If you have an email ending in @hotmail.com, @live.com or @outlook.com (or any other Microsoft-related domain), please consider changing it to another email provider; Microsoft decided to instantly block the server's IP, so emails can't be sent to these addresses.
If you use an @yahoo.com email or any related Yahoo services, they have blocked us also due to "user complaints"
The Drama Chronicles Thread
Prelude: The "loli derail squad" (DYRE and evilneko) joins "The legal age discussions in OTC" thread (about OTC’s age of consent laws for drinking alcohol and having sex), starting a casual talk about lolis.
The "lolis Not Suitable For Anything Ever (NSFAE)"
wonderful posts thread is created, in which the loli derail squad posts
loli images while other posters playfully criticize said pictures. This
goes for a few pages as the pictures become creepier and creepier, as
some concerned users point out. glennmagusharvey eventually locks the thread, mentioning users' protests while at it.
Bob creates "Lolis / Lolicon (for real this time) (very NSFW)".
At first there's a half-serious half-jokey conversation with questions
and answers about the appeal of lolis, mingled with risqué jokes. By the
second page the thread had turned completely non-serious and
conversations about lolis continued (without pictures) well into page 4,
until JG_Punk and Nyarly take snipes at each other respectively over the use of, and complaining about the use of, the QUALITY cabbage meme (unrelated to lolis). The thread is locked by glennmagusharvey, commenting that the thread wasn't heading in a right direction in the first place.
Pandemonium: "That we can't have a topic discussing pedoph... lolicon without it getting locked (NSFW)" is created, this time the thread starts off with serious complaints about loli derails.
Shortly after this, "The ponibooru servers"
is created. Tension builds between pony and loli fans, as there's a
(now mostly thumped) discussion about disliking My Little Pony,
disliking lolis, and threadshitting.
"Thread about something fandom specific"
is created, complaining about the fate of the ponibooru servers thread
and threadshitting in general. Derails and related rules are commented
upon. At this point, the "Tension between IJBMers"
is created, citing the previous events plus a few other unrelated ones,
and for a while serves its purpose as a Wonderful Posts thread. "My Little Pony" is created as well, for (unrelated to these events) complaints about the show.
"Thread about something fandom specific"
derails into a discussion about loli derails, then into a discussion
about what constitutes a loli (with pictures), then into a discussion
about the thread having been derailed, to which various users express
their disdain. INUH locks the thread.
At around the same time, "Tension between IJBMers" derails (from
wonderposting) into being about adding mods, then derails in general,
loli derails specifically, and the forum's moderation, until finally
delving into wonderposting again.
evilneko then posts loli images in the "That we can't have a topic discussing pedoph... lolicon without it getting locked (NSFW)" thread, to which Vorpy objects, and a heated discussion sprouts between the two of them, to which INUH intervenes.
This is followed by complaining about lolis, then threadshitting (as
the thread had been declared to be about lolis, thus making the
complaints threadshitting). The thread is de-declared to be about lolis,
there's a short-lived converstaion about what should be done about
loli-related posts through the whole forum, followed by shitposts (with
pictures) about Chargeman Ken, explosions, Polandball, guro, Touhou,
yaoi and eventually back to lolis, triggering
a short counter-derail about gay porn as well as another discussion
about loli derails and complaints about loli picspam, now even more
heated with lots of insults and accusations flying around, which
continue for two more pages. While a civil discussion about the appeal
of lolicon does start, the thread is eventually locked by Cygan.
Postlude: Cygan creates "Lolicon (NSFW due to inherent nature of discussion; no NSFW or explicit material posted here.) DLDR"
(DLDR stands for "Don't Like, Don't Read"), to concentrate all the loli
talk into one thread, and disallowing derails about lolicon pictures
and its merits. No further criticisms or pictures are posted in that
thread or elsewhere. Though short-lived and eventually derailed into
guro, the thread held a civil discussion about lolicon and if it has a
relation with pedophilia.
Oh my god Night of the Shitpost was so much fun.
Comparing penises in the shower. This was actually a copy/paste of an Escapist thread, not a legitimate question.
> something specific
I need to check out more insane threads.
Context: On July 30, Myrmidon creates "The This Troper page got locked and deleted", about how the TV Tropes article on This Troper (a series that mocks TVT and tropers). The conversation turns to the Something Awful thread about criticizing TV Tropes (which at the time was covering the same event) in which Chagen had been specially mocked. Soon enough the IJBM and SA threads began cross-posting to each other.
Conflict: Chagen calls out the "traitors communicating with the enemy"
and is immediately told to stop by various users, to which Chagen
complains about SA's mockery on him. Right afterwards, the thread is locked by INUH.
Shortly after, Everest creates "I want to join Something Awful now"
and includes a disclaimer about not importing drama and another that
allows for cross-posting with SA, provided it's civil. Chagen
immediately posts about how the thread is making him snap, and follows
the discussion by making replies about how SA is not worth it, a troll
site, etc. He is once again told to stop.
Around this time Chagen creates a thread lashing about everybody except
him being allowed to be angry at things. The thread doesn't last long
before being deleted.
Chagen then posts in IJBMer Updates about leaving the forum for a few days, and a short lived discussion about this follows between him and GLORIOUSLeader (now mostly thumped).
Back at "I want to join Something Awful now", Chagen apologizes for the drama. Some time after that (on August 1), he's banned for a month (this being his second offense).
Consequently: Discussion about SA continues on "I want to join Something Awful now" continues, turns into cross-posting about Chagen and IJBM's rules, in turn prompting a discussion about making a ban system, which is then added to the rules thread. The thread then continued its merry way with very active, mostly unrelated discussions.
Preamble: A referral bounce had been installed on TV Tropes causing all links clicked from and to Something Awful to redirect back (unless copy/pasted). On October 22th a thread is made on TV Tropes about this, which is then deleted. This is brought up by AnneBeeche on TV Trope's "Post Your Random Thoughts", a discussion about TV Tropes' policies gets started (now mostly self-thumped). AnneBeeche is then banned from TV Tropes indefinitely
(she's unable to browse the site at all).
Playout: On IJBM AnneBeeche creates "Hey, everybody! I've been banned!
SA's involvement in creating Let's Plays on TVT's page on it, there's
cheering on Cygan for reverting it as vandalism, and more criticism
towards Fast Eddie for re-reverting and locking it.
is edit-banned. Posts are made commenting on it only being an edit ban,
suggesting appealing it and volunteering for support when the appeal is
done, perhaps getting banned for it.
Posteriorly: GlennMagusHarvey adds a note on the rule thread about importing and exporting drama.
On the activity page, AnneBeeche's ban gets talked about, and a small discussion gets made about how the rules should view talking about TV Tropes.
vandro creates "Some people's whiny attitudes", about the attitudes surrounding criticism towards TV Tropes.
everybody! I've been banned!
Oh god, that thread. I still wonder whether I will be able to ever take her seriously again.
I love how this just shows up in the midst of this with absolutely no relevance whatsoever.
Oh by the way, can I get added to that legendary PM conversation? I was curious even back then but between my own laziness and my being a mod and not wanting to cause a chilling effect on the conversation, I didn't mention it back then.
actually, it
'swas a bug of the conversation plugin. I can decrement the inbox counters manually though so that it shows the correct number of new messages though for anyone still affected by that, just let me know how many nonexistent messages you have> implying IJBM doesn't derail threads as if it was second nature
But seriously, PM me with the # of messages I need to adjust for a correct inbox count and I'll fix it. *goes to note this in the suggestions thread*