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Who Would Win General Discussion
So, I wanted to make a thread asking who would win: Jack Skellington or Slenderman. Then I thought, well, why not make a general thread so people can weigh in on other pairings (e.g. Superman vs Goku, Kirby vs Ditto, Zeus vs Cthulhu)
So put your pairings here and see what other people have to say
As for starting off this thread, well, I still want to know who would win: Jack Skellington vs Slenderman. Assume this is a normal fight in an arena about 50 m in diameter. There is a 10 meter high cylinder around it with a 50 m radius dome on top. The center top produces enough light for both combatants to see by comfortably (which may not be much light, if any...). The arena is indestructable and there is nothing either party can use as weapons, making this hand to hand combat
Edit: And one for Madass: Link vs King Arthur. Assume the same conditions as above, except both have their signature sword (Link gets the Master Sword and Arthur gets Excalibur. Assume OoT Master Sword for Link)
Also, um... Superman vs the Powerpuff Girls. The whole of Metropolis is their battlefield, and neither has access to any of their allies, nor are any of their enemies allowed to interfere. Go.
^^^^ Oh, I thought they were all relatively the same
Not sure which version to choose then since I wasn't aware of different versions ^^;
Also, wasn't Arthur's sheath a source of invulnerabilty? Link could buy himself time with Nayru's Love (assuming OoT) to let him get at that sheath...
That version had the Lady in the Lake
^ However, Link has fought invulnerable foes before and managed to remove the invulnerability. In this case all his has to do is get at the scabbard
^ Precisely. Link just has so many ways to get rid of the scabbard that it's a bit of a moot point
Maybe to simplify it neither should have any special equipment (Triforce included), no involvement from the deities, and both use a standard issue one handed sword
Hang on. Going to check more on Link, the Triforce, and his swords to see exactly what does what
But yeah, looks like for all intents and purposes, Link having a chance at victory or being curbstomped comes down to whether or not the speculation over the Triforce of Courage is correct or not
It's only hope is if Missingno. had become the weakest Pokemon ever at that moment (I do recall that it had wildly chaging stats at times)
Charmander vs Agumon - Assume no mid battle evolution/digivolution
Agumon, however, shows human-level intelligence at all times, and thus would probably be able to figure out the best way to defeat Charmander before Charmander figured out how to beat Agumon.
Now, if it were any of Charmander's evolved states then yes, they would win, due to heightened intelligence and sheer raw power, but just a regular Charmander? Agumon wins it.
(Bonus points for also stating who would win in a battle of wit and talking)