing Astrid so I could take the 30x critical gloves and the Blade of Woe. I'm kind of hesitant to kill the owner of an orphanage, though, especially one named Grelod the Kind. I mean, with a name like th

    Contrary to her name, Grelod is cruel towards the children there. She beats them and refuses to allow their adoption. There is a closet in the orphanage with shackles on the walls. One could presume that these shackles are meant for the children's beatings.

    fuck you

    die bitch

  • To think, so many problems can be solved with just one murder...

    Wait, Astrid has the 30x gloves? Didn't recall them when I killed her...

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    According to the Wiki page, yeah.

    Alternatively, it can be obtained without joining the Dark Brotherhood by killing Astrid during the quest "With Friends Like These...".

  • Sweet!

    Now I just need to use sneak sometime!

  • Ahh god I loved that part of Best Friends Play Skyrim.

    "She's making the children recite fascist pledges!...SHE'S GOIN' DOOOOOWN! ARROW'D!"

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    I just need to raise One-Handed, cure my Rockjoint, grab these Shrouded Gloves and this Blade of Woe, and remember to use Muffle more, and I will basically be a sneaky whirlwind of awesome 30x damage. And I will try and craft/find some really good Heavy Armour for Lydia so she can tackle all the melee people.

  • Lured a Frost Troll up to High Hrothgar at let the Greybeards at him.

    So bloody worth it. Now to go and fetch Lydia.

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    Well, I did it.

    Perhaps my cheapest kill yet. I climbed on top of one of the cages so she couldn't reach me and just shot her to death :>

  • Pfffft

    Found Lydia. She was up at High Hrothgar, for some reason.

  • No rainbow star
    Cygan, Lydia will be weaker and weaker as time goes on

    When a follower is first loaded, they become stuck at the same level you are at (and never higher than their maximum)

    You can fix the problem on console by removing her inventory, selecting her when the console is active, type disable, then tyle enable, but even then I think her maximum level is 30

    By the way, J'zargo is the strongest follower by virtue of being able to be found at level 81 if you manage to hold off going to the college for that long
  • a little muffled

    Wait, why only J'zargo? There are other followers at the college.

    Is it just because J'zargo is automatically the best on account of being J'zargo?

  • Most likely, the others actually have a level cap.

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