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  • You can change. You can.

    All kids need sharp deadly objects around them.

  • Better get Alex's opinions on what a good Baby's First Blade would be.

  • Indeed. I wouldn't want to get a baby something wholly inadequate. We don't want the tyke hurting him/herself, after all!

  • But you never had any to begin with.
    ""Gays can't divorce in Canada if the country they married in doesn't recognize it" (I had to have misheard some part...)"

    Yes, you did mishear. It's "gays who got married in Canada are no longer married if it's illegal in their country of birth."
  • Champion of the Whales


  • No rainbow star
    ^^ Ah

    Still though, =/

    And this is the second time my laptop has shut down due to overheating

    I need a cooling pad =/
  • Kichigai birthday!!

    I hadn't listened to this in a long time. It's still as good as I remember it

  • We Played Some Open Chords and Rejoiced, For the Earth Had Circled the Sun Yet Another Year

    I think this is the first time I've ever actually wanted to do a 5-page paper as opposed to a class project.

  • edited 2012-01-14 10:27:15
    Has friends besides tanks now

    Almost done with my application to Bucknell University. So clooose. Just gotta finish one more of those 200-word personal essays. I'm going to skip over the optional essay because I don't think I have much mroe to say about myself than what I'll convey with the three shorter essays.

    Also, learning that I can use contractions without repercussions in my personal essays and stuff would have been really helpful a couple applications ago. >:/

  • "Also, learning that I can use contractions without repercussions in my personal essays and stuff would have been really helpful a couple applications ago. >:/"

    Eh? I thought it would have been good to pad out the word count, but I'm guessing it's because using contractions tends to be an automatic subconscious thing? 

  • edited 2012-01-14 11:10:27
    Likes cheesecake unironically.

    Let's take it to mumu, bitches.

    For a reason, I mentioned some time ago, this sentence looks kinda funny to me.


    Looking through the Traveller Core Rule book, I have to wonder about two things. First, how many RPG authors still have learn that creating a character should mean making a character you want to play, not hoping that the dice doesn't fuck your character completely up (Traveller is rather extreme in that regard). Second, when RPG illustrators will finally stop using their libido as main inspiration when drawing female characters (answer: never).

    Skimming over it, Traveller doesn't impress me much. Fantasy Craft doesn't either. They may be better than I think, but the first impression is merely alright. Legend of the 5 Rings is very nice, though.

  • One foot in front of the other, every day.

    Better get Alex's opinions on what a good Baby's First Blade would be.

    Best get the tyke a long dagger. Might I suggest a rondel? When the kid's old enough, they can graduate to something heavier. And once they're in their teens, when the kid's body starts taking on its adult attributes, we can have a discussion and judge which type of sword would make them as efficient as possible a combatant.

    i will be the Best Parent or the Worst Parent

  • You can change. You can.

    kid should cut another person's wrist by the age of 15. otherwise, he's a disappointment.

  • edited 2012-01-14 11:23:23
    Has friends besides tanks now

    "Eh? I thought it would have been good to pad out the word count, but I'm guessing it's because using contractions tends to be an automatic subconscious thing?"

    Basically. The essays are supposed to be exposes, not overly formal analyses, so I would think it would make more sense to use contractions, since that indicates a more natural speech pattern.

    And in my case, I'm quite capable of padding these essays without the use of contractions, as they only allow up to 200 words each (out of the two I've done so far, one's 199 words long, and the other's 200, and that's with contractions that I felt flowed better than un-contracted pairs of words).

  • No rainbow star
    According to the media, you'd be the worst parent Alex. But we all know that they are just jealous that THEIR fathers didn't teach them how to use swords
  • Enjoying a bottle of beer that my uncle and aunt got me for Christmas from some microbrewery near Bradford. It's India pale ale, which I wouldn't normally go for, but it's not too bad. I suspect a lot of Americans would say it was too warm, but I think cold beer doesn't really taste of anything.

    Unfotunately, I'm having to drink it from a glass with the logo of the crappy football team their family all supports on it, but you can't have everything.  

  • How lacking in awareness do you have to not be able to detect that people are laughing at you? Then again, I predict a 90% probability that they think that the displays of teenagers or young adults in goofy costumes making goofy movements and singing badly are a tribute. 

  • edited 2012-01-14 16:42:15

    When that South Park episode "Assburgers" aired, where Stan is cynical (literally seeing everything as shit) and becomes an alcoholic to alleviate that, I went onto the /co/ thread for that episode, and most of the posts there were guys saying that the cynic angle hit too close to home for them, and that it made them depressed.

    It was one of the most surreal things I've ever seen.

  • Champion of the Whales

    Do you want to know what awkward, when you log onto talk to someone and they get go off line just as you say hello

  • law of silence

    ^^^ Ugh, they make all anime fans look like weeaboos.

  • You can change. You can.

    my head hurts and i swear that if i get the tiniest bit angry i'm going to murder everyone and bite their head off, bluh

  • Champion of the Whales

    -thinks of ways to annoy Juan-

  • One foot in front of the other, every day.

    i.e. business as usual

  • Glaives are better.

    I've applied for an internship at a famous video game company. I don't think I'll get it, considering my writing sample was about marital strife during a zombie apocalypse.

  • One foot in front of the other, every day.

    > zombie apocalypse

    There's your issue.

    They probably get about one billion pieces about a zombie apocalypse every day.

  • edited 2012-01-14 17:12:59
    You can change. You can.

    Innistrad made zombies cool again, shutup

    but yeah i think i could use a break from...everything, really. If anyone needs me, I'm on Gmail/G+/Heapers Hangout as per usual.

    Peace, be happy.

  • Glaives are better.

    To be fair, it was a zombies-lite piece. It consists of a man trying to cope with the fact that the corpse of his ex-wife is about to reanimate, their marriage and the problems that led to their divorce.

  • No rainbow star
    Can I have a link? All I'm finding is info on a card set
  • edited 2012-01-14 20:05:59

    How is the Conductor feeling. Well;


    You don't know how much I need you

    While you're near me I don't feel blue
    And when we kiss I know you need me too
    I can't believe I've found a love that's so pure and true

    But it all was bullshit
    It was a goddamn joke
    And when I think of you Ellie
    I hope you fuckin' choke

    I hope you're glad with what you've done to me
    I lay in bed all day long feeling melancholy
    You left me here all alone, tears running constantly

    Oh somebody kill me please
    Somebody kill me please
    I'm on my knees, pretty pretty please
    Kill me
    I want to die
    Put a bullet in my head 


    Like that.


    Anyway, it's probably a good thing I don't live in the USA or else the apparently easy access to guns would mean I'd have blown my brains out tonight. Oh well. Good night IJBM, I'm gonna be avoiding the internet for a bit and communication in general. Throw myself into my work and try and keep my mind of shit. Stay awesome. 

  • Has friends besides tanks now

    Get better soon, Conductor.

    @the rest of you: I just noticed something about turning IJBM Light Music Club into an announcement that might be bad: who actually reads the announcements instead of mentally phasing them out?

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