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I am not ready to quit TV Tropes yet



  • edited 2011-08-09 21:35:46
    Poot dispenser here
    Made the post.

    If I messed up anywhere, please let me know. I tried to make it as neutral as possible, but I think I might wanna thump it.
  • I stand on Grendel's shoulders
    Don't thump it. It looks fine.
    Oh hey, Anne posts here? Hi Anne!
  • I stand on Grendel's shoulders
    I thought I'd drop in today and see what IJBM has to say on the TT debate.
  • edited 2011-08-09 21:45:41
    Sup, Anne? Bro fist (I don't care if you're a girl XD)
  • edited 2011-08-09 21:43:50
    You can change. You can.
    Shut up, Crow, nobody likes you anyway.

    ^Answer is yes.
  • I stand on Grendel's shoulders

    ^^...Joel and Tom like me.... ;_;

    The thing about Troper Tales is that, in theory, I don't have a problem with it. It's people explaining their experiences with said tropes in real life. However, people use it to tell people that they're yanderes or magnificent bastards. In my ideal world, TT would just be people explaining funny things that happened to them rather than self-aggrandizing. So basically, only comedy tropes would really be used.
  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.
    It's not getting the information to all voters. It's getting the information to those who look at the crowner after the change is made. Many people vote, then don't look at the crowner again. And yes, it's changing what the people who voted before voted on.


    So, because it would mean previous posters didn't know this, we're never allowed to update the crowner with relevant information that could actually inform voters because it 'changes what people voted on'?

    Jesus Christ, Madrugada. My respect for you just disappeared.
  • She reeeeeeeaaaaaaally wants Troper Tales to stay.
  • Poot dispenser here
    What about people who didn't know that a mirror wiki was being set up and would have voted "Yes" if they knew that, for example?
  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.
    And it looks like the ratio has dropped even further since I went to sleep.
  • Electric Boogaloo
    Wonder if she posted a few herself....
  • It's possible they simply don't want to move, like squatters who have taken over your house. By the way, I'm only going to motivate guess here, because it would be harmful to the discussion proper.
  • edited 2011-08-09 21:54:16
    Has friends besides tanks now
    What's it now, 2.01:1?

    EDIT: 2.01:1. Close enough.
  • edited 2011-08-09 21:53:41
    ^^^ If you're talking about Madrugada, yes she did.
  • edited 2011-08-09 21:54:08
    Poot dispenser here
    2.06:1, last I checked.

  • edited 2011-08-09 21:54:47
    ^^^^Yes, as the reasons probably vary from person to person and trying to make general assumptions is usually a bad idea.

    Honestly, at this point I don't expect things to change and am really just watching the fireworks.
  • 2.06:1 actually, so it's gone up somewhat. Hope it stays that way.
  • I stand on Grendel's shoulders
    Right now the ratio is 2.06 : 1.
  • edited 2011-08-09 21:56:19
    Has friends besides tanks now
    Well, I was saying that as a joke on account of the rapidly decreasing ratio.

    And is it bad that I feel bad about myself because you guy ragged on Fighteer for what he said about the reposting of the offsite wiki? I've said worse things to people right here as a moderator (well, only Vivi's breakdown comes to mind, but it still counts). >_>
  • You can change. You can.
    By now, I've lost faith on it staying over 2 for long. Especially as this crowner will last a while.

    All we can do is somehow hope or something. 

    ^^...Joel and Tom like me.... ;_;

    Mike doesn't. And we all know Mike's cooler. :D
  • Poot dispenser here
    What did Fighteer say?
  • Electric Boogaloo
    @Stormtroper: I promise I will not make fun of her on this forum for doing so, but which ones?
  • Poot dispenser here
    Lovely, and I rather liked Fighteer.
  • ^^ I don't know which, but I heard they were alright.

    I should probably add that this is second hand information found somewhere deep in this thread.
  • edited 2011-08-09 22:02:13
    I'm torn on the wiki spamming. On the one hand, I understand wanting to make sure people understand this isn't just a torch-and-scour. On the other hand, I can see how it would get really old really fast.
  • One thing that's pissing me off is that people keep asking how long the crowner will stay open and we keep not getting answers.

    (The fact that there's never a set cutoff date/time from the start is one of the things I hate most about TRS voting)
  • Poot dispenser here
    Me too, but Fighteer doesn't need to snap people's heads off like that.
This discussion has been closed.