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I keep thinking Forzare is a mox



  • You can change. You can.

    Kitchen Finks has green. Braids' good, but I think that taking into account that I want to sacrifice things to exile other creatures, it might be too complicated. Mobilization's in there. Battle Screech seems good in theory, but I think that in practice, I might as well use Lingering Souls which gives me the same amount of tokens for one more mana and without the tapping. Fleshbag Marauder's disadvantage is the production of black tokens. OTOH, control, and there's Celestial Dawn to take into account, so I'll think about that. Shriekmaw's good in here, especially as it'd produce an spirit right away for its evoking cost and I'd remove one creature, not to mention that I can revive it right away thanks to the fact that I'm playing WB. Not sure if there's space in there for him as it is. Oversold Cemetery is...well, I prefer to bring things on the battlefield with Emeria, Debtor's Knell, et al, so it'd be kind of a way of going down from that, really. And Grave Pact's in there, although I'm thinking of switching to Martyr's Bond if only to make it more of a deterrent to touch my things.

  • edited 2012-02-10 10:37:55

    Kitchen Finks has green.

    *checks rules* Man, my friends sure are cheaters.


    Also, Darkest Hour.

  • You can change. You can.

    Darkest Hour overrules the white colours, from what Haven tells me, so it'd render Teysa ineffectual. 

  • You can change. You can.

    Things that will never get old: Saying "Wrex" when this guy comes in

  • edited 2012-02-22 09:18:22
    But you never had any to begin with.


  • You can change. You can.

    Things that will never get old:

    Casting this guy

    while this guy

    and this

    Are out and about. I ended up casting 3 CMC 7 5/5 big sticks for absolutely nothing :D:D:D

    I really wanna assemble Riku in real life, but the budget is being a bitch, not to mention that I have to get rid of stuff that is obviously ultra expensive like the alpha and ravnica dual lands. Ah well

  • a little muffled

    Three-colour is hard on a budget.

  • You can change. You can.

    So, there's been a lot of interest by people when it comes to learning how to magic and stuff. So, if anyone's interested, download cockatrice, download all the cards (tis the preferable choice) and you can, you know, come and join a room. I'll make a room to teach people right now, so whoever's interested, look for "IJBM: It's Just Beginner's Magic". Pass is tropermtg (Most people from TvT use this password for consistency's sake)

    First person to come will play, the others can watch and hopefully learn (Or teach and help me, if they're experienced) and after one match, we'll cycle so that everyone gets to play once. 

    (If you want, we don't have to do it today or anything, so we can just gauge interest and program it for a later date)

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