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Animu/Mango General



  • I'd say it's consistent with the whole "the sharingan activates/gets more powerful when in emotional distress" thing.

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    How does this not? At the very least, it's an adequate explanation for some things (e.g. why Sasuke became such a douche).

    Because it breaks the Senju vs. Uchiha theme. The Senju have been played off against the Uchiha for some time- where the Senju were sane and loyal to Konoha, the Uchiha were insane and disloyal, where the Senju were kind, the Uchiha were dicks, etc.

    However, that's now been flipped- the Uchiha were actually kind and loving, while the Senju were... still kind???

    So Kishi has now lost the mirroring of the Senju and the Uchiha, which sucks because mirroring is one of the few things he's been good at up until now.

  • edited 2013-02-05 22:29:10
    Has friends besides tanks now

    ^^ If I'm remembering correctly, it also explains why Obito sucked at being an Uchiha at first (didn't really know hardship until he and his friends were in mortal danger or something like that, where he gained his Sharingan, right?).

    ^ Isn't that just a needless Always Evil-type argument? If anything, this revelation makes the situation more believable by showing that, you know, the Uchiha aren't just inherently/collectively evil or something. They and the Senju are both clans of Konoha, which would seemingly mean that they all want what's best, right? The Uchiha just had a different idea of what was best. (Though I could be misremembering the exact purpose and scale of the planned coup) There's just a very peculiar mental illness/power that runs in the Uchiha clan, that leads them to some bad decisions. I think you're seeing a "theme" where the situation was really just as simple as a conflict of interests between two sides that don't fully understand each other anymore. There was never anything deeper than that, as far as I know; just two sides that saw each other as good and evil (or supposedly did). We simply have more insight into the side that's been characterized as bad up to this point.

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    Isn't that just a needless Always Evil-type argument?

    No, there's a difference between "The Uchiha were dicks with a major focus on jutsu" and "The Uchiha were capital-E Evil and wanted jutsu for nefarious purposes".

    They and the Senju are both clans of Konoha, which would seemingly mean that they all want what's best, right? The Uchiha just had a different idea of what was best. (Though I could be misremembering the exact purpose and scale of the planned coup)

    You are.

    The Uchiha were mistrusted after the Kyuubi attack, because only the Sharingan could control the Kyuubi. They were segregated from the main portion of Konoha, stuck in the main Uchiha Compound and guarded by black ops ninja.

    The situation deteriorated over time, and the Uchiha birthed a plan to cause a coup d'etat, in order to take over leadership of the village.

    I think you're seeing a "theme" where the situation was really just as simple as a conflict of interests between two sides that don't fully understand each other anymore. There was never anything deeper than that, as far as I know; just two sides that saw each other as good and evil.

    The manga disagrees with you here.

  • Ridi, Pagliaccio, sul tuo amore infranto!

    Sorry, it's licensed and not available.

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    But you can hover over the link and see the chapter/page number.

  • There is love everywhere, I already know


    Okay, Digimon Xros War's dub is airing on Nickelodeon, the dub isn't impressively bad. I guess I'll be watching it again.

  • Has friends besides tanks now

    No, there's a difference between "The Uchiha were dicks with a major focus on jutsu" and "The Uchiha were capital-E Evil and wanted jutsu for nefarious purposes".

    Well, yes, but the Uchihas, having been mistrusted, were kinda dicked over as well. I mean, so far Tobirama seems like a complete ass, instating laws and policies specifically meant to foster the negative emotions that create the Uchiha's power at the expense of their sanity. (Not to mention creating Edo Tensei, but that's a whole other issue)

    The manga disagrees with you here.

    Those are the words of one very jaded and malicious Uchiha with a very pointed agenda. Isn't one of the key themes in this series also Destiny? That page ends with "Naruto and Sasuke," but it doesn't seem like Sasuke is going to let himself succumb to his clan's curse, and I'm sure Naruto would try his damnedest to avoid that confrontation. It's too late to bring back the Uchihas killed by Itachi, but it seems like the new generation would rather try to fix things, and this new revelation only seems to support that: if the Uchiha were better understood, or treated well, they might be better off, or something. Maybe I'm rambling, but hopefully you see my point.

    I just don't see why it's a bad thing that an important group is no longer being painted in a broad, biased stroke in the narrative.

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    I just don't see why it's a bad thing that an important group is no longer being painted in a broad, biased stroke in the narrative.

    It has now changed from "The Uchiha are massive dicks in canon" to "The Uchiha have a genetic disposition to turn into murderous dicks any time something bad happens to them."

    That is not an improvement to my mind.

    Instead, the manga has lost the thematic theme of Senju vs. Uchiha (mirrored by Naruto and Sasuke, who are related to the Senju and one of the last of the Uchiha, respectively) in order to add in a stupid revelation about genes that barely even fucking makes sense.

  • edited 2013-02-06 01:44:07
    Has friends besides tanks now

    It's at least an explanation of some sort, and as far as I can remember, it's surprisingly consistent with what we already knew. And in its own way, for me it sort of provides hope that Sasuke might now have enough knowledge and self-awareness to not, you know, kill or be killed by Naruto in some pointless battle mirroring a previous generation's battle. If anyone still cares about Sasuke, that is. :V

    tl;dr: this seems like a mirror that's better off being acknowledged for its distortion.

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    It's at least an explanation of some sort

    There are far simpler explanations. Like, yunno, "The Uchiha are a clan and had an arrogant pride in that fact, like the Hyuuga did, and Tobi, Madara and Sasuke are kind of batshit insane because they're batshit insane".

    That would not only be totally in-line with canon, it would make sense, it wouldn't introduce any stupid plot-lines, and it's not like crazy people have never been redeemed in canon (see: Zabuza, Pain).

    for me it sort of provides hope that Sasuke might now have enough knowledge and self-awareness to not, you know, kill or be killed by Naruto in some pointless battle mirroring a previous generation's battle

    So... the revelation that awakening the Sharingan means spiralling ever further into hatred somehow actually gives you hope for that?

    I... don't know how that works, sorry.

  • edited 2013-02-06 01:52:36
    OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!

    So I don't read the series, but it basically seems like this takes things from "people in this clan tend to wind up going crazy" to "this clan is inherently evil and must be exterminated." Which is...not good.

  • edited 2013-02-06 01:54:32
    If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    Nah, it goes from "People in this clan tend to be arrogant dicks, with a higher than normal chance of going insane" to "This clan is inherently at risk of turning murderously insane at the first sign of loss why the fuck would you keep them around".

    Oh, and also, the very thing that makes the Uchiha such great ninjas is also the very thing that represents their insanity.

  • edited 2013-02-06 02:00:27
    Has friends besides tanks now

    So... the revelation that awakening the Sharingan means spiralling ever further into hatred somehow actually gives you hope for that?

    I... don't know how that works, sorry.

    I dunno. I . . . guess that's what I'm taking from it. I don't feel like Sasuke's being set up to actually get killed, and it seems like this knowledge he's gaining from the Hokage might at least give him ideas or ways to check himself.

    So I don't read the series, but it basically seems like this takes things from "people in this clan tend to wind up going crazy" to "this clan is inherently evil and must be exterminated." Which is...not good.

    I don't know if that's really what it is. It's more like, "this clan is inherently susceptible to passion, and it just so happens that negative passion fuels their jutsu." And the one dude who would seemingly be okay with Uchiha extermination in this chapter's conversation is very far from sympathetic; his older brother makes it a point to reprimand him for persecuting this unfortunate clan.

    I could be wrong, I admit that; I don't even like this series, so it would make sense if I'm not seeing things a certain way.

  • edited 2013-02-06 02:22:31
    If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    I don't know if that's really what it is. It's more like, "this clan is inherently susceptible to passion, and it just so happens that negative passion fuels their jutsu."

    It's not really that. It's a case of they gain their power (the Sharingan) from their dark feelings. The Uchiha clan feel love, but when they experience the loss of their loved one, that love turns into hatred- which then activates a certain part of their brain, which sends a special chakra to their eyes, causing them to form the Sharingan. From there, it's a spiral downwards, as the hatred reaches down into them, granting them more power- the various tomoe of the Sharingan, the Mangekyou Sharingan, the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan- at the cost of sending them spiralling into hatred.

    There is precisely one Uchiha who was able to overcome this spiral- and that's Itachi. Itachi retained the Sharingan, and even gained the Mangekyou Sharingan by killing his friend, but was able to overcome the spiral of hatred and put the village first, causing himself to suffer so that others prosper.

    Anyway, the theme of Senju versus Uchiha has been played up for quite some time. There's a few mirrors of it: You have Madara versus Harishama, you have Sasuke versus Naruto, and you have the Sage of the Six path's younger son versus his elder son.

    That's where the feud apparently started; the Sage of the Six Paths named his younger son as his successor, instead of his elder son. The elder son apparently inherited the Sage's 'eyes' and mighty chakra and spiritual energy (the Sharingan), while the younger son inherited his 'body' and his life force and physical energy.

    The elder son eventually attacked his younger brother out of hatred, resulting in a chain of hatred that has been growing down.

    Eventually, the Senju and the Uchiha got sick of war, and the Uchiha pushed for Madara to make peace. He did reluctantly, and Harishama and Madara founded Konoha together- the first of the Hidden Villages.

    At some point, Harishama was named the Hokage, and Madara couldn't accept that. He attacked and fought Harishama at the Valley of the End (incidentally, he controlled Kurama for the fight, and this battle was the start of the tradition of the Kyuubi jinchuuriki). Harishama won, and the Uchiha remained, but Madara had sown seeds of doubt among the Uchiha as to whether they were truly accepted.

    It's been a recurring theme for a while about the Senju facing off against the Uchiha. You have the Sage's two sons, you have Harishama and Madara, and now you have Naruto and Sasuke.

    Incidentally; the easiest way to get a non-crazy Sasuke would be to rip out his eyes. :|

    And this is far too many words for something that is a bit silly but barely matters otherwise.

  • There is love everywhere, I already know

    Zetsuen no Tempest 16: Mahou Sentai Exodnger and the world learning about Kurisabe village.

    This was a great standalone episode. Really great. We got to see Aika again at her best (crazy/cunning), Hakaze being extremely lovestruck but still cool, Yoshino feeling emotions again, Tetsuma doing cute things (seriously, best bishonen of the year), Evangeline planning stuff and Samon & Megumu being almost non-existent.

    As part of the series... there's a lot of stuff Hakaze is going to have to deal with now concerning magic and I hope that leads to her taking on a lot more of this leadership role she did this week. I still don't like this lovestruck nonsense, but I'm very happy with her admitting it to herself so soon and allowing herself to be selfish (even if it does mean already dead Aika would have died).

    Evangeline and Friend's plans better mesh with the already extremely entangled plot that the show's built over this cour. It's already directionless, we don't need even worse plot points at the steering wheel.

    I'd like to mention Miyuki Sawashiro's awesome VA-ing this week. I really liked it.

    AKB0048 05: A Makoto episode! And the littlest tiny bit of knowledge about what's really going on.

    Iunno, in the beginning this felt very filler and the main plot sorta is (Makoto needs a self confidence boost to create her Kirara, which is great and all except for the fact that Mimori didn't get an entire focus episode before getting hers). Nobody else does much aside from Orine, who is surprisingly awesome.

    Kanata pilots mechs while protecting everyone. Because Chieri doing the River dance is so worth it.

    I'm not gonna lie, crossdressing idols where adorable and I loved it, what we found out about the casino is also very cool but I'm hoping it's an excuse Chieri's father set up cause Chieri's father has bigger plans cause... cause he does 'kay?

    We find out that Chieri's father is watching the girl's every move when he can... leading up to something good here. I'm just afraid it'll be covered before the show ends so we can find out who becomes successors! Exciting huh >_>

    Anyways; Chieri. River dance. Orine. Awesome. Worth it.

  • edited 2013-02-06 13:16:53

    So I decided to look up a manga called Mahou Shoujo of the End for some reason and... the first chapter was all wtf. And gory. I'm not sure if it's trying to jump on some grimdark bandwagon, or is trying to freak people out, or something. So basically, the (male) protagonist's class (well, most of them) gets murdered by some freaky little gothic lolita puppet-doll-thing that keeps saying "magical..."

    Another forum I saw had it described as resembling survivalist horror, which is a genre I know very little about, so I got no clue what to expect, or even if this is worth reading now. Seems to be pretty recent, and only seven chapters have been scanlated so far. And oh yeah, no sight of any actual magical girls yet, unless that's what the murderous little thing was. @_@

  • I'm a damn twisted person
    Yo, is the Spice and Wolf manga any good? I kinda want to read a manga that isn't high school or teenager obsessed and this one sounds interesting.

    It's a lot heavier on fanservice than either the anime or the books but the art is good and I've obviously a big fan of the series.

    The anime is also all on the youtubes legally.

  • I'm a damn twisted person
    Is the plot good and charactersy stuff good too?

    I think so. Lawrence and Holo have a great chemistry together. The one issue I have is the one arc where things are halted due to poor communication and characters being passive aggressive but even there the characterization is good and consistent enough to be forgivable.

  • edited 2013-02-07 07:01:44
    There is love everywhere, I already know

    by some freaky little gothic lolita puppet-doll-thing that keeps saying "magical..."


    the (male) protagonist's


    What is a dude doing protag-ing in mahou shoujo >_>

    I think I've seen the LNs of that series somewhere, I guess I'll check out the manga. (Wrong series)

    I'll check out the manga anyways.

    "Takamina has my support all the way!"

    "Mayuyu is definitely the best."

    Where has this manga been all my life.

    I liked Tsukune, I guess. Though I'm more than willing to play "Guess why Tsukune is an evil Mahou Shoujo!" Cause she is.

    It's not really that... scary or cute (if that's what it's going for). I mean, my brain registers that people are getting killed but it's not too scary.

    It's basically what would happen if KyaryPamyuPamyu became an evil goddess, though that'd scare me since it would be real.

    It was kind of boring, even as the love interest died. Goth loli isn't compelling with her Blythe-face too, I don't know if I'll read more.

    That dead panty shot was more inappropriate than usual.

  • There is love everywhere, I already know

    Vividred Operation 04: Himawari makes an appearance.

    This episode was awesome, almost perfect. Himawari's weapon is a freaking portable non-apocalyptic Hadron collider-ish thing.

    The plot was great. I don't think I have much to talk about because it was really an experience in and of itself.

    Nerd Things: Is Himawari playing the Vivid system? Somehow surpassing the locks on it with the emotion stuff? Seems so.

    Hakkenden Touhou Hakken Ibun 04: Stuff doesn't exactly happen, but it does, so I'm not sure what did... okay, it was good! There!

    Hamaji continues to be unimportant (aside from making fox brother snap at monk brother) but everything else was pretty solidly plotted throughout. I liked it.

    And then in the end Kobungo's brother falls for Shino, which was just perfect to be honest. This is the reason I'm watching this danged thing anyways right? Next week promises more, but I'm not too sure it'll follow through.

  • edited 2013-02-07 10:28:42

    Vividred Operation 03: What just happened here? This episode was actually great!

    What, were the first two not good enough for you? (I guess I couldn't really tell how good it was at first. My mind was all "MAZINGER!" for a little while)

    What is a dude doing protag-ing in mahou shoujo >_>

    I think I've seen the LNs of that series somewhere, I guess I'll check out the manga. (Wrong series)

    What series were you thinking of, actually?

  • There is love everywhere, I already know

    Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku/Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Restart.

    What, were the first two not good enough for you?

    1 was good, 2 was loveable but kinda terrible, 3 brought back what made 1 great and rolled with it.

  • Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku/Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Restart.


    The highly popular social network game "Magical Girl Raising Project" is a miraculous game that produces real Magical Girls with a chance of 1 in 10000 for each person. Girls who are lucky enough to gain the power of magic spend fulfilling days.

    That sounds gre-

    But one day, the administration arbitrarily announces that "There are too many magical girls so they will be halved". The curtain will now be raised on the relentless and merciless survival game between 16 magical girls.

    Oh. :/

  • But you never had any to begin with.

    "32 is too many" is rather arbitrary indeed.

  • edited 2013-02-07 18:09:31

    Actually, it seems like 16 is too many, and 8 is the number they're going for.

  • edited 2013-02-07 21:16:39

    Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku/Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Restart.

    Well, based on the description, the "fight for survival" things sounds more like Kamen Rider Ryuki's "there can only be one" Rider war than a horror story. I wouldn't be surprised if it did carry loads of Ryuki vibes.

    1 was good, 2 was loveable but kinda terrible, 3 brought back what made 1 great and rolled with it.

    For me, all the first episode did was make me go "didn't I see this exact same setup in Shin Mazinger?" The "you gotta docking" scene was also a looooot like the scene when Juzo tells Kouji to land the pilder in Mazinger's head (he even uses the word "docking")

    Also, Mahou Shoujo of the End is really, really stretching the term "magical girl".

  • edited 2013-02-09 01:42:50

    Almost finished My-Hime! Just one disk left. The earlier episodes just feel really, really slow compared to later ones, and KR Ryuki comparisons just keep getting easier. 


    • Kanzaki is the main villain, which was just too obvious. It's like they wanted this show to be compared with Ryuki.

    • Shizuru is terrifying. Her Child is pretty much Ouja's monster, except with more heads. I mean, those are purple cobra heads! These similarities can't completely be coincidence.

    • Yukino really didn't stand a chance. Poor girl.

    • I'm surprised Nao isn't dead yet. Personality-wise, she's felt the most expendable. She seems to be the kind of person that neither the audience nor the characters would really sympathize with, or get attached to.

    Also, the sheer number of characters and factions is nearly overwhelming. Stuff comes together nicely, but there's a lot going on.

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