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I keep thinking Forzare is a mox



  • You can change. You can.
    Because you're a bad person who is bad?

    Anyway, most people don't care about banlists. Hell, I run a couple of decklists with Stoneforge Mystic, and she's banned from everything ever. 
  • So top tier that it's impossible to play.

    Heh. My point was, it was top-tier before it was banned. 

    Basically, in Modern, when you win a tournament they ban the key cards in your deck.
  • You can change. You can.
    I know, I was just joking. Which was the deck that broke modern? (With the locus, i mean. We'd stay here a while if we talked about all the decks that have broken the formats...)
  • edited 2011-12-14 23:02:44
    Has friends besides tanks now
    Gonna run an artifact deck with adjustments heavily inspired by Zudak. Anyone up for a few games?

    I'm done for a little while, I think; this is interfering with more important things.
  • edited 2011-12-15 18:47:43
    You can change. You can.
    Anyone up for a quick game? I just came up with an abomination of a deck.  (Or so I hope, anyway)
  • You can change. You can.
    Today I summoned: Scion of the Ur-Dragon, Rith, The Awakener, another Planar Chaos dragon whose name I forget and Hoarding Dragon.

    for the cost of {0} mana.

    And this is why I love EDH.
  • edited 2011-12-17 04:10:10
    But you never had any to begin with.
    And this is why I love EDH.
    I thought you loved it because you were a heathen?
  • You can change. You can.

    you hate it because you are a heathen.
  • But you never had any to begin with.
    Horribly cruel? Yes. Absolutely hilarious? Yes.

    Also won by exiling my entire library with Thought Lash.
  • Has friends besides tanks now
    So now I know how to find Saigyouji on Cockatrice.

    And I have a new deck that will need testing later. And it's based around a creature type I had never expected to use.
  • Has friends besides tanks now
    Anyone home?
  • You can change. You can.
    Yup. Up for a game, then?
  • edited 2011-12-18 11:09:58
    Has friends besides tanks now
    Yup. Never mind. Have to deliver fruit to people. I'll be back in a little while, though.
  • You can change. You can.
    Anyone up for a game? Everest is gone and stuff :(
  • But you never had any to begin with.
    I'm up for it. Couple of things I need to test.
  • You can change. You can.
    OK. The Room. Zis up.
  • edited 2011-12-18 15:01:30
    Has friends besides tanks now
    Could've had 109 311 elves out on turn 6 if Saigyouji hadn't surrendered while I was tapping Rhys. >:[ And if I hadn't been a moron and played Rhys after Elvish Promenade the turn before.

    EDIT: Guess who made a ridiculous Elf Horde deck that he wants to try against as many people as would like to come at him later?
  • Has friends besides tanks now
    @Juan_Carlos: When are a lot of people that you know usually online? I want to try out an Elf Horde deck, but I'd like to run it against more than just two people.

    And wanna play a few games, as well?
  • edited 2011-12-18 20:59:19
    You can change. You can.
    Funnily enough, most of them are on now. Except for Dorku, LeChuck and Saigyouji/Alice, that is.
  • edited 2011-12-18 21:04:03
    Has friends besides tanks now
    Which people do you know? I have Haven, Noim, Dorku, Clocky, Diamonnes, Forzare, Gelzo, you, Chuck, Saigyouji, Nyktos, Ramus, Cygan, Stormtroper, and Zudak on my buddy list (even though I've never talked to some of them), but only Haven and Noim are on at the moment.
  • You can change. You can.
    I have Haven, Noimporta, Dorky, Clock, Diamonnes, Forzare, Chuck, Alice, Nyktos, Ramus, Cygan, Stormtroper, Zudak, Idler and Jseblan. Jseblan barely plays, though.
  • You can change. You can.
    Wait, not Cygan

  • Has friends besides tanks now
    So, up for some games, then?
  • But you never had any to begin with.
    Could've had 109 311 elves
    out on turn 6 if Saigyouji hadn't surrendered while I was tapping Rhys.
    >:[ And if I hadn't been a moron and played Rhys after Elvish
    Promenade the turn before.
    At least I got a chance to crush you with treefolk. :P

    And a Phyrexian Dreadnought. Whee sundial.
  • Has friends besides tanks now
    Turns out it could have been 365 elves if I played Rhys first and kept track of Doubling Season properly.

    Anyone know how to run fast zombie mill? The deck I've been using is kinda slow.
  • You can change. You can.
    Anyway: Question:

    Who of us plays Magic? Like, care enough to build decks and stuff?
  • Has friends besides tanks now
    -raises hand-
  • Has friends besides tanks now
    Anyone around and up for some games?
  • You can change. You can.
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