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  • edited 2012-01-14 21:12:44


  • I am very sorely tempted to just delete my account on TvTropes now.

    Much more than usual, I mean.

  • edited 2012-01-14 21:12:11

    It should be noted that deleting your account on TVTropes does absolutely nothing except make it possible for people to impersonate you.  Unless they've changed that I guess.

  • Maybe I just change the password by beating my head on the keyboard so no-one can discern it.

  • edited 2012-01-14 21:15:23
    Has friends besides tanks now

    "Fuck the use of the word "pandering."  Not specifically in Everest's post in that thread but in general.  Yes, K-ON! is pandering to the otaku audience.  But it's no different from how literally every other work of genre fiction ever is pandering to one audience or another. "

    Believe it or not, I've argued on your side at least once on this matter, concerning the use of the word "pandering". When I say "pandering", I mean that there's a lack of sophistication or attempt to use the subject matter more thoughtfully than "hey, here's this thing I've heard you like; enjoy" with a flimsier excuse/justification than could be used.

  • Where was this?

    Anyways, the other situation where "pandering" would be a problem are when it specifically targets itself towards one group at the exclusion of others. After all, how often do you hear about women simply putting up with ridiculous female character outfits?

  • Has friends besides tanks now

    It was in the Sexually aggressive women thread. My last post there, specifically.

  • edited 2012-01-14 21:34:14

    I've argued on your side at least once on this matter

    That would imply that, like, I have a side on anything at all.  As it happens, I really don't have much of an opinion on anything other than that certain things irritate me and thus motivate me to make raegey, poorly-thought-out posts from time to time.

     In any case... the point was more that people have a tendency to dismiss whatever as "pandering" without actually explaining any particular faults with it.  While it's certain that a work of fiction that mostly tries to appeal to an audience by just giving them things they like is probably not going to end up as good (in a critical sense) as a work that is more thoughtful, that doesn't mean that any particular work that does "pander" in that way is actually bad, or that there is no merit to it whatsoever, or (especially) that there is anything wrong with the people who like the work (which, ultimately, is what is implied much of the time when people talk about something being pandering).  You really weren't doing that, I know, but it's just that you made me think of it.

    Or something. 

     ^^ I guess that is unfortunate, but that's one of those things that's mostly a problem because it's so widespread.  The problem isn't that there are female characters with skimpy outfits, but that that is so much more common than female characters with non-skimpy outfits, especially within shounen manga or superhero comics or... whatever other genre has a lot of that...

  • Has friends besides tanks now

    Oh, okay.

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    If there's one thing I hate, it's saying goodbye.

  • Woki mit deim Popo.

    I'm guessing this has to do with certain recent events.  If I'm correct in that, maybe you should take a break from this corner of the internet.

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    Nah, all over and done with now.

  • Good luck, Conductor.


    Can I have a link? All I'm finding is info on a card set


    If you're talking about Innistrad, that's what Juan was talking about (the set centers around a Salem-esque town under siege/infiltrated by a bunch of Halloween-y monsters).

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    Just put my bed together all proper-like. Surprisingly painless.

  • edited 2012-01-15 11:05:37
    Diet NEET

    Yay, I'm in a committee I forgot I even applied for. Which means juggling three of them. Luckily, it's a committee-lite, and it'll probably give me the impetus to finally buy a proper suit, but still, they could've kept me in touch on the selection procedure.

    And they need more people, so they asked us to "make use of our personal network". That phrasing makes me want to punch someone.

    Also, dat feel when that half-arsed trollfic you wrote years ago is still getting comments. And not the ragey type, but the moar! type.

  • I was actually on the point of posting an aggressive "screw you all" message  to get myself banned from TV Tropes earlier, in view of stuff that most of you know about now.

    Eventually, I decided not to. Ragequitting never really achieves anything because people just dismiss you as a ragequitter and it's ultimately not very dignified. It's really all about wanting to get the last word in, but of course, no-one ever does that any more than they really get their own back.

    I went out and had lunch with some friends instead, but it still saddens me how things have worked out.

  • This is how ragequitters sound like in my mind:

  • ^^It's not worth it. It's not so hard to just stop frequenting the forum. Also, it would have forever turned you from CaptainBrass into CaptainCrass in my mind.

  • a little muffled
     I was actually on the point of posting an aggressive "screw you all" message  to get myself banned from TV Tropes earlier, in view of stuff that most of you know about now.

    What stuff is this?



  • Likes cheesecake unironically.

    I hope I just won't pull back again.

  • edited 2012-01-15 14:43:44
    You can change. You can.

    @Nyktos: Cygan, Charlatan, Blixty Slycat and Kris Mahai all got banned.

    ^^It's not worth it. It's not so hard to just stop frequenting the forum. Also, it would have forever turned you from CaptainBrass into CaptainCrass in my mind.

    Depends on the people and their nature. Some obssess with things and can't let go. It's problematic and I admit that I'm no better for it, but it's a thing.

  • edited 2012-01-15 14:49:42
    Has friends besides tanks now

    I thought Charlatan was banned by request. Not that I can blame him.

    I can't say Cygan and Blixty's bans surprise me (not that I approve of Cygan's ban, at least; Blixty flounced, and I don't have sympathy for flouncing, myself), but I remember Kris being rather mild. I saw what apparently caused her ban, though, and I don't see how it makes sense.

  • You can change. You can.

    Charlatan asked for the ban in public because he expected moderation to not do it, as they had stated before that they don't do that kind of thing. 

    Kris got back after everybody called Eddie out on calling Kris a drama whore.

  • edited 2012-01-15 15:11:30
    Has friends besides tanks now

    Is she actually posting now, though? She was leaving even without the ban.

    Makes you wonder how Eddie can sit on his high horse sometimes. But I'm just gonna drop this talk of Eddie and save it for Beyond the Lampshade.

  • In all truth, I always thought that Charlatan and Blixty got way overly emotional. And from what I remember, those two had the "any complaining is bad" attitude which led to ever-irritating "I don't care and you shouldn't either" posts.

  • Has friends besides tanks now

    I didn't know Charlatan that much aside from his shitposting, but Blixty always struck me as being pretty immature when upset, in truth. His flounce is a prime example of that.

  • You can change. You can.

    I've never seen Charlatan advocate for "Any complaining is bad". Blixty I'm no fan of, but Charlatan was always more than willing to call Eddie and the administration on their bullshit. In fact, Charlatan was one of the people who made me realize just how fucking wrong had things gone down there.

    Is she actually posting now, though? She was leaving even without the ban.

    She isn't posting anymore, but she's unbanned. 

    anyway, yeah, to BTL, I s'pose.

  • Likes cheesecake unironically.

    Well, I try to get away from there a bit. And here completely, since I spend way too much time here. Although I think that this won't work, just as always.

    It's always disheartening when I think of how much time I waste in the internet when I could just as well do other things. And I have way too few willpower to lessen it. And just when I'm on TV Tropes less, I'm here more.

  • edited 2012-01-15 15:18:34
    Has friends besides tanks now

    "It's always disheartening when I think of how much time I waste in the internet when I could just as well do other things."

    I think a lot of us here feel that way. For what it's worth, I have a (less convincing, as of late) excuse in that I'm a moderator here and am thus obligated to make sure people aren't being idiots.

  • I remember not wanting to get high speed internet at first because at least with dial-up, the fact it hogged the phone connection and that it had a monthly time limit prevented me from staying too long on the Net.

    I suspect I'm not the only one that uses this place primarily as a "boredom" killer.

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