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ITT: IJBM designs a Pokèmon game!



  • No rainbow star
    Project It Just Bugs Pokemon (IJBP)?
  • One foot in front of the other, every day.

    Bug Pokemon Bug Me. 

  • No rainbow star
    Project/Pokemon Just Bugs Me (PJBM)?
  • I would like to help out with this if I could, but I realize that I do not really have any programming or art talent, so the best I could probably do is comment on other people's thoughts and come up with some Pokemon ideas. If people would rather just have the main contributors coming up with Pokemon, then that is okay too.

  • I'm a damn twisted person
    How good are you with puns?
  • So, what do we do if we can't draw? And by we, I mean me.

    I could try my best to describe them.

  • "I will grant you two wishes; one for each testicle."

    Maybe after I get my metagame swing back (haven't played comp in a while) I could help with balance?

  • I'm noticing most of my ideas are Bug types. :|

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    Also, when thinking about the entropy stuff, and even the assimilation stuff, I noticed a sort of relation that this thing might have to Dialga and Palkia; they're gods (or at least demigods) of time and space, respectively, whereas this thing could be taken as a similarly unfettered incarnation of a less neutral concept that draws on both their powers. Essentially, one of many possible, less neutral relations to the two.

    Wouldn't the Pokemon be more like Giratina in that? Representing a wild force or something.

    That's what I was thinking, yeah. Rather than outright killing everything, it causes problems because human society can't support all the extra pokemon that were previously just fine where they were.

    That's a really good idea, although I'm not sure how that would affect the physical environment, which is another important bit of this.

    Other than that, hold on and I'll go write down what my ideas are so far.

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    So, my ideas for Pokemon so far.

    First off, a Dragon Pokemon that lives on the top of a mountainous region. The concept is based off of a Wyvern- a dragon with only four limbs, two legs and two limbs.

    I haven't got a name for it yet, because I sort of suck at coming up with Pokemon names, but it's a three-evolution family.

    You start off with a really clumsy-looking dragon, with a big head, big feet and small wings. The dragon's colour scheme is mostly black and green at this point, with some red on the head and torso.

    When it evolves, it looks a bit more natural, and has grown a stumpy tail. The feet and head are more in proportion, although the wings are still undersized. The main colour scheme is still black, but mixed with equal amounts of red and green over its body.

    The third evolution is a proper wyvern- with a tail used to balance itself in flight, a crest on its head, and a proper-sized head, wings, and feet. The main colour scheme is black and red, but with enough green over it that it's still noticeable.




    The second evolution chain I have thought up is a two-part evolution chain. The concept is, essentially, an Ice-type bird who can hunt the Dragons.

    The first evolution is a sleek bird. The main colour scheme is white, light blue and grey- colours that camouflage into a snowy mountainous region. It is slim and powerful- represented in stats, it has a high Speed and a high Attack, but low defences, although average HP.

    The second evolution is a much bulkier bird. It looks like something that could actually stand a chance against the Wyverns. The main colour scheme here is more white and grey than light-blue, but still enough light-blue to help it blend into the sky. In stats, it would not have grown at all in Speed, but it would have grown in Attack, Defence, and Special Defence, without gaining significantly in HP or Special Attack.




    The third Pokemon is a single Pokemon. It is a Snake pokemon, based off of the extremely venemous snakes of Australia.

    Basically, the Pokemon is long, and coloured vivid purple and black. It has a lot of Special Attack and poison-type moves, and its ability is something like "Increases the chance of successfully poisoning an opponent".

  • LaiLai
    edited 2012-10-17 22:53:43

    So far, I have a Pistol Shrimp Pokemon, which is a Water/Fire type. It has a relatively long reddish body with a curve to it, with one normal claw and one giant claw used to fire those heated sonic blasts. The antennae on its head are used as radar of sorts to target its foe, because of this, it never fires any more shots than it needs to. I see the Shiny variation being more of a greenish color.

    I have no name for it so far, but I am imagining it to have high Sp.Attack and mediocre Attack with moves like Scald, Lock-On, Supersonic and Uproar.

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    I have a few ideas. The only one I'm certain about now is a rock/poison type based on cone snails.
  • edited 2012-10-17 20:29:39
    yea i make potions if ya know what i mean

    It is a Snake pokemon, based off of the extremely venemous snakes of Australia. Basically, the Pokemon is long, and coloured vivid purple and black.

    So it's Arbok? Not trying to be a dick here, but "purple snake with a lot of poison moves" just kind of really sounds like Arbok. My advice would be to either recolor it, make it a different type, or both. But that's just a suggestion. After all I haven't actually seen the thing yet, so I might be getting the wrong impression.

    Anyway, my own two Pokeymanz ideas are as follows:

    The Smokitten Family: Three-Pokemon evolution tree based off of assorted big cats. The line starts small, with Smokitten (the only one with a name so far) somewhat resembling a very small lion's cub but with smokey gray stripes on reddish-orange fur, this particular entry is solely Fire type. It should evolve somewhere before level 20, probably 16 or so. The next evolution is somewhat larger, rather resembling a larger serval cat but with the same grey-stripes-on-red-fur coloration as Smokitten. Here, it picks up the Dark Subtype and starts learning some Dark attacks (I know Bite should be in here somewhere, definitely). I considered calling this one Figer, but frankly, that's stupid, and it doesn't resemble a tiger very much anyway. The next and last evolution, which would probably happen around level 33 or so, very much resembles a dark red tiger, with large, grayish fangs. This one knows almost exclusively Fire and Dark attacks with a handful of appropriate normal attacks thrown in (eg. Slash). Considering calling this one Conflaguar, even though it doesn't really look like a Jaguar. But again that's a bit of a mouthful, so I'm not sure if I'm going to go with that or not. 

    The whole family should have rather high Attack and Speed stats, but comparatively low defenses.

    The other idea is much less developed. Simply a two-stage family of Dark/Steel coyotes. I need to think about this one more. 

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    It's meant to be a cross between the Red Belly Black Snake (Only with vivid purple instead of red, as red feels... I dunno, dangerous) and the Inland Taipan, which is one of the most venomous snakes in the world.

  • Has friends besides tanks now

    Wouldn't the Pokemon be more like Giratina in that? Representing a wild force or something.

    Dunno how I forgot about Giratina. :V But yeah, that sounds right.

    although I'm not sure how that would affect the physical environment, which is another important bit of this.

    I'm envisioning a purple sky, blackened ground, murky water, and so on. Nothing has been messed up to the point where the strongest pokemon couldn't even survive, but there's too little in the way of nutrition to support most pokemon, because the nutritious value of the water and plant life is being sapped as a result of something spreading through the ground, not to mention perhaps a smog cloud that's obscuring everything, which would obviously make predation much more difficult for some pokemon. Something like that.

    I'm going to hold off on presenting my ideas for now, because I'm already mulling over eight ideas, and only one of them is remotely fleshed out at this point. I think it's a pretty good idea, though, given every aspect of it that's apparently falling into place.

  • edited 2012-10-17 20:35:16
    yea i make potions if ya know what i mean

    It's meant to be a cross between the Red Belly Black Snake (Only with vivid purple instead of red, as red feels... I dunno, dangerous) and the Inland Taipan, which is one of the most venomous snakes in the world.

    I see.

    I understand, I'm just saying if you make it purple everyone's just gonna go "ARBOK RIPOFF BALRJARALRSJOSDFJSOAFIAP". Maybe...orange? I know that's usually associated with fire though.

    Maybe Green and make it a dualtype Grass/Poison? 

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    I'm envisioning a purple sky, blackened ground, murky water, and so on. Nothing has been messed up to the point where the strongest pokemon couldn't even survive, but there's too little in the way of nutrition to support most pokemon, because the nutritious value of the water and plant life is being sapped as a result of something spreading through the ground, not to mention perhaps a smog cloud that's obscuring everything, which would obviously make predation much more difficult for some pokemon. Something like that.

    Okay, that sounds cool.

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    I see.

    I understand, I'm just saying if you make it purple everyone's just gonna go "ARBOK RIPOFF BALRJARALRSJOSDFJSOAFIAP". Maybe...orange? I know that's usually associated with fire though.

    Maybe Green and make it a dualtype Grass/Poison? 

    I could always just go completely black, but that has the same problems.

    Perhaps black and dark blue?

  • yea i make potions if ya know what i mean

    Black and Dark Blue would be pretty cool.

    People might think it's a water type, tho'. Although a Poison/Water dualtype might be coolish. There's only one of those afaik. 

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    Well, it is not like we have any lack of underwater venemous snakes, that could work.

  • yea i make potions if ya know what i mean

    Also I just thought of a name for the middle evolution of my Pokeyman up there. Tierboscald (Tierboskat is apparently the Afrikaans name for a serval). Unfortunately I think it's probably too clever for its own good.

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    So, once we're all done submitting, will we just each upvote or downvote everybody else's, or what?
  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    I think we could probably just go through and state which ones we don't particularly like, and see how many we end up with.

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    That would work too.
  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    > a Pistol Shrimp Pokemon, which may be either a Water/Fire type or a Water/Bug type

    You know you have to go water/fire. I mean, that's one of very few concepts which would warrant that combo.
  • Water/Fire it is then. :V

  • Give us fire! Give us ruin! Give us our glory!

    Here's some of mine, subject to change and additions:

    First, is based off of Australian Funnel Web Spiders. It is a Bug/Poison type with a glossy, dark-blue carapace, large, almost snake-like, fangs and 4 red eyes. It's sprite always has it coming out of its trademark funnel web, almost Digglet like in that we never see it's abdomen, this is because they can build their dens ridiculously fast. As for stats, it has very high speed, okay attack, and weak defenses. It uses lots of poison moves, including a Poison Fang variant that paralyzes instead of poisons as its signature, along moves related to its web (String Shot, Spider Web, Detect, Spikes etc.). For abilities, it would have Arena Trap or the Enhanced Poison ability Nova mentioned.


    Second is actually a set of Fossil Pokemon, based off the Moa and Haast's Eagle.

    The Moa is gigantic, twice as tall as it's real life counterpart (around 16 feet), and generally looks like it too. It's a pure Rock type because not only is it flightless, it doesn't even have vestigial wings like the real-life Moa. It's head is pitch black with a large beak, and always has this incredibly mellow look to it. The feathers on it's neck are the same color as its head that slowly melds into it's chocolate colored, porcupine-like, body feathers. Stats wise, it's slooow with high HP, defenses, and middling offense. Abilities are Oblivious and Unaware. Moves, I don't know besides Slack-Off.


    The eagle is, again like its real-life counter part, is HUGE. By far the largest of any (non-flightless) bird Pokemon, and big enough to look like it could hunt the Moa Pokemon. It's head has slate colored feathers, a black beak, green, pupil-less eyes, and generally looks very gargoyle like. The rest of it's body is covered in sandy brown feathers with a large, gray, jagged looking fan tail. Mechanics wise, I would like some help because I'm having trouble distinguishing it from Braviary.

    More to come in further edits.

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    When I get home from work (in like two and a half hours), I'll compile all the entries we have at that point so we can see where we are.
  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    You got a bird that can hunt a fly-ey thing too [shaking fist emoticon]

  • Has friends besides tanks now

    Okay, so I guess I'll explain that one idea that I really like so far, if people don't mind a wall o' text.


    I was thinking more about that Fighting/Flying Garuda pokemon I had suggested before, and I was thinking, "ooh, I'm glad I thought of a bird warrior, but does this really fit the Garuda myth?"

    "[In Hinduism,] Garuda is known as the eternal sworn enemy of the Nāga serpent race and known for feeding exclusively on snakes, such behavior may have referred to the actual Short-toed Eagle of India. The image of Garuda is often used as the charm or amulet to protect the bearer from snake attack and its poison, since the king of birds is an implacable enemy and "devourer of serpent". Garudi Vidya is the mantra against snake poison to remove all kinds of evil."

    :V Oh, okay. This works, because I was already figuring that, as a proud warrior pokemon, it would embody natural strength and resilience to some degree, so perhaps one of its abilities could reflect this, or might might have good defenses.

    "Throughout the Mahabharata, Garuda is invoked as a symbol of impetuous violent force, of speed, and of martial prowess. Powerful warriors advancing rapidly on doomed foes are likened to Garuda swooping down on a serpent.[6]Defeated warriors are like snakes beaten down by Garuda.[7] The field marshal Drona uses a military formation named after Garuda.[8] Krishna even carries the image of Garuda on his banner.[9]" (emphasis mine)


    And so, I decided against making it a Legendary (because we probably won't have much trouble making Legendaries anyway), but I wondered, hmm, bird warrior race based on a war with snakes . . . fossil pokemon? It would be rarer, as a sort of incarnation of martial fortitude, but not so rare that it's impossible to envision a once-proud warrior race, or a possible idea that they're responsible for passing down certain trees of martial arts to humans deemed strong. And to add to the fossil idea, I was thinking this could either be the Aerodactyl to possible Snake and Rat fossil pokemon (I come to rats based on real-world eagle diets), or, at the very least, the rarer antithesis of some snake pokemon. On that note, I could see it working with Nova's snake idea: maybe the pokemon that were being preyed upon in the past found too many good places to hide.

    As for why it's in Pokestralia, rather than Pokasia, I figure, it's a strong Flying-type, so it's not inconceivable that some of them might have migrated, looking for new snakes to war with, and therefore some fossils could be found on this landmass.

    Appearance: an anthromorphic bird with a yellow feathers, mostly, except for hints of deep red on the tips and in spots on the wings. There are spiky bumps on its head, giving off the appearance of a sort of headdress. Its arms are separate from very large wings on its back, and its whole body is jacked, with tattoo-like lines coiling around its arms but never reaching its heart, to symbolize its resistance to less direct methods of fighting like poison; it doesn't respect anything but direct combative force. Its eyes are very harsh, even for a raptor, and its beak is pointy, but curved downward, rather than jutting out, a la the Brahminy kite. I'm imagining it standing at about 5'10", or average human height, so not exactly towering over everything.

    Name: Kendive? It's actually kinda tough to come up with a name for this one.

    As for what it and its chain look like, I was thinking it would probably just be the single evolution, since its concept is a pokemon that's naturally very powerful, and naturally above the need for growth.

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