If you have an email ending in @hotmail.com, @live.com or @outlook.com (or any other Microsoft-related domain), please consider changing it to another email provider; Microsoft decided to instantly block the server's IP, so emails can't be sent to these addresses.
If you use an @yahoo.com email or any related Yahoo services, they have blocked us also due to "user complaints"
I could have sworn it was sneak... Must have been more tired than I thought
Either way, she's a good character to do the quest for if you're a thief
Also, I just learned that even if you're overencumbered, you can fast travel provided that you're on a horse
One quest brings you from Riften all the way to Markarth
Don't forget that the game has fast travel, so if you do end up REALLY far away, then you can just go, "Fuck this" and fast travel
being differentpoints in archery.(I've never actually used Illusion myself, but my brother is a fan of it and I've watched him play some.)
Should I save that file? I was initially only going to kill guards (I also killed the one who gives you the lexicon... But she was creepy as fuck. Not reacting to my werewolf form at all, and even talking to me while I was in it
I got great loot after killing a dragon, then challenged Hofgrig Horse-Crusher to a brawl. I back up so I don't hit anybody else, then strike him...
...Netting a 40 gold bounty! I had to pay off the guards due to the stolen goods I have on me, and the fucker won't accept my rematch despite me easily having enough cash!
Oh, somebody is getting murdered >
EDIT: ...My gold glitched...
It says I have all my gold, but it isn't in my inventory...
...And I got great loot from that dragon as well...
EDIT: The money shows up when I access a container, but otherwise nothing
10000 gold I can never access
I can't access ANY gold ever again due to this glitch
You know how much that pisses me off?
Who else predicted that Mercer would be the bad guy?
And I was super stoked for the sexy ass Nocturnal armor. Like holy piss I was so happy. She's my favorite Daedra period.
And I don't wanna give up the Skeleton Keyyyyyyyyy. :< It's so cool beans.
I haven't done Thieves Guild myself.
*remembers the painful cross-country journey that involved me running for dear life from a dragon and making my horse jump so spazzily that we ended up tumbling to the shrine from the mountain above it with an ankle/body-breaking fall*
That sounds fun, though. Reminds me of that one video that I don't care to find right now because I should be working on homework.