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Somehow Galilei Donna is only one cour long, why noitaminA/Aniplex, why?
Kill la Kill has pacing?
Kill la Kill confirmed for two cours.
In important news: Akari Taiyou makes a cute Nendoroid
it only took a couple of months but we finally got a new page in this thread
First impressions of Allison & Lillia: This seems to be the setting of Valkyria Chronicles, minus the magical tank and starring only two primary characters.
In just a couple episodes, it's taken unexpected turns already, so I can't really predict where anything is going. This is probably a good thing.
Yes. What are you trying to say here?
Oh wow that kiiiiind of makes her not look horrible.
Who would want merchandise for something that terrible, though?
Crazy people, that's who.
That I'm making (probably completely incorrect) assumptions about it merely because I think it's kind of not great (having seen none of it).
Then it's just right up my alley. I would totally get her if she didn't have any Astralux form pieces because normal form is adorable and Astralux form is kind of weird and her facial expression with the weird mouth really put me off.
It really never made sense why Akari's Astralux personality was completely different for the first two times and then it just switches to being like everyone else...
GMH reacts to anime pictures!
Aikatsu 2: They look like a cuter version of Idolmaster.
Cardfight Vanguard: You mean this isn't Yugioh?
Chibi Devi!: that title is too easy to misread.
Detective Conan: is it just me or do everyone's eyes stand out? Like, more than par for the course in anime.
Dibetagurashi: is this Duck Hunt the anime?
Dokidoki! Precure: again with the crazy hair...
Freezing Vibration: the picture does not inspire confidence.
Gaist Crusher: the picture looks really cool, but then I clicked on it and it seems like just a typical shonen show.
Galilei Donna: For some reason, this picture and the one below it made me realize just how sick I am of seeing schoolgirl uniforms. This scene ought to be less interesting than the one below it, but I'm more likely to look into this series because I don't have to deal with seeing schoolgirl uniforms again. Then again this series has a crazy premise. Then again that's par for the course as far as anime goes.
Ganbare! Oden-kun: no comment.
Gifuu Doudou!!: This man needs more practical fashion sense.
Gingitsune: is that character, like, the Kill La Kill character but serious? Actually looks like a pretty interesting show, but I haven't even clicked on it.
Gokicha!!: is this that cockroach girl manga series in anime form? I can only guess it is.
Golden Time: I see that AKB0048's Yuuko stars in this.
Infinite Stratos 2: Oh, I see, there are two blond girls, not just Charlotte.
Valvrave 2nd season: I've heard what went wrong in the 1st season, and this picture doesn't inspire confidence.
Kingdom 2: Why does this make me think of Avatar?
Kiss x Sis: For some reason they are making me think of Misaka and her buddy/lesbianfriend/whatever from Railgun.
Koroshiya-san: ehh, "Koroshiya. James Koroshiya." just doesn't roll off the tongue.
Kuroko no Basket 2: So what is this? Anime trope + basketball times? I mean, we already had lolis + basketball earlier, I guess now we have bishonen + basketball.
Kyoukai no Kanata: okay, mental note: Kanata (Shinonome) has red hair, Kyoukai no Kanata is about a girl with a red sword.
[no image found]: you'd think they could use an image that DOESN'T feature a character, so it'd look less like yet another cover image, but no.
Non Non Biyori: something is odd with a couple of the faces.
Ore no Nounai Senta-etc. etc. etc.: this looks incredibly generic bishoujo series.
Oshiri Kajiri Mushi 2: are these anthropomorphized peanuts?
Outbreak Company: this picture and name suggest that this could be very bad or very good.
Phi Brain: not sure if female or male
Pretty Rhythm: what happened here? Did they get rejeted from Precure membership because insufficiently insane superhero costumes?
Sekai de Ichiban etc.: her face looks cute but the half of the picture that's partly covered up doesn't seem to inspire confidence.
Strike the Blood: at first I thought this was Haruhi guest-starring in Higurashi.
Teekyuu 3: do not want
Railgun S: misakasfriend, what are you up to now
Toriko: isn't that a girl's name? What's Akagi guy doing here?
Walkure Romanze: The character design looks a bit too pretty for this to be a good series, unfortunately.
you should really stop watching animu already then
Tangentially related to Kill la Kill, SAO and Fate/zero; Aoi Eir released a new digital single today, which made me sad since I'm not even planning to listen to my copy of Sirius until Friday anyways but it is also region locked cause digital Aniplex store, I guess I'll just have to wait and see if it's on AUBE or not.
Pretty Rhythm is like, Shinjunku-esque clothes ever since Rainbow Live started though <_<
Either stop watching anime or watch ones that don't have protags in school.
there are like four
[13:49:27] here's the thing with AKB0048 i just don't understand the setting's logic it makes sense for passing trivial familiarity but not for really getting a feel of what's going on "i just don't understand the setting's logic" there isn't any dyre: heh. well, like, "oh my gosh the performers are looking glorious" well ANYONE would if they could dance on a flying platform and therefore be able to be surrounded by a myriad of expensive special effects
[14:06:26] srsly everything is 48s stars calendar year 0048 sentenced to 48 years in prison lololol okay that was actually kind of awesome luring the homing missiles to the door "See that? The DES blew that up!" that was a kinda fun first episode i guess. trying to decide whether the intricacy of the plot would have made it better if it were dragged out longer intricacy and drama or if the ridiculousness of the premise would make dragging it out even worse > new lyrics > guerilla...guerilla...guerilla...guerilla...guerilla...guerilla...gross-out...funny faces...bungee... what ...oh apparently this was all supposed to mean an akb0048 variety show pirate TV channel.
[17:29:38] interesting despite hte crazy premise and all AKB0048 is now deciding to touch on commercialization. specifically, a fake-up of a character was used to sell noodles, and now that character is upset about it. i gotta say, the series is surprisingly willing to touch on problematic subjects, given how stupid its premise is.
[17:43:39] also the correct setting for a music video of the song "Beginner" is NEVER a stage i officially declare the correct setting for that song to be a battlefield. season 1's episode 3 was iconic for a reason.
[17:46:17] okay, the fans are officially nuts then again, maybe this goes with being in a setting where entertainment is banned for half the (yes, i am going to drive home the point that the different planets feel more like countries in a world than planets in a galaxy. Small countries, at that.)
[17:49:29] > in tenth place, with 148,945 points only that many? srsly, you've got humanity spanned across planets and you can only manage six digits worth of +likes. well maybe they had some sort of planet-scale disaster event and lots of people died off or something.
Okay, I guess it's my childhood nostalgia for fighting shonen but Sanageyama's episode didn't feel rushed to me. Watching him go all Shiryu vs Perseus Saint on Ryuuko felt to me like it was paced naturally.
> general elections
> "You haven't made your poster yet!"
> "I'll do my best to make you win!"
oh gosh, political campaigns, campaign posters, turnout models, all over again
Also, still bugged by how Kanata is shown as the one on the ground being helped up by Mimori in the intro.
Also, I figured the show would be all over the Center Nova Phenomenon this season. Not the direction I wanted it to take, though.
Also, I wonder what that Zodiac spinning desk ornament thingy has to do with all of the characters. Nine such thingies are shown in the outtro.
Onto ep 17/26 (4/13 NS).
I'm still not really a big fan of the new OP. It seems kinda just there. Unlike the First Stage OP, which felt inspiring and uplifting against unfavorable odds and obstacles.
Early in the episode we see a picture that's probably the most complete picture of the entire performance crew. It consists of at least 34 people. Curiously, I think that the person who was named in 10th place in the early results was a successor we've never heard of before.
Also that was touching. Aww, Kanata...
(Slow instrumental version of Rainbow Train doesn't hurt, of course.)
Interesting, they actually put some details into the audience stills.
> Nagisa: "Those who love us are helping us toward our goals."
Only if there are an unlimited number of voting slots for everyone.
Anyhow, I'm beginning to feel that this is various plot threads whose connection may or may not become apparent later. Maybe this whole thing with the elections -- I was going to say "all this nonsense" though it seems like more than just nonsense (and probably especially for people for whom public expression of emotion is banned) -- is more relevant for (real-life) fans of AKB48 who might be more familiar with how the group does its things. But for now I have a gut feel of this as "serious business for purposes of unknown relevance".
This is a whole year away
, on the bright side, it lets me get lots of re-watches in.
In somehow even more awesome news, more mecha+ChouCho ED next season with Buddy Complex, hopefully this will be amazing mecha+ChouCho ED since Sunrise.
Darn I just realized I didn't preorder ChouCho's album yet because I thought it was Winter, turns out it's almost out <_<
Aruji Naku Sono Koe is great ;-;
Well, yes, but usually Senbatsu events are like just a huge 3 hour thing you watch on Google+ while hoping Mayuyu gets captain and not forced into narrative.
......aand the next episode somehow makes it relevant. Or at least makes it interesting. Even if totally freaking unrealistic.
Also, new ED is decent, and kinda like old ED, though giving off a different feel. Old ED had a melancholy tinge; new ED has a comforting tinge.
> Aruji Naku Sono Koe is great ;-;
It's nice and melodic, but it doesn't feel as deeply inspiring as Kibou ni Tsuite did. It feels kinda like a pat-on-the-back song after you do something, rather than an inspiration to start something new.
See, one problem with this show (AKB0048, or just Next Stage at least) is that...all this celebrity stuff and popularity contests and whatnot that I really, really don't care about in real life (no matter who it is), is stuff that I'm supposed to care about and empathize with. And it's kinda hard. Well, it's not offensive, so it's not like I really dislike it (other than those questionable moments such as when anyone jokes about breast size or when someone mentions how the characters are prevented from having contact with men and boys), but it's just harder for me to get excited about that.
That said, at least the show does a good job of making me understand its importance, and how meaningful it is to the characters, even if I can't empathize with them over something of this sort.
ep 19
> That was the original Acchan.
Wait, that wasn't Nagisa?
Anyhow, it appears that in this world, (1) impromptu displays of socially-inappropriate insanity are considered a good thing, and (2) faith-based show-biz management is a thing, and apparently a good thing too.
It's kinda odd. It's like, various familiar human emotions are being expressed, but the circumstances that lead to them feel alien. The show's shaping up to be an odd mix of the mystical, the emotional, and the dramatic, with some politics thrown in, just because. And just what are Kirara anyway? They're manifestations of "radiance", which I guess could be interpreted as some sort of "living in the moment" thing crossed with happiness...? Or maybe I'm just too jaded and realism-impaired to understand?
Well, by the end of ep 20, it seems that they're actually going to do a coherent plot thread that doesn't just involve cute idols being cute, or cute idols being awesome at combat. It definitely wasn't what I expected it to be, though. Let's see how long they take to resolve this plot thread.
> [The old Acchan] had an aura that made it uncomfortable to approach or talk to her.
This is it!
No, not the feeling Tsubasa is talking about. What I mean is this sort of aura. This sort of aura seems to be the kind of thing that is, like, a physical thing in this show. But maybe only the aura of getting carried away with music? No, not necessarily, they talk about the characters "shining" even in photo shoots. So is it just a thing that people say, or is it actually a real physical presence thing?
It's like that feeling I get from trying to figure out whether D&D has alignments prescribing behavior or behavior prescribing alignments.
In other news, photographer lady is giving me uncomfortable vibes along the lines of Fine from Symphogear. Her going around naked does not help.
And I suddenly noticed that they still have conspicuously dot-matrix screens despite technology having advanced to produce high-resolution holograms.
As for my earlier comment, replace "politics" with "war". So it's a mix of the mystical, the emotional, the dramatic, and some smattering of war. The story definitely stays interesting; whether it's coherent is another issue...
And Yuuko looked a little like Mikoto Misaka for a moment there.
> episode end
Well...I can't say that wasn't interesting. And the Center Nova phenomenon played out kinda as I had suspected it would at the end of the first season, though not exactly. That said, the plot has been using it in a totally unexpected way.
22 time!
Okay, the OP is unfitting at this point.
Come to think of it, it's funny how poor defense doesn't just go the heroes' way, but goes both ways. And gets justified too.
Oh...my. So this is the everything lore episode. Well, at least half of what I've seen so far makes sense now. As well as people seemingly finding Kirara to be completely normal.
But yeah, this show has taken on a variety of tones, up to this point, that I really can't say what I expect of it. Which is both good and bad, in different ways. Good in that it stays interesting, but bad in that I might not get from it a full sense of enjoyment if I have the wrong idea in mind. That said, I'm usually better with serious stories, and it seems to be going that way.
... @fourteenwings? It seems I am watching this a bit faster than I'd expected...
AKB0048 is Jetman? Did this involve a monster pretending to be a "noodle god"?
Did the Saint Seiya thing also have a character fight, lose, do extreme self-modification and fight again all in one episode? Or were you referring to how there was no sideplot in-between all those happening?
Kirara are Idol Aura made real by Dualium to connect to the other siiiide
Just finish it.
Right when I have to study too.
Space Dandy is getting really hard to ignore... I should've known I couldn't not watch a BONES thing when it airs.
Next Precure will at least have a yellow one. I don't like the black on their vests. Kinda clashes with the bright colors.
Also, @glennmagusharvey: this might be of interest/amusement.
Strangely enough, you're the second person to show me that (and the first person wasn't even an anime club person).
Kuroko's manga is pretty good - probably the second-best basketball manga out there, obviously behind Slam Dunk but right there with Real and Ahiru no Sora. It gets a little too silly sometimes, though, with 6'10" Japanese teenagers doing two-handed spinning jams and a point guard that can basically see the future (really).
I recently picked up Nanatsu no Taizai and, well, it's a very nice little shounen manga. Art is very shounen-esque (round vs. angular features depending on character personality, etc., but fewer bold lines like in Oda or Toriyama), but it sets up the hero group, villain group(s), quest goals, and character subplots very nicely. Will continue giving it 6-8 minutes a week.
This might be going out on a limb, but I feel like Chronicles of the Going Home Club has a lot of stuff that Tropers would like. I do not mean that as a slight on Tropers or the show; the way characters in the show bring up random anime and JRPG tropes left and right and otherwise have no respect for the idea of a "fourth wall" just reminds me of TV Tropes a bit.
Have you read any other sports manga or watched any sports series that you would recommend? Apparently, there are a bunch of baseball series, but I have not heard which ones, if any, are particularly good.
I have no idea whether it actually somehow got better or this is some sort of withdrawal symptom, but I'm actually enjoying AMNESIA a lot more and I look forward to watching more of it now.
Ikki's second episode was still kind of weird, but Kento's episode is definitely second best after Shin's arc and Toma's arc doesn't look so bad so far.
Not that it's like... remotely decent or anything (she honestly decided to take a boat ride after it was suggested to her by a group of crazy fans out to get her, in the boat they recommended she use?), but definitely great to watch.
How actually BL suggestive is Kurobas anyways?
I was really looking forward to two Precure since 10th Anniversary <_<
Now I might just watch Pretty Rhythm instead of it.
Also that is dark blue and those appear to be their seifuku (Since they're Cure forms were already revealed), which makes their hair seem extremely out of place since those are transformed hair colors.
You mean like how Super Sentai went back to only five rangers during anniversary seasons? Oh wait.
Well, three is also a traditional Sentai number.
Not three + however the hell many they have these days.
And the first two Sentai were five and 4+1, so...
edit: if you meant Akibaranger, that one doesn't have an analogy/equivalent in other Toei franchises, so I don't know how that could affect any expectations.
Flashman was five, Jetman was five and Gokaiger was five.
when did this become the toku thread
Gokaiger added a sixth later on, and those other ones were from before Toei could even decide which show was the actual first Sentai, so they weren't really anniversary seasons.
I still say Gokaiger counts.
I know Go-Busters ran as an anniversary series, but that started with three and turned into five so there <_<
Also we should stop this before we start attracting weird toku people who obsess over these things.
> Also we should stop this before we start attracting weird toku people who obsess over these things.
i don't see a problem with this