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ITT: IJBM designs a Pokèmon game!



  • edited 2012-10-17 03:14:16
    Has friends besides tanks now

    ^^ True enough. I just admittedly don't pay enough attention to the Pokemon soundtrack that I know if this is a trend or not, but I think it could/should be especially prominent in a video game series that's about head-to-head combat.

    Or maybe even just noodly hard rock would fit the bill, if it's still essentially antagonistic. Thoughts?

  • No rainbow star
    That theme feels like it would fit the ghost trio with a bit of tweaking in the form of another instrument
  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    I like the sound of this one.

    Or maybe even just noodly hard rock would fit the bill, if it's still essentially antagonistic. Thoughts?

    I don't really like the sound of a rock beat, but I can't pinpoint why.

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    Concept brainstorming is going better than I expected.

    Probably because I'm supposed to be asleep :/
  • @Ica: I know, it still needs some tweaking. It's just the basic melody so far. I'm hoping to add some more stuff, but not too much so it doesn't get cluttered.

  • edited 2012-10-17 03:35:01
    Has friends besides tanks now

    Listening to Ghetsis's theme, the only thing that kept me from saying, "wow, this is metal as fuck" was the instrumentation, honestly; if you put that percussion to a drumkit, it would probably resemble certain branches of extreme metal, imo. N's theme could translate to metal pretty easily, as well, I'd imagine.

    ^^^^ If you cut out of the first minute of that remix, it's pretty good, though, I'll grant--

    Suddenly, bass drop.

    I feel like the key differentiator, here, is instrumentation. And I also have to wonder if Ghetsis's theme, for instance, is almost too doom-metal, or too ominous: to me, he was never quite that imposing, and, in fact, he was sort of laughable in his extremism. And I feel like, with a main villain in a game where the morality is relatively clear-cut, the theme shouldn't be quite so "oh god what the fuck have I gotten myself into?" I'd rather have a theme that's, "yeah, well, I'mma kick your ass, you jerk!", and that dares the player to meet that challenge, if this makes any sense.

    The Red Remix is very fitting, though, if we go by the pictures in that video, and we take him to be this very imposing, silent figure. If we were to use something like that, I couldn't imagine it fitting anything except that oh-shit legendary, or a stoic endgame boss.

    For the record, I'm not trying to say it absolutely needs metal instrumentation, or anything. Just that I'm imagining certain characters being very \m/metal\m/ by nature, and so it should be considered as a motif for probably some character or other, even if the instrumentation is techno/orchestral.

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    I feel like, with a main villain in a game where the morality is relatively clear-cut, the theme shouldn't be quite so "oh god what the fuck have I gotten myself into?" I'd rather have a theme that's, "yeah, well, I'mma kick your ass, you jerk!", and that dares the player to meet that challenge, if this makes any sense.

    I wasn't offering it up as the sort of instrumentation we should use for a final boss fight; it's the sort of music that goes well in the tougher fights, though.

    Like, that particular fight is essentially a bonus boss fight. It's the culmination of beating two Pokemon Leagues, then ascending Mount Silver, and finally, finally challenging the Kanto Champion- Red.

    He's a really, really stoic character, and when you get up there and actually challenge him without preparing, the music would fit really well- it's a very 'Oh shit, this is going to be fucking hard' type of music.

    For the regular game, I would prefer something a lot more upbeat- more piano-ish, less tense, more... triumphant.

    Something like, this, though:


    I really like this, but I'm not sure where it would fit.

  • edited 2012-10-17 03:46:42
    Has friends besides tanks now

    I wasn't offering it up as the sort of instrumentation we should use for a final boss fight; it's the sort of music that goes well in the tougher fights, though.

    Like, that particular fight is essentially a bonus boss fight. It's the culmination of beating two Pokemon Leagues, then ascending Mount Silver, and finally, finally challenging the Kanto Champion- Red.

    He's a really, really stoic character, and when you get up there and actually challenge him without preparing, the music would fit really well- it's a very 'Oh shit, this is going to be fucking hard' type of music.

    Oh, I definitely agree with all of this. I just wanted to know where you felt that that remix's stylings would fit in.

    For the regular game, I would prefer something a lot more upbeat- more piano-ish, less tense, more... triumphant.

    Do you mean for the final boss?

    Something like, this, though:

    I really like this, but I'm not sure where it would fit.

    I could accept that as bad guy music, assuming said bad guy is actually sufficiently frightening, which is never something I really felt with Ghetsis. It's more like what I would expect it Darkrai was a storyline antagonist, a la the Mystery Dungeon spinoffs. Then again, N and Ghetsis were two antagonists with very different themes, so maybe the aggressive speed-metal motif could be reserved for the morally-wrong extremist antagonist that represents Team Terrorist, and the ominous motif reserved for the Final Big Bad, or something, with separate imposing motifs, as necessary, for optional legendaries and NPCs.

  • Boo, all I know is 3D modeling.

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    Oh, I definitely agree with all of this. I just wanted to know where you felt that that remix's stylings would fit in.

    I think that it would probably fit in with either the Champion, assuming that the Champion is sufficiently... not threatening or stoic, but... I dunno. Badass? Gives off a really tough impression, and somewhat backs it up?

    Or else, more fittingly, it would work for a bonus boss-type character. Something like Cynthia in the Pokemon Black games, or the example given right there in Red.

    Do you mean for the final boss?

    It's hard to explain what I mean.

    I meant that the overall tone of the music should be triumphant, upbeat, but there should definitely be tense bits.

    I could accept that as bad guy music, assuming said bad guy is actually sufficiently frightening, which is never something I really felt with Ghetsis.

    I get what you mean, and I agree.

    I'm trying to explain what I mean.

    Heavy metal, rock, all that type of music might work, but it... it feels like it would work against the Bad Guys. But the question is, do you really want Bad Guys in this game for the music to work with?

    I definitely think that it could work without sliding into dark and edgy territory- the first two games had definite bad guys, and a mix of Team Rocket and Team Plasma could work really well. But I don't know.

    Anyway, further music:

    This, this is just brilliant. I love it. That sort of music would fit in well with a desolate area- somewhere like the resting place of the Ghost legendaries, or the lair of the corruption one.

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    Boo, all I know is 3D modeling.

    That is something I think we were looking for, actually, Stormtroper.

  • Okay then, I think I'll need to research even more Pokemon music for this project.

  • Has friends besides tanks now

    I meant that the overall tone of the music should be triumphant, upbeat, but there should definitely be tense bits.

    Ah. I agree with that, too.

    Heavy metal, rock, all that type of music might work, but it... it feels like it would work against the Bad Guys. But the question is, do you really want Bad Guys in this game for the music to work with?

    Yeah, I wouldn't want to tailor such an important part of the games to a supplementary aspect. I just thought it would be kinda cool. :')

    I definitely think that it could work without sliding into dark and edgy territory- the first two games had definite bad guys, and a mix of Team Rocket and Team Plasma could work really well. But I don't know.

    Care to elaborate? I'm not quite sure what you're referring to, at this point. If it's the idea that a villain could have metal motifs, I would honestly call that less vulnerable to DarkEdginess than certain types of orchestration that we've even seen in the games themselves. Or, at least, the metal that I think would fit a pokemon game. Death metal would be a terrible horrible idea.

  • If that don't work, use more gun.

    Hmm a fangame? Might as well see where this is going.

  • It might end up crashing and burning. :D

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    Care to elaborate? I'm not quite sure what you're referring to, at this point. If it's the idea that a villain could have metal motifs, I would honestly call that less vulnerable to DarkEdginess than certain types of orchestration that we've even seen in the games themselves. Or, at least, the metal that I think would fit a pokemon game. Death metal would be a terrible horrible idea.

    I'm... I'm having trouble explaining what I mean again, sorry.

    What I meant with that wasn't referring to music any more. It was referring to the tone of the villains- their actions, their goals, the way they feel.

    I don't know. To me, it feels that while metal could work, it would suit the feel of a darker villain team better- something like a mix between Team Rocket and Team Plasma.

    Sorry, I wasn't really referring to music there at all.

  • edited 2012-10-17 04:05:26
    OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    ^^^Bear in mind that we're limiting the devteam to twelve, we have eight and there are some people we want to recruit.
  • If that don't work, use more gun.

    To be honest, I'm not sure what I could contribute to this, so I'm just gonna observe from the sidelines.

  • No rainbow star
    Oh, looks like the tools for BW are VERY limited (not even a Pokemon sprite editor or map editor...) so we are going to need a programmer

  • That is something I think we were looking for, actually, Stormtroper.

    Ah, really? What can I help with?

  • No rainbow star
    Also, need sleep
  • 3D Modelling, if I recall.

  • edited 2012-10-17 04:09:15
    OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    ^^^^Right. Wasn't there someone we were considering for that role?

    Alternatively, what would the HGSS engine be missing relative to BW?
  • edited 2012-10-17 04:09:09
    Has friends besides tanks now

    Sorry, I wasn't really referring to music there at all.

    Ah. Well, you still sort of are referring to music, in that you're phrasing it in terms of whether metal would work. But I'll grant that it really would depend on the villains. But there've been villains in the series who seem more metal than classical/techno to me, if that makes sense. We would really just have to see where it goes. Or the motif might better fit some entirely different aspect of the game.

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    Man, I barely even know what 3D modelling is, so... ask Icalasari or something.

  • LaiLai
    edited 2012-10-17 04:10:13


    The weather not constantly reminding us that it's raining for one, the EXP system, critical catches and of course new abilities and moves.

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    Right. So BW would be preferable.
  • edited 2012-10-17 04:12:04
    Has friends besides tanks now

    Right. Wasn't there someone we were considering for that role?

    Crimson, maybe? He said he had experience with programming and whatnot, but it seemed that he meant it was sort of basic. 

    As for someone else who might know a thing or two about 3D modeling, I remember Lazuli saying that Ossan was pretty good with photorealism.

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    Ah. Well, you still sort of are referring to music, in that you're phrasing it in terms of whether metal would work. But I'll grant that it really would depend on the villains. But there've been villains in the series who seem more metal than classical/techno to me, if that makes sense. We would really just have to see where it goes. Or the motif might better fit some entirely different aspect of the game.

    That's basically what I meant, yeah.

    Also, listening to this Lavender Town remix, I really, really want to do some desolate, empty place at some point.

  • yea i make potions if ya know what i mean

    Err. Guys, regarding engines, I am 99% sure that only FireRed's has ever been anywhere near freely available.

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