If you have an email ending in @hotmail.com, @live.com or @outlook.com (or any other Microsoft-related domain), please consider changing it to another email provider; Microsoft decided to instantly block the server's IP, so emails can't be sent to these addresses.
If you use an @yahoo.com email or any related Yahoo services, they have blocked us also due to "user complaints"

I want to join Something Awful now



  • Give us fire! Give us ruin! Give us our glory!
    ^I'd say it's more like:

    Hey these guys from Something Awful have some criticisms about us, I think we should take them into consideration.

    "It's Something Awful, your argument is invalid."
  • edited 2011-08-01 11:08:21
    Well, it's not like we just ignore all criticism. Troper Tales is definitely an issue for us, but remember that there has been an effort to clean up Troper Tales pages, and a group of some of the worst Troper Tales pages were cut back in December thanks in large part to some SA Members who were willing to come to Wiki Talk and productively assist in the process.

    The Fetish Fuel pages were something we received criticism for, and they were spun off into their own wiki.

    To go further back, the problem with there being numerous anime examples that people had to wade through to get to their "medium" of choice was a big part of why there was a push to replace the AC system with the Folders system, so that people can easily ignore the categories they don't like.

    So criticism is taken into account, and if the community agrees changes do occur, albeit more slowly I'm sure than many of the critics would like.

    At the same time, though, not every criticism levelled at us is something that we should automatically change. For example, the vast majority of criticism I have seen for TVTropes outside of SA is against the No Such Thing As Notability policy, which is at the core of TVTropes operation. These criticisms usually come in the flavor of slamming us for having pages on Anime, FanFiction, and Webcomics, and would basically have us making value judgments on whether a given work is "worth" being listed. In my opinion, changing that would be going in the wrong direction.

    There is also the fact that a not insignificant amount of the criticism comes from people that have no interest in seeing the site improve, they just want someone to laugh at. This has the effect of putting people on the defensive, and unfortunately makes it easier to miss the valid points that are otherwise brought up.
  • You can change. You can.
    @Neo_Crimson: To be honest, the TvT based threads in SA isn't exactly a beacon of wisdom and light that has all the right points, and the generalization can be a bit overbearing. Not to mention that according to them, we're all nothing but a bunch of weeaboo pedophiles who'd gladly fuck our sister while telling all this in an aristocrat joke format to the intetubez.

    Well, at least, we are until we earn the approval of one of 'em. Or something. I dunno lol
  • Electric Boogaloo

    according to them, we're all nothing but a bunch of weeaboo pedophiles
    who'd gladly fuck our sister while telling all this in an aristocrat
    joke format to the intetubez.

    To be fair, that's usually what Yackfest amounts to.
  • No, not really.
  • Scrye, that's an over-generalization and you know it. Plenty of people post in Yack Fest that I've seen talk about their dislike of anime and incest/lolicon related media in various discussions.

    I'll grant that I haven't regularly visited the right side fora in over a year, but I seriously doubt it's changed that much.
  • You can change. You can.
    You're thinking of Fetishes. :p

    and even then, that's a gross generalization.
  • In a second, Scrye will start bitching about how we can't take a joke, and then say something snarky. Then someone will rush to give him a MOFW.

    This cycle will repeat, many, many times.
  • When in Turkey, ROCK THE FUCK OUT
    See! I told you he couldn't stop talking about you!
  • You can change. You can.
    I'll MOFW if he amuses me. 

    three word meme. Involves sunglasses. Etc etc
  • edited 2011-08-01 12:09:00
    Electric Boogaloo
    I'm touched, Myrmidon. At least I know I'll always have at least one fanclub member.
  • edited 2011-08-01 12:15:05
    I think part of the problem is that, in his head, Eddie still thinks
    he's dealing with the people who got annoyed at what happened to the
    Sonichu page. He still thinks he's dealing with the dregs of the
    internet who are upset at not being allowed to turn the wiki into

    As one of the dregs of the internet you mention, I'll remind you that Fast Eddie acted with little prior input, and was open about not wanting to discuss the matter with anybody at all (including discussing what the new article should be) and willing to ignore the trope thing and just delete everything. This had little to do with who's complaining, but that it was about complaints.

    Also, an even better example is Asperchu.
  • Mr. The Edge goes to Washington

    I was one of the dregs too, but I know one thing for sure, I'd hate to be Fast Eddie these days. The guy made this website that was really awesome for a while but things got out of hand and now he has to face assaults on multiple fronts. Fandoms, bannable tropers, banned tropers, This Troper, trolls from This Troper, Something Awful, and so on. For him, TV Tropes is a fight inside and out. I don't envy the guy.

  • Electric Boogaloo
    He wouldn't have had to deal with shit getting out of hand if he actually put some effort to actually administering the site like any other admin/moderator on any other online community does. He shoved all the paperwork in the filing cabinet until it started overflowing and now he's just taking a lighter and liquor bottle to it.
  • Mr. The Edge goes to Washington
    Seriously, what did he think was going to happen when he allowed things like Fetish Fuel and Troper Tales? He forgot one simple fact: It's the internet.
  • But you never had any to begin with.
    Was it Eddie who allowed FF and TT, though, or Gus?
  • Mr. The Edge goes to Washington
    Eddie or not, he at least had say in these things.
  • Basically he was thinking that he was dumping all the shit where he didn't have to look at it.
  • That worked out great, didn't it?
  • edited 2011-08-01 13:38:23
    Eh, it probably seemed like a good idea at the time, hindsight being 20/20 and all that. I don't think it's really my place to second guess a decision that was made well before I joined the site, since I'm unfamiliar with the culture and technical realities of the time.

    And if it truly did keep all of those entries off the main pages, it at least served its intended purpose.
  • edited 2011-08-01 13:31:04
    The site didn't have the tools then that it has now. If "this troper..." became a problem now, the site would add it to the Editing Tips or simply make the phrase "this troper" comment out any entry that uses it.
  • edited 2011-08-01 13:37:03
    Mr. The Edge goes to Washington

    The phrase, "this troper", is old hat by now.

  • Oh it is Scrye.  Up to your usual mishcief. Lol.

    Have any of you been a part of SA in the past?
  • Electric Boogaloo
    Never joined, but I lurked in their Whale Wars thread as the third season aired, for my own amusement.
  • I keep lurking off and on.
  • edited 2011-08-01 14:28:04
    "Speaking of which, if any goons read this, I'd like to thank Miijhal for getting me to watch Darker Than Black. Can't say I enjoyed the second season, but I liked the first well enough."

    You're welcome. I'm glad you enjoyed it. And yeah, I never got to watching the second season, though I've heard bad things about it.

    Anyway, more on topic: SA accounts cost money under the idea that it makes the stakes of doing stupid shit a lot higher than your general internet forum. The more money someone pumps into an account, the less likely they are to want to lose it. Doesn't always prevent people from acting like idiots (IN HOSPITAL, LOST FINGAT), but it certainly helps, considering there were 0 bannings yesterday despite over 7,000 users being on the one time I checked.

    Honestly, I've found it pretty worth the $10. PYF alone was worth it (if you have a strong stomach, it's a bottomless source of hilarity), but I'm liking the rest of the forums as well. The amount of effort that goes into the Games section topics is especially nice.

    Oh, and be sure to check out this thread. It's a beautiful trainwreck.

    On moderation/the rules: The way I'd format the rules would be to set up a series of guidelines for what constitutes as acceptable behavior, followed by a list of rules that will absolutely get you banned for breaking (don't be an obnoxious dick, don't post illegal content, don't give out other users private information without permission, yada yada), and an addendum stating that the rules will be enforced (or not) as each moderator sees fit. It gives you some leeway while still giving posters an idea of what will and will not get them in trouble.
  • You can change. You can.
    Just as FYI, hyperlinks work by highlighting the text you want to hyperlink and then clicking the "insert Hyperlink" command in your editor. And then you copypaste the URL.
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    "Truly, the internet is for crazy people what a van without windows is for a sex offender."
  • edited 2011-08-01 14:34:43
    @Juan: Noticed that a bit too late. :P
  • You can change. You can.

    On moderation/the rules: The way I'd format the rules would be to set up a series of guidelines for what constitutes as acceptable behavior, followed by a list of rules that will absolutely get you banned for breaking (don't be an obnoxious dick, don't post illegal content, don't give out other users private information without permission, yada yada), and an addendum stating that the rules will be enforced (or not) as each moderator sees fit. It gives you some leeway while still giving posters an idea of what will and will not get them in trouble.

    I can agree with this. 
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