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A Wild Pokémon thread appeared!



  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    You'd end up with something around 520,000 different Eevees.

    And if we started calculating the number of possible combinations of evolutions, abilities, and natures, the number would start reaching towards the billions.

  • edited 2012-10-22 00:46:52
    No rainbow star

    ^^^ -34 doesn't work at that point. It only covers two of the huge amount. Pretty sure, anyways

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    No, it does.

    No, wait, it doesn't. It's 17 times 17 times 17, minus 17 times 17.

    4913 - 272.

    Same goes for the next step up. 83,521 - 4913.

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    Bluh, wait, I think that is wrong.

    It would be closer to minus 17 times 16, I think.

    Look, it's a fuckin huge number, OK. Reaching up around 165,000.

  • No rainbow star

    Let's just go through each one one by one. We'll EVENTUALLY get it right!

  • No rainbow star

    OH GOD






  • No rainbow star
    Fuck that fat bastard and his fucking Pineco!

    I rage quitted, losing three turns of progress (about half an hour to 45 minutes). Why?

    "I'll heal all my fucking health! Then use this potion! Then eat your fucking super potions!"

    Fuck that warlord SO hard...!
  • Take an Eevee.

    There are 17 types to evolve into (I'm guessing you're counting either Normal or ???), so that's 17 __eons.

    There are 16 types beyond the one it evolved to, so that's 272 __eoneons.

    There are 15 other types, so 4080 __eoneoneons.

    14 other types, 57120 __eoneoneoneons.

    So that's 57120+4080+272+17+1 = 61490 members in the family.

    Now, this is allowing for eeveelutions with the same types in different order of evolution (e.g. Grass/Fire/Water/Electric, Grass/Electric/Fire/Water, etc.). If you feel like discounting these, divide each stage by the number of possible combinations in said stage (its factorial, e.g. for 4 types it's 24! = 4*3*2*1 = 24). You get 57120/24 + 4080/6 + 272/2 + 17/1 + 1/1 = 2380 + 680 + 136 + 17 + 1 = 321


    Now doing something analogous for the Physical/Special/Physical/Special thing it's:

    1 Eevee

    8 eons

    8*8 = 64 eoneons (discounting Normal because symmetry).

    64*7 = 448 eoneoneons.

    448*7 = 3136 eoneoneoneons.

    3136 + 448 + 64 + 8 + 1 = 3657

    Now, note that if you're going to do the no-same-types-different-order thing, due to the Special/Physical restraint there's only one possible combination for stage 3 (e.g. there can be Water/Steel, but no Steel/Water), two for stage 4, and 4 for stage 5, so you get 3136/4 + 448/2 + 64 + 8 + 1 = 784 + 224 + 64 + 8 + 1 = 1081

  • edited 2012-10-22 05:27:37
    "I will grant you two wishes; one for each testicle."

    Permutation (Grass/Fire/Water/Electric != Water/Electric/Grass/Fire) 17!/(17-4)! = 57120 Eeveelutions

    Combinations (Grass/Fire/Water/Electric = Water/Electric/Grass/Fire) 17!/(4!(17-4)!) = 2380 Eeveelutions

    math doesn't need to be so fucking complicated god

    ^^ Worst part is that warlord is totally useless once you recruit him. He kinda is the epitome of suck.

  • a little muffled

    @Icalasari: No, in gen I there was one more physical type than special, just like in the other two gens where that split was meaningful. Adding one to each side can't make the numbers go from even to uneven?

    As for Eevee I don't see why they can't just do Eeveelutions of "physical" types, if they want to do more.

  • a little muffled
    Decided to restart Black, since I never finished it and I want to do so before I get Black 2. Picked Tepig this time.
  • No rainbow star
    Water - Rock

    Electric - Poison

    Grass - Ground

    Psychic - Flying

    Fire - Bug

    Ice - Normal

    Dragon - Fighting

    Dark - Steel


    Oh huh
  • edited 2012-10-22 12:05:53
    But you never had any to begin with.

    Wrong way. Ghost is (well, was) Physical. For some inexplicable reason.

  • edited 2012-10-22 12:08:11
    No rainbow star
    ^ I know

    But I'm on my phone so no tables and fuck redoing it so that physical is on the left

    And Ghost was supposed to be a Psychic counter, so going against the Physical Defense stat instead of that ungodly Special Stat, maybe?
  • No rainbow star
    So I figured out how delegations work

    You aren't supposed to make the armies with delegated tasks do anything that turn...
  • No rainbow star

    Finished the main story of Pokemon Conquest

    "Yes! I can't wait to finish up all the stuff I was doing before and-...I can't replay the main story until I've beaten all this other stuff, and I'm practically starting all over again? ...Fuck"

  • yea i make potions if ya know what i mean

    Tepig is adorbs and Emboar is awesome, but his midform is kinda lame.

    Though, I guess most starters have that problem. 

  • edited 2012-10-23 10:00:46
    Definitely not gay.

    his midform is kinda lame.

    You mean Failnite?

    Yeah, he sucks. He's the entire reason why I don't use the Tepig line, ever.

    Though, I guess most starters have that problem. 


    • Grovyle

    • Charmeleon

    • Dewott

    • Monferno

    • Ivysaur

  • yea i make potions if ya know what i mean

    That's still not very many of them, and I'm going to dispute Ivysaur, because it just looks like Bulbasaur but with leprosy.

    Charmeleon too. It looked like Charmander got a tan and a pointier head. 

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    Charmeleon looks like an older, tougher Charmander. Which is what it is.

    Charmeleon is the shit, don't knock Charmeleon.

  • edited 2012-10-23 10:30:09
    Definitely not gay.

    Charmeleon is what hadrosaurs think of in their masturbation fantasies. Charmeleon is bad-ass.

    Ivysaur pretty much fixed everything wrong with Bulbasaur. It's sleeker, meaner, and pointier.

  • Ridi, Pagliaccio, sul tuo amore infranto!

    Wartortle is best Secondary Starter Evolution.

    Then probably Grovyle.

  • Definitely not gay.

    Wartortle is Squirtle with wings on its head and a fang. Big deal.

  • I'm a damn twisted person

    You know why cyndaquil opened its eyes when it evolved into quilava? So it could see just how much it was kicking everybody else's asses. 

  • Ridi, Pagliaccio, sul tuo amore infranto!

    Except for Croconaw's.

  • I'm a damn twisted person

    Croconaw's trainers are too embarrassed to use it in public until it evolves into Feralligator. 

  • Ridi, Pagliaccio, sul tuo amore infranto!

    And even then, they keep a bag over his face.

  • a little muffled
    Feraligatr is okay though it has a dumb name.
  • No rainbow star
    Feraligatr is a great name! Feral. Alligator

    I think Giovanni is my favourite villain, followed by Cyrus
  • yea i make potions if ya know what i mean

    Giovanni was the only threatening villain in the series until Ghetsis came along.

    Though I will admit that I know nothing about Gen IV's because, y'know, skipped it. 

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