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  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    Everest, how does this match up to the show.

  • LaiLai
    edited 2012-06-04 00:30:39

    >Ghost Trick

    Ah, yes. I do not regret my impulse purchase at K-Mart for 14 bucks. Some of the puzzles can really be tricking to figure out.

  • You can change. You can.

    Yo, Alk! Question: Are you in Wisconsin or Arizona?


    It's kind of jarring to see people talking about telling someone to kill themselves is never okay, then defending 'die, cis scum' being used in debates.

  • Yeah, tumblr went a little too far with that one.


    Tumblr users seem to often think their cause gives them license to act like an asshole.

    Protip: Your cause doesn't make you a good person. Your behavior does. Righteous causes do not excuse self-righteousness.

  • You can change. You can.

    I've pretty much just learned to tune out the stupid keyboard warrior-ness by now. 

  • I'm transgender and I've been on Tumblr for...over a year now? Whoa.

    Anyway, I'm transgender and I've been on Tumblr for over a year now, and I still don't understand the "die cis scum" thing.

  • Tumblr users seem to often think their cause gives them license to act like an asshole.

    What I find bizarre is that these are the same people who like to go on about how intent doesn't matter and how you shouldn't try to defend your remarks if you offend someone...but then they say things that offend people and defend them to no end.

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    what i find bizarre is


  • ...I suppose I can't argue with that.

  • edited 2012-06-04 02:33:51
    You can change. You can.

    The thing is, Social Justice in Tumblr is often based on this militant "Attack the oppresors, FIGHT DA POWAH" feeling which is really enthusing at first and all, but over time, you realize that besides some insights here and there that could fill a "Sociology for Dummies" book, everything there is to them is the fact that they're militant about their beliefs. And the saddest part is that they're right in that western society as it is is incredibly inequal. 

    But the thing is, being right doesn't justify going to the extents they have simply because they seem to misunderstand that deliberately antagonizing the other side is not gonna either win over their opponents or attract many third parties besides the already disenfranchised.

    what i find bizarre is


    Twitter + Blogspot + Facebook.

    There, simple enough for ya?

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    that just makes it more bizarre

  • edited 2012-06-04 02:38:56

    My favorite is when they say 'If you need to be won over you're already lost' or something to that degree.

    To which my reply is 'well your blogging is super productive then, isn't it?'

    Tumblr is fun in a facebook-y talking about comics and nerdstuff with blog aspects. I go on for sharing my thoughts on cult movies.

    Which reminds me. Tomorrow I should liveblog Superman 2.

  • There's a lot of preaching to the choir going on, too. How many of Social Justice Advocate #1123's followers actually need to be told that whitewashing Korra is unacceptable, or that transgender people deserve equal rights, or whatever they're going on about this week? Odds are if you follow that kind of blog you already agree.

  • You can change. You can.

    Tumblr is fun in a facebook-y talking about comics and nerdstuff with blog aspects. I go on for sharing my thoughts on cult movies.

    Pretty much the only reason I use it, really. And over time, it has become saddening that I had to unfollow people I consider dear friends (Like Merlo) because I got tired of just another reblog about how the US is in pain or whatever. She's much more cooler to just talk to, though, so there's that.

  • edited 2012-06-04 02:45:26

    That's another thing about it, especially those that threaten to unfollow people who say 'hateful' (read: disagree with them) things. People like that make me realize it's not about spreading awareness, but about feeling better about your opinions. I often get tempted to ask how much these bloggers have donated, how much eye are elle activism they've done, or if they've... you know... voted.

    Also, as someone who lives in redneck country I have to say a lot of them are missing the forest for the trees when they see someone using firing lighting to make Korra look slightly more pale and they decide that -that's- what they need to lose their shit over.

    ^I'm fond of Mellon myself and when I talk to her one-on-one she seems much more chill. I just deal with it because on the whole her goods do outweigh the bads.

  • You can change. You can.

    I'm fond of Mellon myself and when I talk to her one-on-one she seems much more chill. I just deal with it because on the whole her goods do outweigh the bads.

    Well, yeah. I talk to her everyday and I think she's pretty good people, really. It's just that she has this need to go and become Sisyphus, Fighter of Whitewashing and I just can't help but be saddened because I think she's much more smarter than doing that, you know?

    Either way, yeah, what I'm saying is that Social Justice Bloggers on Tumblr suck.

  • Sometimes I worry about that sites like Tumblr might give me unrealistic expectations for real life. If someone on Tumblr called me "tranny" and used male pronouns they'd be shouted down by everyone who happens to see the post. In real life if someone called me "tranny" and used male pronouns they'd get half the room agreeing with them.

  • edited 2012-06-04 02:54:55

    The big disappointment for me is actually Gail Simone, who is a writer I really like, who gets into the SJ stuff and  resorts to typical strawmanning, oversimplifying, etc.

    I mean, clearly she has the write to blog about what she wants but I kind of expected it to... you know... be about comic books.

    It was also pretty telling to me that, despite how vitriolic and vicious her tone usually was, when it became about writer Mark Millar (who she knows personally) the tone became much less hostile.

    Almost like there's a lesson in there.

    ^Yeah, it's kind of weird. Despite all physical evidence to the contrary here, tumblr seems hellbent on convincing me conservatives a minority. Also that they're evil and stupid. 

  • You can change. You can.

    >Me checks Gail Simone's tumblr

    I only see comic book shit, man. Hell, there's like way too much fanart.

    Also, you mean the Mark Millar "Rape of Wonder Woman" quote, right?

  • Sometimes I worry about that sites like Tumblr might give me unrealistic expectations for real life. If someone on Tumblr called me "tranny" and used male pronouns they'd be shouted down by everyone who happens to see the post. In real life if someone called me "tranny" and used male pronouns they'd get half the room agreeing with them.

    It's sad to say, but that probably is the case right now (one of my Portlandstuck friends said that hanging out with us is the only time IRL anyone ever uses the right pronouns for him). I do think we're going to see significant change in that attitude over the course of our lives, though. I hope so anyway.

  • edited 2012-06-04 03:11:49

    Yeah. I unfollowed her, so maybe it's changed but there was a whole bunch of argumentative vitriol that turned me off.

    With Millar's 'let's rape WW' comment it was just something like 'Oh Mark..." whereas other stuff was like 'Hell isn't hot enough.' and such.

    All said, I will sometimes blog stuff about SJ, but when I do I tend to prefer to talk about people doing stuff right because we have plenty of examples of what's wrong.

    Upon reflection it might have been that her cluster posts were SJ stuff.

  • Wait Mark Miller said what

    He talked about how he wanted to have Wonder Woman raped as a lark and compared it to Superman's fight with Doomsday. No srsly.

  • Oh okay. I really shouldn't care then, other people are probably trying to lynch him right now.

    I don't know why people are surprised, honestly. Millar's made a career out of being a terrible person.

  • Because people keep hiring him.
  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    His stories might be too gritty, but they aren't badly written- for the most part.

  • edited 2012-06-04 03:44:36
    You can change. You can.

    His stories might be too gritty, but they aren't badly written- for the most part.

    Err, really? I've read the Ultimates (Hah, try to act surprised) and there was nothing resembling good writing going on there, besides all the stupid mischaracterization, there's a lot of a telling rather than showing when it came to characterizing the characters in the non-battle scenes (Especially Steve) and his Civil War stuff had the whole "Reporter proves Captain America wrong because she says that America = Blogspot" thing going on, not too mention that even then, the whole storyline was bogged down by how the tie-ins were written by authors with very different points of view on the whole matter.

    plus Kick-Ass is another of those comic books where the characters are just assholes for the sake of being assholes and involves this erroneous concept of realism where it basically means "lack of superpowers" rather naturalistic personalities or writing.

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