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I am not ready to quit TV Tropes yet



  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    Fucking Stock Market. I should quit the stock market forever. The economic administrators don't know what the fuck they are doing and it's like they don't care. All of my hard work, contributions and measurements get wasted by idiots who keep dumping things where they don't belong, and everyone has their own misguided opinion on what is the best thing to invest in. Bad stock market actions reflect on all of us who do it poorly, and they think we all act and look the same as the pedophiles and creeps who do the same thing. If they don't fix this shit soon  I am leaving Wall Street.
  • edited 2011-08-09 19:23:49
    You can change. You can.
    I just came from a nap.

    OK, so I just received a PM by a concerned troper who thinks that TT should stay and has given me arguments for not speaking up. 

    I think I can PM it to anyone interested to attack these concerns and make for a better thread environment in which we can invite a discussion and maybe win votes to our side, if it's not wrong. 

    ETA: As this is a matter concerning another troper, who doesn't IJBM, I have to ask the mods if this is OK?
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    ME plz
  • Post it on the thread, if they're valid points they deserve to be heard by everyone.
  • edited 2011-08-09 19:27:25
    Poot dispenser here
    That just sounds skeevy, Juan.

    I mean, asking somebody to not speak up? Seriously?
  • Give us fire! Give us ruin! Give us our glory!
    I want to take a look as well.

    Also, the ratio has dropped to 2.05. Fuck fuck fuck...
  • edited 2011-08-09 19:29:13
    You can change. You can.
    I don't want to publish someone's words sent to me privately in a public forum.

    Still, I feel they might be valid criticisms.

    Sadly, the person in question was forum banned, so it's not like we're gonna magically make it enough for them to come out and talk, but the fact of the matter is that if we're doing something wrong, if we're debating this in a bad way, we're not gonna win. And I think that many of us agree by now that this is a victory that we want and the site needs for now.

    ETA: I really won't go through with it if I don't get the Mod OK. 
  • edited 2011-08-09 19:29:52
    OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    Ask the person if they'd be okay with it. If it's a reasonable argument, I'd like to see it, though.
  • Give us fire! Give us ruin! Give us our glory!
    2.04:1 now. You may panic.
  • edited 2011-08-09 19:30:11
    Poot dispenser here
  • You can change. You can.
    @INUH: Gimme a few secs.

    Also, she doesn't know what IJBM is....
  • Till shade is gone, till water is gone, into the Shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath, to spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the last Day.
    we're through

    there is no hope for us any longer

  • Fucking "consensus". >:(
  • Till shade is gone, till water is gone, into the Shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath, to spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the last Day.
    This isn't something that should be based on consensus. This is an issue that should be determined through strength of argument, because a lot of people won't read the thread. They'll just vote no because they don't like change.

    The pro-deletion side had put a lot of effort into showing that the new system doesn't work. The pro-TT side hasn't done much more than say "nuh-uh."
  • Right. I'm toxxing myself. If the effort fails, then I guess I am ready to quit TV Tropes.
  • I was one of TvT's most avid defenders. I'm not making any excuses for them anymore.
  • You can change. You can.
    Yup, if it doesn't happen, I think I'll be done with the wiki.

    Like I stated before, I some of the forum hangouts and I don't mind staying there, but my attempting to fix things and the like will probably be done for good.
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    Stop losing hope, all of you.

    The thing we got to do is convince others, not why Troper Tales is bad, but why it would be better off not being on TV Tropes. If we let the bad argumenters continue spewing bile, insults and generalized hatred every moment they can, it's going to make the entireity of the anti-TT group look like haters or elitists.

    As Scrye once brought up, it's hard to support something you like when others are encouraging very disapprovable behavior and making the group as a whole look like shit-eating bile-loving morons. The least the anti-TT-group could do is understand that if you generalize all of the Troper Tales editors as morons or making the wrong decision, they are going to IGNORE you and cast their vote against you solely because you are putting up enemy flags, and no matter what kind of good argument you make, they will ignore it because in their heads you are an asshole.

    There are a few people who aren't sure about the TT debate that haven't voted yet, and I doubt the entire wiki has come to a final consensus yet. There are fencesitters or pre-occupied/internetless people out there that could boost the ratio, and the best way to do that is encourage others to vote against keeping TT, but let them know it isn't some kind of antagonistic mission to erase shit you don't like and gravedance on those who did. You have to let them know, and convince them that it's best if TT isn't part of the wiki anymore.

    You can't do this by pointing out and mocking bad examples.
    You can't do this by calling TT supporters fucking morons.
    You can't do this by letting others distort this into a personal attack campaign or a dissing fit.

    If you care about removing TT that badly, then make sure that you can get people to agree with you. It's hard agreeing with a giant menagerie of assholes, even if they have good points. It's easier to agree with a group of people with good points who aren't assholes too.

    If someone won't change their mind, move on to the next person. If somebody is being stupid and ignoring good arguments, move on to the next person. Don't chase after and pursue the people who won't change the vote no matter what.

    If you are going to give up on trying to accomplish this because you are afraid of being disappointed, or because "it's not worth it and we aren't going to win" then stop posting until it's over. Nobody needs to hear about it. Yes, you can let the sunk cost fallacy etch in your mind all you want, but it isn't going to make you feel any better when you realize you aren't losing anything by losing but a future of Troper Taleless internet enjoyment.

    Stop being down and thinking nothing will change, because with that attitude, nothing will.
    There is plenty of days left for a turn-around, and plenty of reasons to still have hope.
    It's not like you can't change your vote once you put it in.
    I know the internet is infested with people with no confidence who are ready to give up and cuss at each other every second they have, but the least you could do now, is keep calm and strive to try and make your mission succeed regardless of the possibility of failure.
    Try being confident in what you are doing, just for a few more days. That's all it takes.
    You can be a meta-aware cynical fuckwad later.
    You can snark and throw internet fits later.
    You can give up on humanity and break pencils later.
    You can cry sum moar later, and be mad bro later,

    Just for now though, let's try to get Troper Tales off the main site how ever we can.
  • You can change. You can.
    OK, I got the OK from the poster in question to post this. She sent me another PM with a less...inflammatory wording.

    Just make it clear that IMHO making fun of T Ters and the opinions of anyone who wants TT to stay, and implying that surely all those downvotes must be sockpuppets because there couldn't possibly be that many people who disagree, really is not helpful to encouraging discussion. (Or encouraging people who might actually be decent editors who just happen to think TT is OK to stay, for that matter.)
    And that there's at least one person who actually agrees that TT probably should go because it's not working, but is stuck wishing people would stop shooting the message enough to make her want to disagree anyway.

    There we go.

    @Vorpy: Stop. Making. Sense.
  • I voted in favor of Troper Tales deletion. I am not sure it would be worthwhile for me to repeat the arguments against it in the thread though.

    I do kind of hope that in the event that deletion does not win, people will not just leave the forum because of it. I say that partially because earlier even the idea of Troper Tales deletion coming up for a single proposition vote seemed to be quite unlikely and partly because I think that if the Nakama rename is any indication, opinions can change. Basically, if you really want Troper Tales to be deleted, then I believe that it would be regrettable to walk away from the progress that has been made.

    I also think I kind of understand how some people would want to keep Troper Tales so I think it is inappropriate to pick on them, either here on in the TV Tropes thread itself.
  • You can change. You can.
    I don't think anyone is dumb for liking TT, I just disagree and think they're wrong. But they can like TT if that's their thing. I'm not gonna go and tell people they're dumb for liking stuff. 

    Why does everyone issue the same complaint?

    Maybe I'm dumb, but I haven't seen any of us attacking Troper Talers in their respective thread. Except for the gravedancers, but as I recall, none of them are IJBMers.
  • Poot dispenser here
    Really, we have a mirror Wiki for TT set up and ready to go. Yes, it's Wikia, but it's good for all your Yet-Another-Wiki needs.
  • Electric Boogaloo

    ...... is a fucking war vetran by now. He gets to stay home and rant
    about us and our unmanly fighing ways by now. It's his hard earned right
    if he so desires.

  • edited 2011-08-09 20:19:19

    I apologize if I was unclear. I do not mean to say that people here have generally been directly belittling supporters of Troper Tales. I guess part of the reason I made that comment was because of my interpretation of the tone of some posts here and on TV Tropes and partly I said that as a bit of a preemptive measure.
  • You can change. You can.
    Also, for the record, I'm not leaving (Or at least, stopping my attempts at fixing things) because TT stays and that's it. It's just...I'm tired. I'm tired and I'm sick. I don't like this. I don't believe in this procedure. I don't like how this things are handled and I personally don't care. We're making an effort. We're joining together, just this once, to say something that we think it's valid, and it won't matter because vote is not on our side, whether it is because the thread it's too long, because I didn't win anybody over except for Hidden Faced Matt or whatever, I just don't like the whole thing. I've proposed to people to talk to me privately if they feel that the environment of the thread is unenjoyable, I asked and made my points based around what the mods and the people who wanted to keep TT by now asked us for, and they kept moving the goalposts to the very end of the universe.

    I don't wanna go through this again. It's not worth it. If the site can't recognize it has a problem at first sight and shoot it down, and we have to repeat this again and again for it to work, then you have to wonder about this site's capabilities of change and how much does it matter to it. It's not a matter of whether stuff changes or not, but a matter of how much the site prioritizes such and whether it cares or not.

    I'm really sorry for this wall of text, but I think it really needed to be said.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    > Fucking Stock Market. I should quit the stock market forever. The
    economic administrators don't know what the fuck they are doing and it's
    like they don't care. All of my hard work, contributions and
    measurements get wasted by idiots who keep dumping things where they
    don't belong, and everyone has their own misguided opinion on what is
    the best thing to invest in. Bad stock market actions reflect on all of
    us who do it poorly, and they think we all act and look the same as the
    pedophiles and creeps who do the same thing. If they don't fix this shit
    soon  I am leaving Wall Street.

    This is win.

    > [Vorpy's post]

    This is epic win.

    You should post it in the thread itself, assuming it doesn't count as im/ex drama/wars.
  • edited 2011-08-09 20:21:57
    Till shade is gone, till water is gone, into the Shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath, to spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the last Day.
    Seconding what Juan said.
  • edited 2011-08-09 20:24:35
    Poot dispenser here
    I agree with Juan. I won't leave myself, but it's very agitating to see such collaboration not amount to anything.
This discussion has been closed.