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  • edited 2012-01-26 10:26:19
    No rainbow star
    ^ Considering how readily bandits are to die to you, getting the money isn't exactly hard

    Edit: So, the priest character I have planned. Suggestions? I'll be limiting him to robes (white or brown if I can get them) along with restoration and alteration magic and an unsmithed, unenchanted dagger to defend himself with in utter emergencies. Any other recommendations?

  • Tigh is a lot less of a dick come mid-Season 3 when he finally gets his shit together.

    Mirrors Tullius, actually. Both mellow out a fair bit as time goes on.

    Sure, though I'd say that Tullius was milder to start with, too.

  • No rainbow star
    ^ ...So is that implying that if I somehow manage to get the Elder Scrolls on a single Floppy, it will transport me to Skyrim, but with it turned into a kids cartoon?
  • So uhm. I'm level 81 and a half now.

  • Did you get there naturally or did you just use the Oghma Infinitum glitch (like me :D)?

  • Oghma Infinium yes. I had to or I was going to make a widow out of Lisztening. XD

    And even doing that didn't help terribly much since I spent all that time perfecting a formula for being able to smith-buff anything as much as one wants only to find out it didn't work. :<

    At least I got my Nightingale Armor up to Legendary.

  • No rainbow star


    Mecurio glitched and spoke to me with Lydia's voice. God that was bloody hilarious! I wish I had Frap'd that!

  • I miss my Daedric equipment =/

    Bloody OS restore failure.

  • I made an almost full set for Cicero~. Except the boots so he's still muffled.

    Cicero just fills me with joy.

  • I never seem to run into the cool stuff in this game. I haven't even had a Dragon attack me in a closed city =/

  • No rainbow star

    ^ Had that happen to me

    The guards had it almost dead before I could get anywhere near it. All I did was kill steal =/


    Gah, I can't wait for the CK to come out. I want to outfit Skyhaven with a smithing room D:

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    Well, it took me six days real-time, but I finally made it to High Hrothgar. Now I have cheesed my way to 70 Sneak and I do 15x damage with daggers while sneaking.

  • No rainbow star
    Bleh. I read the post count for IJBMer Updates as gold

  • Gah, I can't wait for the CK to come out. I want to outfit Skyhaven with a smithing room D:

    What is the CK and when is it coming out?

  • No rainbow star
    ^ Creation Kit. It's the tools Bethesda used to make Skyrim

    And it was supposed to come out no later than January 31st
  • a little muffled

    @Legionnaire: It's pretty rare, I've only ever had it happen when the dragon followed me into the city. (Including the time when I accidentally hit a guard with a fireball while fighting it outside and then the guard arrested me and took me into the city. Then we went back to killing the dragon.)

  • edited 2012-02-02 12:13:09

    I went through an incredibly long stretch without random dragon attacks on this character. Where my first had a dragon pop out of her ass nearly every time she fast traveled, my current character went to level 36 having only seen the Whiterun tower dragon, and one random encounter out in the woods. Since then he's had better luck, with I believe 3 random attacks and one scripted fight.

    I would like to see a dragon hit me while I'm in the city as well, but as fast as even the Elder dragons die with just me, my follower, and maybe a couple of guards, I can't imagine them doing much damage in a city full of NPCs.

  • No rainbow star
    ^ Actually they can do quite a bit of damage as the NPCs (and you) have to go around buildings to get in range. So if it's the swoop-and-fry/freeze style dragon, it can be hard to get a hit in
  • At least, after a while, I stopped encountering glitched Dragons that just kept flying around and roaring.

    If it wasn't for that glitch I could have fought two Dragons at once >:/

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!

    ^Couldn't you do that by just spawning one in with the console while fighting another?

  • I try not to use the console unless it's to fix a bug/play around without seriousness.

    Fighting two dragons is serious business.

    Speaking of Dragons, I should pull out Odaahving next time I encounter a Dragon and see who wins.

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!

    I'm backing the one with the essential tag :P

  • It'll be awesome though. Odaahving vs Ancient Dragon. Place your bets as to how long it'll take.

  • Give us fire! Give us ruin! Give us our glory!

    IJBM: There is no mod to replace Dragon armor with a set of boxart armor with the same stats.

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!

    That made me picture a PC wearing the box as armor.

  • Give us fire! Give us ruin! Give us our glory!

    IJBM: There isn't box armor.

  • No rainbow star
    Ok, I played through the whole Stormcloak side of the civil war quest. Other than the grey quarter, Ulfric doesn't seem all that racist. He actually seems to be one of the few sane Stormcloaks

    I'm confused
  • a little muffled

    Read "The Bear of Markarth".

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