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  • You can change. You can.
    Yes, but at this point you're not thinking how to stop him so much as "How can I survive?" 

    Which is the point I'm trying to make. A real horror monster is not one who can be stopped or one with which you can reason. A real horror monster is one who makes you run away like a sissy.
  • One foot in front of the other, every day.
    "Not one with which you can reason" is closest to the mark.

    You can kill an extraterrestrial being or exorcise a ghost, but you can't reason with them. Being unable to kill them is icing on the cake, but beside the point.
  • A tactical retreat isn't running away like a sissy Juan.
  • You can change. You can.
    A tactical retreat isn't running away like a sissy Juan. 

    It was just a bit of hyperbole.

    Being unable to kill them is icing on the cake, but beside the point. 

    No, it is not. I'd say that the lack of opportunity to eliminate a threat in anyway of form is important, regardless of the how. 
  • One foot in front of the other, every day.
    Well, again, the Alien.

    You can technically eliminate it -- there's just good reason not to, and its own aggressive nature would remove most opportunities to do so.

    A good offense is the best defense, which works just fine applied to monsters. In fact, it's probably better because then you've got better narrative tension. Then the monster has a weakness, but it's got a mission, too.
  • The Penguins would have to disagree Counterclock.

    Skipper: Kowalski, options.
    Kowalski: A strategic retreat, Skipper?
    Skipper: Explain.
    Kowalski: It's like running away but manlier.
  • Well Juan, you know I love you, so I can't stay mad at you.

    but if we ever get around to that movie watching festival, I'm seriously going to educate you about the nature of true horror.
  • You can change. You can.

    Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to watch Nosferatu. 
  • a worthwile addition to any collection. though what bugs the crap out of me about it is that it introduced one of my least favorite aspects of vampirism.
  • One foot in front of the other, every day.
    Which is?
  • You can change. You can.
    Sunlight killing the vampire?
  • One foot in front of the other, every day.
    I was thinking that, too.

    And I agree. Much more interesting to have sunlight render them less powerful, in my opinion.
  • and even then it wasn't the sunlight itself that nerfed them it was usually j ust the time of day.
  • You can change. You can.
    I often dreamed of an horror sequence when a vampire looks like it's just about to kill their victims and then the sun rises...and they sigh in relief and it looks like the vampire is dying...

    But then it turns out it's not and it isn't weak during the sunlight at all and it just eats them. 

    That's, I think, one of only three dreams I remember.
  • One foot in front of the other, every day.
    I see the sunlight = nerf as an excuse for an evenly-matched, epic swordfight at the end of a film/game/whatever. <_<;
  • "I often dreamed of an horror sequence when a vampire looks like it's
    just about to kill their victims and then the sun rises...and they sigh
    in relief and it looks like the vampire is dying...

    But then it turns out The Vampire sparkles during the sunlight at all and it Recites bad poetry"

    ^_^ ~whistles innocently~
  • still reminds me of plans i had to make a Dracula Video Game with two possible endings depending on if you reached his box before or after sunset.
  • You can change. You can.
    Thanks for ruining my dreams, Counterclock.

    I won't sleep ever again. 
  • One foot in front of the other, every day.
    -skewers Counterlock-

    You have failed me for the last time.
  • You can change. You can.
    No, wait, i'm darth vader. ur just the Death Star...
  • yeah it just bugs me for some reason how the whole sunlight thign caught on and people just bitch if it's not there like it's always been there. It's not even a century old people!
  • One foot in front of the other, every day.
    Oh, right, sorry.
  • You can change. You can.

    yeah it just bugs me for some reason how the whole sunlight thign caught on and people just bitch if it's not there like it's always been there. It's not even a century old people!

    Just give it ten years. :P
  • Also I wanted to write a story about a vampire who wasn't perticularly good or evil. Just sort of there and in the background like that one guy you always walk by but ne ver learn his name. In essen ce he had come to terms with his condition and didn't let it effect him. He's not angsty but he's not evil.
  • One foot in front of the other, every day.
    (  o)======<(%&)>
  • One foot in front of the other, every day.
    ^^ Sounds pointless. Vampires are monsters, and with small exception monsters are good for antagonists.
  • You know what's weird, Vampires and the cross.

    Jesus was killed by a cross, Vampires can be killed by crosses...

    Too many coincidences to write it off I think.
  • edited 2011-07-11 19:29:13
    You can change. You can.
    Thassa good Death Star. :D

    -pets Death Star control console-

    ^Jesus was a vampire. :D
  • One foot in front of the other, every day.
    But then Jesus Christ Vampire Killer.
  • So Jesus christ is Blade then?
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