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  • edited 2011-12-26 14:59:12
    One foot in front of the other, every day.
    Link is nerdy, but very good looking. A little suave, and a little more arrogant, but good-hearted and erring towards selflessness. Attracted to Zelda. He invited her to the society as an excuse to spend time with her, but is glad that she's begun to show an independent interest in the topics covered. He'd love to do martial fencing, but there are no groups nearby, so he does sport fencing and reads recent literature on older traditions.

    Zelda got into this stuff because of her attraction to Link. Similarly good-looking, but much more reserved and shy. Comes from a rich family. While her initial attention was focused on Link, she finds herself genuinely enjoying the activities for their own merits and becomes a minor expert on some elements of nerd lore in short order. She's a bit of a casual Christian, some of the values not sitting well with her contemporary views on morality. A true believer, though.

    Gannondorf is a pig of a guy, and his bitterness over women has caused him to become misogynistic and dismissive. With his current state of mind, he's largely incapable of appreciating a woman outside her sexual value, imagining the perfect relationship as one of subservience, even if he isn't aware that he thinks this way. Friends with Link, but frustrated over the attention Zelda gives him. He'd rather blame the world for his problems than change for the better or risk the bubble he's constructed around himself. Deeply into the occult, and thinks it makes him seem cool.

    oh god what am I doing

  • edited 2011-12-26 14:57:57
    One foot in front of the other, every day.
    Malon is a country girl that also fancies Link, with a brighter temperament than Zelda. She has less involvement, though; while her interests run with the group, she has an instinctual desire to work under the sun, to the extent of doing paperwork on an outdoor table during the day. She's got a variety of practical skills, but most people are endeared by her skill with voice and instruments. If she had her way, she'd free range farm for the rest of her life, but that is becoming less and less economically feasible. She'll always keep her favourite horse, though, who she rides with incredible finesse and grace for her age.

    guys stop me before its too late

  • My Zelda Time Line (Despite Nintendo's Stupid Canon)

    Skyward Sword
    Minish Cap
    Ocarina of Time
    Majora's Mask
    Link's Awakening
    Legend of Zelda
    Adventure of Link
    Four Swords
    Oracle of Ages
    Oracle of Seasons
    Four Swords Adventure
    Twilight Princess
    Wind Waker
    Phantom Hourglass
    Spirit Tracks

  • Gearing up with extremely flamboyant music.
  • No rest for the wicked
  • We Played Some Open Chords and Rejoiced, For the Earth Had Circled the Sun Yet Another Year
    but i'm tired 
    Just got tickets for Sherlock Holmes 2. Updates shall come.
  • Till shade is gone, till water is gone, into the Shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath, to spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the last Day.
    Welp, just sent out my applications for BU, NYU, Northeastern, and Emerson.

    Fingers crossed.

    Still poking around for other schools to apply to. Considering Ithaca.
  • No rainbow star
    I remember people calling ke stupid for saying Minish Cap came first (this was before Skyward Sword was announced)

    NOW Who's laughing!?
  • Till shade is gone, till water is gone, into the Shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath, to spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the last Day.
    Didn't they always say that Minish Cap was first?
  • We Played Some Open Chords and Rejoiced, For the Earth Had Circled the Sun Yet Another Year
    Still poking around for other schools to apply to

    I need to start doing this...
  • edited 2011-12-26 16:58:22
    OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    ^^^Same happened to me, which is odd, considering that MC lacked Ganondorf, the Master Sword...pretty much everything the other games had.
  • You can change. You can.
    I'm 57 mins into Lord of the rings
    I'm already sleepy
    god, i'm weak
    oh god, now that i've read homestuck, aragorn has become dave in my mind
    kill me
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    > but i'm tired

    Then take a nap.  THEN FIRE ZE MISSILES!

    > I'm 57 mins into Lord of the rings
    > I'm already sleepy

    not big surprise
  • You can change. You can.
    It is for me. First time I did this, the movie was pretty much caffeine for me. 

    I'm mostly awake now that the plot kicked in.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    I learned more about the plot of LotR from discussing the movies with other people than actually watching them.
  • You can change. You can.
    It's...quite simple, dude.

    Kid takes ring to mountain, he's helped by a lot of people.

    Also, parallels to WWII.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Wait, there are parallels to WWII?
  • You can change. You can.
    Not intentional ones, but the argument for: but blah blah blah Mordor = Nazis blah blah blah Isengard = Italy blah blah blah elves = England blah blah blah humans = Americans blah blah blah has been made at least once.
  • Well, that evening royally tanked. Woozy from too much caffeine, everyone I knew at the place had to work that evening, music was meh and got harassed by annoying youths on the way back home. Some of the costumes were swell though(whole bunch of people dressed as Lemmings took the cake).
  • We Played Some Open Chords and Rejoiced, For the Earth Had Circled the Sun Yet Another Year
    looks like I dropped the ball on my SAT Subject Tests.... D:
  • One foot in front of the other, every day.
    Not intentional ones, but the argument for: but blah blah blah Mordor =
    Nazis blah blah blah Isengard = Italy blah blah blah elves = England
    blah blah blah humans = Americans blah blah blah has been made at least

    Best begin fleeing before Tolkien's corpse gets up and plays cockhockey with your head.

    He wrote the bulk of it before WWII and hated the allegorical interpretation -- in fact, he hated allegory as a primary means of interpretation because he found it trivialising towards literature. The entire concept of the Ring existed long before the nuke.

    Besides, Rohan is Germany (or at least Austria), Gondor is Italy. The Shire is England (duh, "Shire" is a common suffix for place names there) and the Rivendell elves live where Oxford would be on the Middle Earth map, although the rest of that region may be taken as France when it was Celtic Gaul.

    The Easterlings are Middle Easterners and the Southrons are North Africans, both of whom have been tricked into the service of Sauron. Mordor itself isn't anywhere, as Tolkien didn't want to use an existing nation to represent that kind of evil, so it's a kind of disembodied corruption of a Central European nation.

    If there's any allegory to be had, it's to Classical era Europe with high medieval technology. 

    On a side note, my sister dropped some pretty crazy bombs on me about her personal life. I'm suddenly incredibly tired.
  • No rainbow star
    I got started on a killing spree in a new file on New Vegas

    Managed to kill the doctor, a random citizen of Goodsprings, Old Pete, and Sunny's dog before my rampage was finally brought to an end

    What would the best starting layout be if I wanted to kill everything and everyone in the starting town?

  • One foot in front of the other, every day.
    The solution to shaving is not to do it. Beards are win.
  • But you never had any to begin with.
    ^^^ Help the powder gangers in the relevant quest?
  • ^^ This is quite true.
  • You can change. You can.
    He wrote the bulk of it before WWII and hated the allegorical interpretation -- in fact, he hated allegory as a primary means of interpretation because he found it trivialising towards literature. The entire concept of the Ring existed long before the nuke.

    Well, yeah. But it doesn't make it any less valid. Death of the author.


    Mind you, I don't particularly suscribe to that interpretation, as it implies that Germany was pretty much a bunch of English idiots who decided to mutilate themselves till they reached orchood.

    and, you know, tons of racism. so, no, it barely fits, but it helps towards understanding the plot, if you fail at it.
  • edited 2011-12-27 10:15:14
    One foot in front of the other, every day.
    There are a lot of interpretations concerning LotR out there. It's been claimed by all manner of people, from legitimate socialists to neo-nazis to hippies to whatever. There's death of the author and there's silly -- the WWII allegory would fall into the latter. Especially given that the War of the Ring doesn't follow the "plot" of WWII  anyway, except with very distant abstraction. If it were a true allegory, we'd get stuff like this:

    - The Ring (nuke allegory) was developed by the race of Men (Americans) before Mordor (Germany) could develop its own. In this case, however, the nuke is a German invention that finds its way into the hands of the English.
    - Mordor (Germany) invades Eriador (England and France), but the assault fails and tide of war changes.

    and so on and so forth.

    LotR simply lacks coherence with WWII. For instance, Pearl Harbour was the catalyst for the USA's military involvement in the conflict, yet there is no allegorical equivalent to Japan. Nor in there an allegorical equivalent to Poland, the Russians or anything to do with the Eastern Front. There are simply too many factors missing or unaligned with the historical realities of WWII for LotR to be comprehensively interpreted within that framework. There's a stronger argument for WWI, which Tolkien actually fought and lost many friends within.

    On the other hand, LotR hides some historical and mythological events in itself. Rohan's aid towards Gondor in the Battle of Pelennor Fields resembles the joining of forces between mounted Gothic warriors and Roman legions in the face of the Huns, wherein Gothic assistance came as a great surprise to the Romans and Huns alike. Eriador resembles post-Roman Saxon Britain, lacking in central leadership and consisting mostly of untamed countryside.

    I'm all for death of the author when it's clever or contributes greatly to the story, but in this case it seems to be people very broadly fitting a wider cultural experience over something that was both notable and published shortly after. If anything, mind, Tolkien portrayed Germans and Italians as noble and good people -- as Rohan and Gondor respectively, they provide some of the principle heroes of the story, exceeded only by English gentlemen (Hobbits) and an ambiguously Germano-Celtic prince (Aragorn).

    tl;dr: LotR doesn't follow WWII's plot very closely at all. WWII could be used to provide a moral compass and relate factions, but only because it was morally unambiguous with the slaughter of the Jews and all. Excepting that lack of ambiguity, any war could be chosen to represent sides and politics in LotR just as easily.
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