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  • edited 2012-02-03 01:36:50
    Give us fire! Give us ruin! Give us our glory!

    Winterhold is one of the more expensive places, but even then that's only 50 gold.

    ^They start spawning after your first dragon kill. They become more common as you progress through the main quest.

  • edited 2012-02-03 01:36:40

    Soul Gems will start turning up by the truckload in dungeons. I'd also advise you to be wary of leveling up non-combat skills, as level scaling can (and will, around the twenties) bite you in the ass, hard.

    but i know ro ;-; I have done the high hrothgar thing.

    Hmm. Have you gone back to Riverwood (main quest thing) yet?

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    you keep saying only

    that's a full ninth of my gold though

  • How are you getting gold? Are you against stealing it? Have you joined the Thieves Guild in Riften yet and gained access to a fence?

  • No rainbow star
    Get a horse, Cygan

    Those things can climb sheer cliffs, will battle beside you, and so on

    Also clear out bandit camps. There is one north and a bit west of whiterun with 44 iron ore in it and a spell that lets you turn iron ore into gold ore. If you attack the lanterns in the dungeon, you can kill them even at level 1 (seriously, those lanterns are bloody nasty)
  • Most of my riches came from just looting corpses in the last game, soooo

    Trawl through your items and see if there's something worth selling.

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    Soul Gems will start turning up by the truckload in dungeons. I'd also advise you to be wary of leveling up non-combat skills, as level scaling can (and will, around the twenties) bite you in the ass, hard.

    > non-combat

    > stealth, archery and restoration

    I have like, 80 stealth, 49 Archery and only like, 20 restoration but whatever. My Light Armour is also 39.

    I can kill most things with Lydia's help, or practically anything if I see it before it sees me because haha 15x damage with daggers. Only Giants suck.

    Hell, I think my bow has 14 base damage, but I have a perk which makes my archery damage increase by 60%, and bows do 3x critical damage when sneaking. Also, one more level and I think enemies have a 50% chance of being knocked down when I attack them with bows while zoomed in.

    All I really need is some better gear because I am pretty much running around in my starting gear.

  • Horses that aren't Shadowmere annoy me. 1000 gold a pop and a miss-step or a misplaced spell/attack and they're dead and you're stranded. Plus whenever I try to dismount we both end up as attack meat for a few seconds.

    But that Shadowmere will cut a bitch if you let her. And the only thing killing her are really big falls.

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    How are you getting gold? Are you against stealing it? Have you joined the Thieves Guild in Riften yet and gained access to a fence?

    I am against stealing, yeah, as I'm RP'ing my character to be a fairly decent person >_>

    Also clear out bandit camps. There is one north and a bit west of whiterun with 44 iron ore in it and a spell that lets you turn iron ore into gold ore. If you attack the lanterns in the dungeon, you can kill them even at level 1 (seriously, those lanterns are bloody nasty)

    I think I may go do that if I can find it.

  • edited 2012-02-03 01:43:47

    Good gear will start dropping as your levels get higher. Alternatively, go get Dah, find some Thalmor and shout them off of a cliff. There's a guaranteed Dragon fight about...3 quests after you meet the Greybeards for the first time, and you should be able to locate Dragons in spawnpoints by outdoor word walls (look for a Dragonhead symbol on your compass. They're usually in mountain ranges, and I can think of another in the middle of the tundra on the lower East corner of the map).

    Oh, and loot every body you can. That's where most of your Gold (either directly or by proxy through sold items) will come from.

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    Oh, and loot every body you can. That's where most of your Gold (either directly or by proxy through sold items) will come from.

    I feel guilty whenever I make Lydia hold stuff.

    I do it anyway, but she guilts me for it >_>

  • edited 2012-02-03 01:48:09

    Hmm, if you're going for the decent-person-approach you might be able to help your conscience and your wallet by stealing from Maven Black Briar's house. Just look out if she sends thugs after you.

    And I hate to digress but I'm just gonna say I hate how in Oblivion and especially Skyrim you can't kill absolutely anyone you want anymore. Maven Black Briar is the epitome of all that can be wrong in a town and I hate her and her family (except Ingun, she's actually kinda sweet). I mean back in Morrowind you could kill the damn gods if you fancied and were strong enough. Here you have to just put up with these permanently-essential jackholes like Delphine, Esbern, and Maven.

    ^Again with unpopular opinions here, I can't stand Lydia. It's like okay, we saved your town from a dragon, a little less huffing and puffing and disrespect would be swell, you know?

  • Then hold it yourself. Or do some inventory management so you can. I was carrying around 200 pounds of potions at one point, IIRC. Maybe 150.

    Or just take the gold and jewels and leave the rest. Make sure to crack open the big treasure chests at the ends of dungeons too; they usually contain good stuff.

  • @Legionnaire: Ohhh my god the potions thing is my biggest vice. I dunno what it is about the bottles, I just can't resist picking them up and I'll end up with way more than I'll ever use or need and there's not enough gold in the game to take them off my hands.

  • I just pick them up and store them later. I never use anything outside of restoration potions anyway. Same with scrolls; I had so flipping many that I never used that it wasn't even funny.

  • Like if the bottles are unique I can't bear to part with them. So a lot of the heavy hitter poisons stay. My biggest prize are two bottles of Sleeping Tree Sap that are in these huge-ass purple bottles. I got them from a drug dealer's corpse so I assume they're related to the Hist.

  • Oh yeah, poisons exist in this game.

    I never used them. Heavy Armour + Shield + Sword = relentless killing machine that doesn't need anything else, ever.

  • edited 2012-02-03 01:57:59
    OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!

    ^^No, they're unrelated to the Hist, and infinitely renewable. You get them from one specific tree, called the Sleeping Tree, at a campsite somewhere west of Whiterun. I think it yields a bottle once a day or week or something.

  • Really? Ohhh okay. I'd never seen them before and considering where I found them I was like ":O! ILLEGAL!"

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    Well, it's apparently a mild hallucinogen (it tints everything purple), so it might be.
  • Better than that mage apprentice who turns you green.

  • And then into a cow.

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    Again with unpopular opinions here, I can't stand Lydia. It's like okay, we saved your town from a dragon, a little less huffing and puffing and disrespect would be swell, you know?

    I kinda feel bad for her, because I've kinda picked her up out of her life (after not even contributing much to the dragon kill, really), and I'm dragging her all around the countryside away from everything she's ever known and I'm not even doing anything for her.

  • It's her job. She's a Housecarl; this is pretty much what she lives for.

    That said, if you rock on up to Solitude and become the Thane of that Hold, you'll get a Housecarl that's one hundred percent dedicated to what she does (take the "I am sworn to carry your burderns" line; Lydia sounds sarcastic and resigned, whereas the Solitude chick (name escapes me) if completely sincere in it).

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    It's her job. She's a Housecarl; this is pretty much what she lives for.

    I'm fairly sure she never anticipated anything approaching the lines of what the Dohvakiin drags her into.

    Answer me one question: Is there anything you can do to make Lydia leave you besides tell her to go away?

  • Well you can kill her. So long as you don't Soul Trap her, she won't be with you anymore.

    Other than pedantic things that you should hit me for saying, I don't believe so.

  • edited 2012-02-03 03:00:41
    Till shade is gone, till water is gone, into the Shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath, to spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the last Day.
    Lydia just vanished once when I turned my back and I never saw her again. It was like that episode of Star Trek when people started disappearing off of the Enterprise, and Doctor Crusher was the only one who could even remember that they ever existed.
  • I treat my followers pretty well, I like to think. Well really, the only ones I have are the occasional dog (which I'll ask to wait behind if I'm going somewhere dangerous and then pick him up once I'm done) or Cicero, which I gave an almost full set of Legendary smithed Daedric Armor to and some enchanted jewelery and a sword made special for him, with names related to Sithis and the Night Mother. XD

    And when he mentioned he was hungry for a sweetroll or a carrot, I actually gave him some. XD I'm like "Cicero y u no eating? D:" XDDDDDDD

  • I use Lydia to make the early game softer and then send her on her merry way to go and join the Blades. Then I never use companions again!

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    Other than pedantic things that you should hit me for saying, I don't believe so.

    Then consider what you can end up doing to her. I mean, what with the Thieve's Guild, the Dark brotherhood, all that jazz...

    Anyway, I was just playing. I saw some marker on my compass and it turns out that it led me to some mammoths, and thus two giants. So I'm all AHHHHH RUN AWAY... and then a fucking dragon turns up, as I have two giants and three motherfucking mammoths on my tail. I was just about to give up and reload, when all of a sudden... BAM, the giants turn and start attacking the dragon!

    So Lydia and I back off and pelt it with arrows until it flies away. The mammoths and the giants lose interest and go away, Lydia and I follow it and kill it, and bam I find a Dragon Scale and a Dragon Bone.

    Then we were right next to a bandit encampment, so we went in and killed all the bandits, took all their stuffs and ran back to Whiterun and sold it. Then we ran back to the bandit place and actually went in. I told Lydia to wait in a room near the start, then ran through and started killing everything.

    Then, one of the bandits I snuck up on and slit the throat of turned out to be Lydia :(

    So I quit so Lydia wasn't dead.

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