If you have an email ending in @hotmail.com, @live.com or @outlook.com (or any other Microsoft-related domain), please consider changing it to another email provider; Microsoft decided to instantly block the server's IP, so emails can't be sent to these addresses.
If you use an @yahoo.com email or any related Yahoo services, they have blocked us also due to "user complaints"
...well that's an interesting way of thinking about it. Though that "shedding" interpretation seems to stem more from the coming-of-age theme rather than from the story itself.
In other news, I'm starting to think that Strain is, to me, like the production quality of Noir, but if it weren't confusing and actually touched my heartstrings. Alternatively, it is like Kiddy Grade but with less fanservice (let's ignore Strain's ep 7 for now because basically everyone agrees that it was out-of-place) and a more coherent (though less political) plot with generally very good pacing.
Yep, I think it's one of my favorite shows.
Now I need to decide whether Sara, Lottie, or both of them get added to my list of favorite characters.
Y'know what, let's just add both of them.
Also, surprised to learn that Lumière (i.e. Monica Rial) is Becky Balboa. I definitely didn't hear that.
Then again, Éclair (Colleen Clinkenbeard) is Mariette, and I definitely didn't pick that up either. Even when I knew it I still couldn't pick it up. And this is my own native language. And Éclair is a role I'm familiar with. So I guess I just don't recognize voices very well.
So I saw the first episode of Nobunagun. This show is definitely trying to do... a lot, but it doesn't seem like it has that great an idea of what it wants to be.
The art gets pretty bizarre with some random color/texture/pattern effects, and later on the colors get plain trippy, which makes it hard to tell what something's "actual" colors are.
There is this random text appearing on-screen (which seem to be there in the original Japanese too since it includes Japanese text). Sometimes it points out minor things like random objects, but later there's text describing miscellaneous military equipment in a way that almost fetishizes it. Which is bizarre considering how ineffectual the things are in this show.
The use of random historical figures for battle armor is just random and nonsensical. Even worse than the historical name-drops in the other Nobunaga show. I mean, a battle armor that comes from Gandhi? And I really hate the stupid chinstraps on these things.
I didn't like the school uniform design at first, but it helps make the protagonist look androgynous, which might be intentional.
The first episode was kinda just whatever up until near the end, when the main character activates her Nobunaga-themed firearms (what?) and has this nice psychotic smile on her face. The visuals, and he music during the scene after the end credits establish that this show is trying (and almost certainly failing) to be Symphogear.
I mean come on.
It's really not much to do with the storyline, characterization and all, but rather some of the stylistic elements like visuals and music. They strike me as somebody trying to ape Symphogear without understanding how it made things work.
Also, an anime with the firs episode set in Taiwan? That sounds kinda random. As does everything else in this episode.
On another note, the character designs in Wizard Barristers really bother me.
The female heads are all this generic round shape while the male heads have more variety. It's almost unbearable and makes this show look like it had two different character designers who weren't allowed to interact with each other. Or there's some sexist "all women look the same" type.
Those heads are...weird.
Also, lipstick lady reminds me of Fine. Probably because lipstick. (It's like there's no such thing as lipstick in anime. Which (there being no lipstick) is a thing I like, actually.)
It's the charcter designer for Kite, as far as I remember. It's Yasuomi Umetsu allright. The director and designer for Kite. And he is directing here too.
Should get around to watching Teekyuu season 3. Two mouth flaps and rapid-fire gags over the course of two minutes per episode ahoy!
Yes, I understand Japanese name order.
However, you taggers should probably not apply it to a western name.
For example, I'm pretty sure it's "Rasmus Faber", not "Faber Rasmus".
So this is a thing: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/interest/2014-01-30/miyazaki/the-problem-with-the-anime-industry-is-it-full-of-otaku
Note: normal caveats apply regarding potential sensationalism, lossy summarizing, and lossy translation.
The comments are an entertaining mix of "Miyazaki is a crazy geezer" and "he's right, anime these days sucks".
I have a hunch (without reading the source article) that what his opinion basically is is that he sees what he does as high-quality respectable work kinda like how we regard classic Disney films, and he's annoyed at the reputation that anime has (of involving horrible fanservice, moe, and fans with social issues) and how it tarnishes the better works that are also labeled "anime". (And I'm inclined to agree with this opinion.)
The comment about people probably refers to the difference between designing characters that feel believable as people versus characters that feel like lists of tropes and archetypes.
Also, he still looks like Colonel Sanders.
i never liked him anyways
Still, can't agree with him since I kind of really cherish the anime industry (Also blaming the people who buy your stuff and not the producers always works <_<).
Plus, obviously, late-night anime is for socially awkward losers as you said, he's never made it and can never pretend to be part of the industry (Though actually Ghibli just announced their first TV anime in forever based on a classical book so this is totally not a marketing ploy, something that I've noticed he's really good at).
Also also:
Aside from High School DxD no super-fanservice series has sold well in the last four or so years!
Problem is that a realistic take on many genres would either be overdone deconstruction or very hard to pull of right(a harem anime where the protag navigates the pitfalls of polyamory/standard pedobait anime where the protag loses his job, his friends and his sanity, followed by therapy and libido-nuking drugs? Couldn't see that pulled off right).
A harem anime with the pitfalls of polyamory...Isn't that School Days, although I'd hesitate to call it deconstruction, it was all about the sensasionalism.
I think people are too obsessed with "muh realism", trying to do realism in anime is ignoring its strengths and playing to all his weaknesses.
Isn't the point of most harem anime that the protagonist will eventually pick the best girl?
Also we've talked too much about realism without posting this video (Nobody watch Valvrave though).
HappinessCharge! Precure! starts on Sunday and I'm conflicted about watching it and I've discovered that the main reason I don't really want to is because the artstyle isn't cute enough.
School Days is just the protag mindlessly boning everyone until shit hits the fan and the gals are either spineless, two-faced or utter twats. Polyamory means honesty, open communication, clear boundaries, etcetera. Doesn't mean it has to be a happy-happy joy-joy free love narrative, or endless navelgazing soap drama, but something that has a bit of both, that takes a critical look at how one would realistically lead such a lifestyle. Could touch on shitload of interesting issues, many opportunities for humorous banter, etcetera, etcetera.
^^ Is that the OP for Valvrave or something?
Nobunagun has like, the best faces. And by faces I mean psychotic smiles.
I see what you mean by Nobunagun looking like Symphogear.
This better not be it
That song sounds fantastic, Valvrave association be damned. Though its sense of form, motif, and tonality sounds downright schizophrenic.
On the topic of shows with problems...is there any point of Infinite Stratos other than fanservice?
Armor Girls Project kits
REALISM sounds like it should be a DJMAX song. Or maybe more than one DJMAX song.
There's probably no point to IS besides fanservice but there's very little point to any other anime or really most entertainment, so whatever.
This is Pretty Rhythm Rainbow Live's new OP.
As you will notice, there is a fight in there.
What happened?
I started rewatching DEEN's Fate/stay Night because I wanted to do that before Ufotable's one starts. Three episodes in and the panning shots (do they count as panning if the "camera" moves vertically rather than horizontally?) have gotten excessive to the point of hilarity.
Someone is trying to "recreate" the PMMM TV series using the movie animation, because the movies (which I haven't seen) look better, but the series is (supposedly) better-paced by comparison, thus somebody wants to have "the best of both worlds".
Frankly, this sounds super-obsessed, but then I remember the "Star Wars revisited" edit (described here), and that "Star Wars despecialized edition", (apparently a different thing) where somebody tries to reconstruct the original, pre-special edition version, which probably took more work.
They are talking about Space Dandy on TV sites.
does anyone remember who it was that got me to watch Gunbuster a while back?
I can't remember when I watched it, but it was at least more than six months ago.
oh right!
Thanks, by the way. I finally got around to adding it to my MAL anime list. Also added Leviathan: the Last Defense (a.k.a. Zettai Bouei Leviathan). Also I noticed my mal.oko.im profile is now functional and shows off various things and now I have to worry about how that makes me look. (Though it's 30 days old anyway.)
...yes, I just wrote "my MAL anime list".
Also added Afro-ken and Michiko & Hatchin. This was from last Friday at the local anime club.
Incidentally I only realized a bit ways into the first episode of M&H that I'd actually seen it before, a few years ago, at another anime club. Series seems interesting. Not my sort of thing, but interesting enough that I'll put it in my "on-hold" list.
Afro-ken, on the other hand, gets a rating -- on the scale from 1 to 10 -- of WTF???.
I should probably also add a few eps of Eyeshield 21. That was shown by the club on Superbowl weekend.
A good AMV for a series I haven't watched and probably won't ever watch:
It's a fairly good movie actually (Vampire Hunter
Bloodlust). The action was a bit less satisfying than I'd hoped but oh well. It has incredibly good art direction and is super atmospheric, if nothing else. The original Vampire Hunter D movie is mostly just kind of goofy though, but it has some historic value so maybe it's still worth watching.
It's worth noting that the character designs for Vampire Hunter D were done by Yoshitaka Amano.