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ITT: IJBM designs a Pokèmon game!



  • edited 2012-10-18 01:48:44
    OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!


  • Has friends besides tanks now

    But if it was a Chesto Berry, it would start asleep, but then immediately eat the Berry.

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    So, here's the extent of my MSPaint skills.

    Basically, this is a very very rough version of what the country might look like. The dark green zone is a forest-y region, the light green zone is a plains-y region, the purple region is the corrupted wasteland zone, the orange zone is a desert-esque "Okay my corruption has been here forever please fuck off and die" zone, and the blue is the ocean. The brown line is a mountain range. :V

    For areas, it would be quite possible to have towns scattered along the coastline, including a Reef-esque area along the Bight in the south of the country (a potential Surf-requiring area.)

  • Give us fire! Give us ruin! Give us our glory!

    How about its signature move being a weaker Thrash that has a chance of lowering accuracy because it's clawing at your goddamn face aaaaaaaaaa...

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!

    Does it do that even if it's already asleep before the battle starts?

    Also, how does a Pokèmon even eat a Chesto Berry?

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!

    @Map: Looks right. I'd guess we start things off at the Northwest, proceed around the coast, then head inland?

  • edited 2012-10-18 01:53:48
    Give us fire! Give us ruin! Give us our glory!

    ^^As far as I know, it will use it if the A.I. detects that it's asleep. So at the start of the battle it would appear, and eat a Chesto Berry before taking its turn.

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    Basically, yeah.

  • Has friends besides tanks now

    "A Chesto Berry, if held by a Pokémon, can instantly cure it of sleep, or it can be used as an item to cure sleep."

    I haven't used Chesto Berries, ever, but I would assume that the battle starts, and the Sleep is cured, over the course of preliminary fight stuff, like Abilities. It would be dealt with as with any other Item whose effect is notable at the start.

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!

    Anyway, here are my current top 3 ideas in more filled-out form:

    Cone Snail: Rock/Poison. Looks pretty much like the picture in the article I linked, with maybe red/blue stripes. High-defense, so its strategy would be to get the opponent poisoned then try to wait it out. If it has a pre-evolution, it would just be a Poison snail, which probably wouldn't be as interesting. I was considering calling it "Conom" (Cone+Venom), then I noticed that that's one letter off from "Condom" and now I can't unsee it. Ability: Poison Point.

    Sugar Glider: Flying. Absurdly cute, somewhere between a flying squirrel and a mouse. Blue/white with a black pattern on the face. Ability: Cute Charm.

    Sifaka: Also Flying. Picture a lemur, if it was also a flying squirrel, if that makes sense. Ability: Rivalry.

    Koala: Normal. Like Magikarp, but less overpowered. Only moves would be Rest, Yawn, Attract, Tackle. Ability would be Lazy.

    Dropbear: Normal/Dark. Strong attacker. Moves include Bounce, Bite. Ability would be Lazy.

    New ability – Lazy. Makes Pokèmon sleep for the first turn, and appear to be a Koala when asleep.

  • No rainbow star

    Still not sure what to do with my steel/poison idea... So far it's just a drop of Mercury. A mean drop. But still a drop

  • I'm a damn twisted person

    So idea about the ecological trio. What if to show that since they are all tied to the state of the land, they have secondary ground typing. So Poison/Ground and Grass/Ground. The big muckity muck trio leader is now Dragon/Ground since dragon is the go to type for big cosmic muckity muck pokemon. 

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!

    I'm still not entirely sold on it being a trio :/

  • No rainbow star

    Yeah, I'm with CU. I personally like the idea of Poison w/ Levitate and a Grass/Ground, or a Poison type and a Grass/Ghost with unique abilities for both. Even matched, no type advantages for either

  • edited 2012-10-18 02:46:19
    I'm a damn twisted person

    Yeah, okay with ditching the eco trio myself.


    More ideas. A electric/bug scorpion. It fishes around water with it's stinger that can discharge electric shocks. Light yellow in coloring, with black lightning blots on the carapace.


    A fire type kangaroo that can be our region's chansey/audino riff. It goes around and borrows other pokemon's eggs and hatches them, since lol marsupial. Give it an ability like flame armor and it can help hatch eggs faster for the player.


    A water/psychic dolphin for the oceans. Thinking a pastel base color with a stubby little horn that is said to direct it's psychic powers. It evolves into a narwhal, it's horn growing with it's powers. 

  • No rainbow star
    Dolphins are evil bastards...
  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    And new ideas from me:

    A Grass-type plant, based on a sapling tree, that evolves when exposed to a Fire Stone into a Fire/Grass hybrid, a tree with branches on fire, and has Flash Fire for an ability.

    And, a crab with a corall-y shell, that lives on the shores of the Reef. It would be either pure Water-type or Water/Rock type.

  • edited 2012-10-18 02:52:05
    No rainbow star
    Is the fire tree based on the Gympie Gympie AKA The fucking stinging tree from Queensland which causes such severe pain it can drive one to suicide?
  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    No, it's based on the trees that have seeds that germinate during bushfires.

  • No rainbow star

    Then do you mind if I make a Pokemon based on that damn evil tree from hell?
  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    Why would I mind?

  • No rainbow star
    Because I have no idea
  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    Well, I wouldn't mind.

    Anyway, Alkthash and I have come up with some ideas for the plot. I'll write them up and post them after I get back from buying/eating dinner.

  • No rainbow star
    I need to get some sleep...
  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    I did say that I was going to buy and eat dinner first, that's not like saying you have to sit here right now and listen to it...

    Anyway. The plot.

    Well, you guys could all feel free to disagree totally with this if you want (although I'd prefer it if you didn't :< ).

    So, basically, this plot relies on four Legendaries: The Poison-type Corrupter, and the Ghost Trio.

    The Legendary Team wants to capture the Corrupter to use as a terror weapon; they could capture it, point to Australia, and say, "Okay, look at what we did to that country. Now, if you don't give us whatever we demand, we'll start doing that to your country, too."

    So, the plot would start off with you investigating a cave where you heard that a rare Pokemon lived. As you are Professor Whatever's research assistant or something, of course.

    Now, when you get in there, you encounter Team Bad Guy members. You proceed through the cave as you would, encountering more Team Bad Guy members and wild Pokemon. Then, when you get in there, you encounter several Team Bad Guy members harassing one of the Ghost Trio- probably the Ghost/Fighting one, the monk.

    Anyway, you rush down to stop them, and you engage one of the Team Bad Guy admins, but while you're fighting with them, the other members capture the Ghost and tail it the fuck out of there. You beat the Admin, and he concedes their plan- to use the Ghost Trio to force the Corrupter under their control.

    So, you proceed through the game as you would in a regular Pokemon game, battling Gyms and whatnot. Only, every so often, as you ask around town, you're given clues as to where a cave or a mountain or a grotto or a ruin is that has rare Pokemon in it. You go there, and the areas have clues in them as to where to go to find the other Ghost-type Legendaries.

    So, probably around the time of the fifth Gym, the clues would all build up, and you would receive a HM or something that lets you access the area. So, you access the area the clues told you to go to- only to find Team Bad Guy members there.

    So you battle your way in, and depending on how well you do- how long each battle takes you, how many of your Pokemon are knocked out, etc- when you arrive in the chamber, and find either the Team Bad Guy members already facing the Ghost Knight Pokemon, or the Ghost Knight Pokemon awaiting your arrival.

    If it's the former, things proceed as they did in the first Cave. If it's the latter, you're given the chance to fight it.

    You can either capture it (encouraged) or KO it (also encouraged, but doesn't help you in the ending).

    Of course, if you get the sixth Gym Badge before proceeding to the area, you're too late- Team Bad Guy already got there and captured it.

    Then, after the seventh Gym Badge, the same thing happens. You get clues, proceed to an area, and you encounter the last Ghost, the Ghost Mage or whatever. If you do well enough, you proceed up through to the final chamber and get to fight it; if you do badly, they capture it before you can fight it.

    Then you get to face the Corrupter, and there's basically three endings.

    In the worst ending, Team Bad Guys caught at least one of the two other Pokemon. With one or two of the Ghost Trio to match either one of yours (if they got two) or none of yours, they get to influence the Corrupter's aura, and it keeps spreading. (If you caught the one member, then the corruption spreads at the same rate as before. If you didn't, or they caught all three, the corruption actually spreads faster.)

    In the OK ending, Team Bad Guys caught their original Ghost, but you caught another Ghost, and the third fled. Your Ghosts are evenly matched, and the Corrupter's influence is checked. The Corruption stops spreading, but the Corrupter's influence still hangs around in the corrupted area.

    In the Best Ending, you catch two of the Ghosts compared to their one. Your Ghost's influence overpowers theirs, and the Corruption is slowly reversed.


    Anyway, blah, that's basically a crappy way of summarizing what Alk and I came up with. It's food for thought, at the very least.

  • Definitely not gay.

    I think it pushes you into the really big parts of the main plot too soon.

    Villainous teams have always begun with you stopping small-to-medium-scale criminal activities of theirs.

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    I think it pushes you into the really big parts of the main plot too soon.

    I did not even say when it would start...

    I would think that you would go into the cave after facing the third Gym Leader. That's after Black and White got you involved in their main plot, with Team Plasma stealing the Dragon Skull after you finish the second Gym.

    I don't know. See, a lot of the concept revolves around exploration- guiding the player into listening to people and actually exploring the world in order to determine the clues to locate the next Ghost.

    That doesn't work if we try to force the Ghosts in too close to each other in the plot. The guidance would feel a lot more forced, and the pacing would be shot to fuck.

    And we can always have the first Ghost's capture seem more minor than it is- I am not sure how, but I imagine something like Team Plasma's escape through Pinwheel Forest, only without the triumph at the end, with the full consequences of what they were doing not clear until after you encounter the main plot again with the second Ghost.

    And there can be minor incidents with the Team between these events, this was just the outline I thought up.

  • Definitely not gay.

    It's difficult to make a legendary Pokemon capture seem smaller than it really is.

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    It's quite easy if you don't know it's a legendary at the time.

  • edited 2012-10-18 09:22:34
    yea i make potions if ya know what i mean

    So basically what I'm getting from all of this is STUFF. STUFF EVERYWHERE

    I think we need to start thinking about feasibility here. I assumed this was going to be a RomHack of FireRed, like 99% of all Pokemon fangames.

    Y'all have been bringing up some....stuff. I think we need to get someone who really knows how this works before we start thinking about adding custom abilities and moves and whatnot. I know that at least the latter is possible, but I don't know how easy it is. 

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