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  • edited 2012-06-04 18:01:49
    You can change. You can.

    Fair enough. For what is worth, er, you seem to like silly comedic things quite a bit so I would recommend Wolverine and the X-Men because come on it's Wolverine running a school, of course there're gonna be hijinks.

    ETA: Or better yet: Keith Giffen, J.M De Matteis and Maguire's Justice League. (Which would later become Justice League International)

  • edited 2012-06-04 18:04:49
    OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!

    that's mostly because I like Megaman

    Oddly enough, I've never played a non-Battle Network Megaman game and I love it.

    As it turns out, I actually don't know what I'd want to read at all

    Stuff I've read that came out relatively recently and made for good jumping-on points:

    Demon Knights: Excellent Arthurian fantasy with an ensemble cast, lots of them antiheroes or outright villains who happen to have coinciding goals.

    Animal Man and Swamp Thing: These are basically one story so I'm lumping them together. Basically, in the DCU there are three life-related pantheons: the red (animals), the green (plants) and the rot (dead stuff). The Rot's currently trying to take over, so Animal Man and Swamp Thing are both fighting it. They're horror-ish stories and sorta vaguelly superhero series but not really, with gorgeous art.

    Batman (New 52): It's Batman. Excellently written, and a great jumping-on point.

    Daredevil: The current run is a great intro to the character, and the art does a good job of showing how he sees the world. And it's got a lot of fun (I want to say "funny," and it is, but the series isn't silly or anything) stuff with how he solves certain situations that I won't go into too much.

    You might not actually like any of those though >.> Daredevil is probably the one you'd like most out of those.

  • LaiLai
    edited 2012-06-04 18:05:25
    Hmm. That Spider-Man comic intrigues me. As does the Megaman one.

    Also enjoyed Marvels too. Kingdom Come also caught my interest.
  • Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World voices are terrible.

  • edited 2012-06-04 19:03:47

    Yeah, but Johnny Yong Bosch's overcooked ham is endlessly entertaining, especially his Mystic Arte.

    I always felt the game had potential, but reeked of being unfinished. The button-mashing combat system in particular is a major step down from the original.

  • edited 2012-06-04 19:23:35

    Man, I just got an idea for a visual novel. It's too bad I don't know any artists or coders or people who would interested in such a project.

    Of course I get half-baked ideas like this every fifteen minutes, so...

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!

    Renpy is a program for VNs so simple that you really don't need to know anything about coding at all to use it (it technically uses Python, but you don't even need to know Python for it to work).

  • edited 2012-06-04 19:25:44

    You still need art and sound though, so there's still that problem...

    But yeah Ren'py is awesome.  And even if you do want to do anything really fancy with it, Python is easy enough to learn anyway (not that you really need to for most purposes).

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!

    Yeah. But that's one hurdle nicely out of the way.

  • You can change. You can.

    Learn how to draw! You're gonna write comics someday anyway.

  • edited 2012-06-04 19:40:18

    I really should learn to draw... I keep thinking about it but then backing out. anybody know any good books on teaching it?

    Or websites. Websites work too.

  • You can change. You can.

    Honestly, I know this is very stupid advice, but I think the best way is doodling and practicing while creating your own style while try to learn from other artists you like. I know it's the same shit you hear all the time, but I think that drawing is much like writing in that manuals don't really help as much as sitting down and steeling through all the suck you produce as you get better.

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!

    I've tried to start drawing a few times. Managed some vaguely decent doodles of hands and eyes, but that was about it.

  • I'm a damn twisted person
    There are also legends of how if you stand at the cross section of the drawing supplies aisle and painting supplies aisle at midnight an a new moon the devil will let you sell your soul in exchange for crazy art skills.

    ^^^Yeah, but I need some, you know, basic framework to go off of. 

    I think that's basically my thing. I have no idea where to start.

  • MrWMrW
    edited 2012-06-04 19:54:11

    Speaking of learning how to draw, one thing I really should focus on in my artwork is decent anatomy and poses. I can draw fairly well for my age, but dynamic posing, expressiveness and proportionate body structures are still something I need to work on. I found an anatomy book online for life drawing(which is crucial practice according to animation maestro Richard Williams), but I still want to find a local class that will teach me how to do life drawings to improve my skills.

    Just something to think about. If you want to do comics, Stan Lee and John Buscema's "How to Draw The Marvel Way" is a good place to start, even if it's sort of outdated by today's standards, there's a lot of good info there.

  • You can change. You can.

    nono. Crazy art skillz. there's a difference, man, i tells ya.

  • Kichigai birthday!!

    I love this video. They all look so happy

  • Hmm. Belief in a just world seems to be the cause of a lot of social injustice. I should read more about this.
  • edited 2012-06-04 20:15:05
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    I haven't used this avatar before.

    inb4 alex

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    One Piece is damn sad sometimes (when an adventure comic runs to 669 chapters, that's kind of inevitable, though), but the incidents in that video are too far removed from context to work as they were intended.


  • edited 2012-06-04 20:36:01
    Has friends besides tanks now

    Are the lowercaps supposed to mean I had a different reaction than you expected? I dunno, all I saw was the Strawhats crying a lot with sad music playing, and the bit at the end where they're all happy. I'm not much for non-comedic AMVs, though.

  • edited 2012-06-04 20:35:59
    If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    i think you mean lowercaps, not allcaps

    I just couldn't be fucked typing out anything else. I mean, it was just a video someone linked me, so I wanted to know if it seemed less... odd to someone who's seen the series, as you'd have the context for it.

    I'm not much for non-comedic AMVs, though.

    I've seen some pretty okay ones.

  • edited 2012-06-04 20:38:09
    Has friends besides tanks now

    Thanks for pointing out the typo.

    I just couldn't be fucked typing out anything else. I mean, it was just a video someone linked me, so I wanted to know if it seemed less... odd to someone who's seen the series, as you'd have the context for it.

    Ah. Well, I thought it was odd, in its own way, for the reasons I gave. Although I can phrase my initial point better: I meant that nothing in the video really told me why they were all so sad, so I had no reason to feel the intended emotions.

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    Yeah, I didn't feel sad either. That's why I wanted to know if it seemed sadder to someone who already had that context.

  • edited 2012-06-04 20:43:41
    Has friends besides tanks now

    Ah. Yeah, sad music doesn't exactly equate to having your home burnt to the ground or your brother dying in your arms after you went through hell and back trying to save him.

  • LaiLai
    edited 2012-06-04 21:17:58
    IJBM: Why am I so paranoid about Notifications and PMs in general?
  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    Maybe you're afraid the mods're gonna ban you.

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!

    FWIW, we generally don't ban unless someone's obviously been doing something fairly serious, and very rarely without their having previously been warned.

    Thought I used to be like that about PMs too.

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