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A Wild Pokémon thread appeared!



  • No rainbow star

    ^...I'm not seeing your point

  • Definitely not gay.


  • a little muffled
    But why is that scarier than regular bestiality?
  • Definitely not gay.

    1. It would be far more widespread, seeing as superpowered animals of varying sentience and power are kind of a big deal no matter where you go.

    2. Remember the infamous picture of Misty riding a Starmie?  Yeah, way worse than that. We're talking superpowered animal porn here. There's a world of difference between a dog fucking a girl and a giant psychic alien starfish fucking a girl.

  • a little muffled
    Only because we don't live in a world where giant psychic alien starfish are commonplace.
  • Definitely not gay.

    Only because we don't live in a world where giant psychic alien starfish are commonplace.

    The point still stands, though

    porn would be ten times more horrifying.

  • No rainbow star

    ...Still failing to see your point

  • Has friends besides tanks now

    Well, this sure is a fucked-up conversation, huh.

  • No rainbow star

    What is?

  • Has friends besides tanks now

    • MonTube.com

    • Pokesex.net

    • MonWire.net

    • PokeSpin.com

    I can go on and on

    But why is that scarier than regular bestiality?

    1. It would be far more widespread, seeing as superpowered animals of varying sentience and power are kind of a big deal no matter where you go.

    2. Remember the infamous picture of Misty riding a Starmie?  Yeah, way worse than that. We're talking superpowered animal porn here. There's a world of difference between a dog fucking a girl and a giant psychic alien starfish fucking a girl.

    Only because we don't live in a world where giant psychic alien starfish are commonplace.

  • edited 2012-10-29 22:29:17
    Definitely not gay.

    Well, this sure is a fucked-up conversation, huh.

    I know. -_-

    Uh, let's think of another aspect of Pokemon being real.

    Pokemeat! What Pokemon would be killed and eaten? (BTW this is canon: Cherrim are at least really eaten)

    I'm hankerin' for some Slowpoke myself.

  • If that don't work, use more gun.

    Caught a Deino, and named it Laharl. Evolved it into a Zweilous. Now I have to train it for 14 more levels until it evolves into something useful. Yaaaaaayyyyyy.

  • Definitely not gay.

    ^ Don't forget that the Hydreigon line belongs to the Slow experience group.

    Have fun!

  • Definitely not gay.


    what should I name my Gengar?

  • No rainbow star

    I caught a Braviary


    Named him Washington

  • yea i make potions if ya know what i mean

    If Pokemon were real I'd be a vegetarian.

    Not really thinking I'd enjoy Farfetch'd wings as much as chicken wings.

    what should I name my Gengar?

    Male: Ammitty
    Female: Belle

  • Definitely not gay.

    Not really thinking I'd enjoy Farfetch'd wings as much as chicken wings.

    Hey ya never know. Farfetch'd might be good braised in peanut sauce and served with carrots.


  • yea i make potions if ya know what i mean

    >chicken wings
    >peanut sauce

    ur doin it rong

  • Definitely not gay.

    Hey, Farfetch'd probably taste more like ducks.

  • yea i make potions if ya know what i mean

    I tend to forget that people even eat duck.

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    Farfetch'd is actually specifically based on a Japanese legend about a duck that offers itself as food to a starving traveler, so yeah, you can bet that they're eaten.
  • yea i make potions if ya know what i mean

    They're mentioned somewhere as being rare due to overhunting, so that's not surprising.

    I honestly find it rather strange that people eat Pokemon in canon. I guess it's not that weird objectively speaking, but you get used to seeing them as companions so much that they look weird as a food source.

  • edited 2012-10-30 11:20:27
    Definitely not gay.

    Hey guys, whaddaya think Lillipups taste like?

    I bet back in the day, cowboys used to tell Indian (not the New Delhi kind) folk-tales to each other on the campfire while roastin Lillipups. To this day, maybe even crazy hobos still get some of the ol' Lillipup when they can.

    It's a dog-eat-dog world out there. 

    I honestly find it rather strange that people eat Pokemon in canon. I guess it's not that weird objectively speaking, but you get used to seeing them as companions so much that they look weird as a food source.

    Some people keep pigs as pets, y'know.

  • yea i make potions if ya know what i mean

    I know.

    Honestly I don't really eat meat aside from chicken, so I guess that probably has something to do with it.

  • a little muffled

    There are chicken Pokemon.

  • Definitely not gay.

    There are chicken Pokemon.

    Yeah, but they're rare and probably endangered, so

  • But you never had any to begin with.

    Also, they're on fire.

    Anyhow, started a blind Nuzlocke of White 2. Haven't done much yet, though. (Met Bianca and caught a Patrat, that's it.)

  • No rainbow star
    Another thought on real Pokemon:

    Zoroark can make itself look like a human and speak human langauges flawlessly

    Couldn't someone end up dating a Zoroark and never know it, assuming that their boy/girlfriend just has issues with being touched (Not sure if its illusion can make even the physical touch of Zoroark feel different or not. Probably, considering attacks like Tickle should otherwise dispell Illusion if Zoroark was, say, a Wailord. "...Did my Pokemon just melt into that Wailord to tickle it?")
  • "I will grant you two wishes; one for each testicle."

    According to Bulbapedia

    Illusion is broken—causing the user to appear as their true species—when the user is damaged directly by an attack or when changed to Mummy via Mummy. As such, it is not broken by secondary effects such as the HP loss caused by SubstituteLife Orbweather conditionsstatus ailmentsentry hazardsrecoil, etc.

    So as long as you don't actually do damage to the Zoroark, it could potentially look human forever. All it would take would be damage caused by another living being to take it out of its illusion.

  • No rainbow star
    According to that, since things like Stealth Rocks doesn't break it, then even getting into a fist fight with an average human would do shit to the illusion (I'd imagine a martial artist could probably do Pokemon-style damage)

    So that would be interesting

    Heck, remember the legend in Sinnoh that states humans are Pokemon that took off the skin?

    What if that's backwards?

    What if humans are Pokemon that left on the skin - Zoroark that used Illusion - and eventually forgot the illusion altogether, eventually gaining a mutated form of Illusion that locked them into the human shape even in the womb?

    In short, WMG humans darwinian evolved from Zoroark
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