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  • edited 2012-01-22 11:29:01
    probably human

    -Tasked with killing an Ice Wraith in Gerdur's house-

    -Ralof is in the house, and even helps me kill it-

    ...Why did I need to come to Riverwood, again?

    -Some random guy named Warbear or something says that I'm a good friend and hands me a book-

    Er, thanks, but what did I do to deserve this?

  • No rainbow star
    ^ NPCs will give you random gifts if you're friends

    Apparently Lydia will pick up whatever is laying around and hand it over to you
  • edited 2012-01-22 13:35:05
    probably human


    I don't remember even meeting the guy, though. 

    It's a mystery. 

  • a little muffled

    He's the Whiterun blacksmith's husband, I think.

  • Has friends besides tanks now

    And at 5 MB, my file is starting to lag (PS3).

    Well, there's my excuse to get a new game.

  • probably human

    Can anyone else not see the logo as anything but a plumbob?

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    I bought Skyrim today :v

  • No rainbow star
    ^ And so ends PTA as our game master is lost to the game forever
  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    Nah, I get bored of it after a while, always do. Even got bored of Dragon Age, and that's my favourite game ever.

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!

    Dammit, Unskippable made me unable to hear that title without thinking "All right! Time for some serious Dragonage!"

  • It's really tough playing the opening again. I just stopped in the middle of Shroud Heath Burrow because I was like "I don't wanna do this D:".

    I'm hoping joining the Legion and doing their quest will alleviate that. Especially since I was killing the Stormcloaks in one hit when I started it last. The Battle for Whiterun will be substantially more difficult without Level 3 Stormcall.

  • I still can't believe that Kagami Hiiragi and Vex from the Thieves Guild share voice actresses.

    Perhaps even more surprising was that Solfege from Eternal Sonata and Astrid of the Dark Brotherhood also share VA's.

  • I had a minor happy when I learned Erandur shared the same voice as Joshua Graham from New Vegas.

    His voice is like sex.

  • There's one guy in the execution scene near the beginning who I could swear sounds like the one-eyed second-in-command guy from Battlestar Galactica.

  • edited 2012-01-24 14:20:17
    a little muffled

    Perhaps surprisingly, you'd be correct on that. The "one guy" in question is actually General Tullius, the leader of the Imperial Legion in Skyrim. I haven't seen BSG, but I'm told they're basically the same character too.

  • Oh, that's awesome.

  • probably human

    So, I killed a robot. Of course, I did so by hiding behind a pillar, waiting for it to do the ice breath thing, hit it twice, go into cover, repeat as necessary. 

    Sadly, it killed Uthgerd, but because I'm certainly not going to carry ten-thousand books around, I revived her using the console.

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    Well, I killed my first dragon today. Lydia is also following me.

    It's much harder to train Sneak in this game than it is to train it in Oblivion.

  • Check with the Jarl's wizard, he should have a spell called "Muffle" which I've found makes things a lot easier for my Heavy Armor character to sneak.


  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    It's fairly easy to Sneak, especially since I took a perk twice that made it 20% harder to detect me while Sneaking each time, and I wear Light Armour anyway.

    The problem is that people are everywhere, and someone can always see me. I sneak around the city all the time, but I rarely get any skill increase because of this.

  • Give us fire! Give us ruin! Give us our glory!

    ^There's a way to cheese level Sneak.

    Do the main quest until after you meet the Greybeards. Then go back to High Hrothgar and find one that's meditating. Sneak behind him and punch him in the back of the head. Then wait a second until you are hidden again and repeat . The Greybeards won't attack you this way (do NOT attack them directly though), and they're all immortal anyway.

    Bam, easy way to 100 Sneak.

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    I will soooo do that

  • Okay I see what you were saying. I think I got most of my sneak skill ups from successfully sneak attacking enemies, but Neo's method is pretty neat.

  • No rainbow star
    Isn't there also a blind guy up in a bandit camp near Whiterun?
  • Things Elbeem loves: Casting Fury on Elk so that they chase after me, or try to murder other elk.

  • The "one guy" in question is actually General Tullius, the leader of the Imperial Legion in Skyrim. I haven't seen BSG, but I'm told they're basically the same character too.

    Tullius is quite a bit less of a dick than Tigh.

    Also, that stuff the Centurions blast you with is steam, not ice. That's why you're all out of luck if you try to beat it with frost resistance potions. I think fire resistance helps, though.

  • Tigh is a lot less of a dick come mid-Season 3 when he finally gets his shit together.

    Mirrors Tullius, actually. Both mellow out a fair bit as time goes on.

  • Champion of the Whales

    I have a question, are the NPC's still as flat as the Netherlands?

  • edited 2012-01-26 09:00:02

    Ok, call me slow but I just realized that you can get archery training from Faendal completely free of charge (without picpocket), if you help him out with the letter to Camilla subquest. :x

    Since I had him following me to carry stuff, after I leveled I decided to train up some archery. Then the next time I needed to trade stuff to him, I found all my gold sitting there in his inventory, and he seemed to have no problem with me taking it back.

  • Give us fire! Give us ruin! Give us our glory!

    ^That's another way you can cheese level skills. By having a companion that's also a trainer. The caveat is that you have to have enough gold to pay for the training in the first place.


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