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A Wild Pokémon thread appeared!
Because the last one was apparently nearly impossible to find.
Feel free to discuss whatever Pokémon related subjects you wish to share here.
Anything from 1st Gen to 5th Gen and the spinoffs are fair game.
Archeops is my new best friend. Well, sort of; I've swept at least one team or two with it, but it's tough to use. I have yet to find the best team for it.
But am I a boy or a girl?
>implying plants are inanimate
Harder to say that ice cream is more "uninspired" than a pokeball
I just caught Cobalion with one Dusk Ball on my first try.
That has never happened with me with Legendaries in my life. Does it have a high catch rate or am I really lucky?
EDIT: So Cobalion has a catch rate of 3. Insane luck it is then.
The new games are called Black and White 2.
So did they run out of colors?
Well, compared to its brethen, Virizion was much more annoying to catch. Took me 19 Ultra Balls to catch it (I don't think the forest area counts as a cave nor was it night over here so I saved my Dusk Balls.)
So, if it only took 1 Ball to catch Cobalion and 19 to catch Virizion, then Terrakion should take 10 Balls!
[/bad logic]
We need a Lyrebird Pokemon
It could share Chatot's signature move
Got bored. Starting making "gym style" teams in Pokémon Online.
Hey, maybe we could have a league here? We all make (CASUAL - So either no EVs or randomized, just to give those who don't follow the metagame a chance) teams and compete for spots in the league?
No idea what we'd do after though
EDIT: And I just remembered how I got the spot for 6th gym leader in a casual tourney once (managed to start slipping up in the final two fights. Before that I was a murder machine though, to the point where I wonder if I accidentally had one of my EV trained Pokemon on my team (we were using wifi))
Hmm, so we use monotype teams with No EVs set up then in Pokemon Online?
Sounds interesting. I do like making teams.
With the getting the spots themselves it didn't have to be monotype, but that would certainly make it more interesting, having to build a team that is monotype, covers its weaknesses, and can get you as high up as possible
It's not particularly hard to decide which EV's would best suit a pokemon. :V
I like the other ideas, though. I'd even be willing to give monotype a shot. Would we still follow tiers as they are, or what? Would we make adjustments (like, say, no legendaries. That would make me a happy camper, just saiyan)?
Certain legendaries aren't overpowered, though. Like the legendary birds.
And I have tried to explain EVs to some people before and they could not understand them at all
"A stat can have up to 252 EVs (Well, 255, but PO doesn't let you do that because it's useless). The more EVs a stat has, the higher it is. A pokemon can have 510 EVs." :P
^I've met people who either don't understand or freak out at putting actual math in the game.
What actually IS EV Training.
The only thing that I've never understood about it is why they chose a number that's not only as seemingly random as 510, but also a number that wasn't evenly divisible by four, if they were going to assign 1 point for every 4 EV's.
^ Battling pokemon that give the specific EV's you're looking for (e.g. if you want to EV train a Gyarados, start by fighting lots of pokemon that give off Attack EV's).
Because 510 is 255x2.
Then why does it cap at 255, rather than 252? Or 256? Why couldn't they just go with a number like 600 for the total, and somewhere between 200-300 for a cap on each stat?
So, it was something to do with the programming?