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Would you be okay with being the pet of a member of a species with superior intelligence?



  • No rainbow star
    Ok, it was derailed for a while. Still
  • Also, Just a kind of point here.

    "We should be conquering galaxies and taking control of other species. We should be the ones on top, not other species. " ~ Chagen.

    Chagen, why you evil dude?
  • Nothing much, besides being a human.

    Why would a human not support their own species?
  • edited 2011-07-13 00:03:28
    Why would an Aryan not consider people of other races as inferior?
  • edited 2011-07-13 00:03:42
    No rainbow star
    Dammit ninja'd
  • Chagen, supporting human advancement doesn't equate to advocating for humans to be evil.

    They are not the same things.

    Does not equal sign =/=
  • In response to the original topic: Those aliens would have to be easily amused if they could find enjoyment in me writing code and reading Reddit all day. Such an arrangement would also be at least somewhat degrading to me, due to a reduced amount of perceived freedom.
  • @Resdef: Being human is more than those 2 activities. and considering the payoff in other areas (Advanced medical care, etc, etc) A little loss of perceived freedom isn't worth it for you?
  • ^^ Considering how much humans get amusement from the pets we do have, that doesn't sound very implausible.
  • "I've come to the conclusion that this is a VERY STUPID IDEA."
    I love how we're making so much debating over a far-fetched hypothetical scenario.
  • One foot in front of the other, every day.
    Besides, what's the physical nature of these aliens?

    Do I get to play pet to a green-skinned space babe?
  • Glaives are better.
    ^ What she said! 

    (Pleaseletthembeasari pleaseletthembeasari pleaseletthembeasari)

  • ^^ The aliens themselves probably won't look like that, but if you want it, the aliens could probably provide that.

    You get Scratching posts for a cat so it won't rip up the couch after all XD

    ^ You're arguably the biggest "Case in point"
  • Glaives are better.
    I will win their affection for the human race the only way I can: by vigorously fucking them.
  • @Counterclock: Well, I guess the freedom thing isn't too much of a deal breaker now that I think about it...

    @Hatter: No, they are going to look like the things from Avatar. :P
  • One foot in front of the other, every day.
    So, freedom vs. free food, accomodation, medicine and a guaranteed steady sex life.

  • I'm not even going to say the "it's not really freedom" thing anymore, I've worn my metaphorical voice out into hoarseness.

    It aggravates me. I know why I oppose this, but I cannot find the correct way to put it into words. My position would make far more sense if I could word it somehow.
  • @Hatter: We've had several analogies to dogs in this thread, so don't take this the wrong way when I say you'd be comparable to a dog humping someones leg -_-,
  • edited 2011-07-13 00:37:49
    Glaives are better.

    I don't think we've established what exact limits there will be on our freedoms. It's one thing if it's like, "You can't leave the paradisaic world we've created for you unless your master wants to take you on a trip." That's fine by me. It's quite another if they say that we can't think for ourselves or make our own decisions anymore.

    EDIT: No dog can seduce the way I can.  

  • No rainbow star
    ^ Yeah. Dogs have more tact :P
  • You know, for some reason I've been going at this under the assumption that the aliens are considerably larger than us, physically speaking, and the larger they are compared to us, the less demeaning I'd consider becoming their pet is, for no logical reason.
  • No rainbow star
    ...Heh. Being owned by aliens the size of mice to us...
  • edited 2011-07-13 00:50:40
    Though, considering the level of technology they probably have, and what they could do with a "press of a button"

    Size probably wouldn't make much difference >_>

    Heck, they might even take larger forms just to be more accommodating to us.
  • No rainbow star
    ...Humanoids... That may look hot... That may also be massive compared to us...

    ...My opinion is rapidly going from depending on the circumstances to who the fuck cares I say yes
  • About that "what if these "aliens" were humans from the future" thing, I wonder what it would be like if my descendant had me as a pet...
  • edited 2011-07-13 01:09:06
    ^^ Well, if you actually look at the technological boundaries we're pressing against, and then you realize for this hypothetical to be fully explored, the level of technology that the aliens have to own, >_>, Thats' part of the reason why I find it hard to deny.

    Future People are weird, and Gene-lines will probably be diluted.
  • No rainbow star
    Wait, what if they discover immortality in our life times, and our future selves come from the future and take us as pets?

    ...Dear lord the perverted things future me would do to me D:
  • -_-, Come on, Future versions is just a little too speculatively weird, why would you even want to interact with the past, especially when you have clones, etc.

  • edited 2011-07-13 01:14:59
    I don't want my future self as an owner. Or close to me for that matter.

    ^ Clones aren't absolute copies, IIRC they only make a new body.

    So, freedom vs. free food, accomodation, medicine and a guaranteed steady sex life.


    I'm not sure what you're trying to suggest, that you're for freedom or the latter and William was being stupid.
  • edited 2011-07-13 01:16:00
    And memories are physical data as well, probably not gonna be hard to (Copy/Store/ implant, etc.)

    Just store a version of yourself when you were 20 onto a clone and there you go, No time travel necessary.
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