If you have an email ending in @hotmail.com, @live.com or @outlook.com (or any other Microsoft-related domain), please consider changing it to another email provider; Microsoft decided to instantly block the server's IP, so emails can't be sent to these addresses.
If you use an @yahoo.com email or any related Yahoo services, they have blocked us also due to "user complaints"
If we get into whether or not it's supposed to be inherently sexual, we'll probably end up in another debate.
The Illini beat the Buckeyes, with Brandon Paul scoring 43 points! The Big 10 just got a whole lot more interesting!
> implying the princess archetype isn't about a man proving himself worthy to take the virginity of a beautiful, high-status woman
I mean, I love that kind of story and all but things are things that they are.
@Legionnaire: Oh yeah, that would be it. What was that?
re:languages; learning GLORIOUS NIHONGO would be tottemo sugoi because I am a huge weeaboofag evidently, but I won't because I am also extremely lazy. It'd be convenient though.
re:princesses; they've always been sexualized. Also, I figure I probably should just not talk about moe again until people explain themselves better because I don't have the slightest idea what anyone means by it since people seem to have widely varying ideas of what the term means (especially outside of Japan).
re:magical girl; I love magical girl!
It's like... the good part of fantasy (magic), without the boring parts (politics, dozens of varieties of elf, excessive focus on worldbuilding, etc.). Also, cute outfits. But mostly because magic.
I thought we all agreed that Batman was the ultimate moeblob.
On languages, Everest's list is eerily similar to mine, except I already know Russian. It's a little rusty with no one to talk to but I can speak it.
On another note I'm playing the old X-box Punisher game because I remember hearing good things and it uses Garth Ennis' amazing storylines. It's basically a Max Payne game without the bullet time... which is to say a good weekend game but nothing all that great.
The weirdest was a graphical glitch that made me knife someone in the throat so hard their head exploded.
I was just going to have him bug Cygan to do it.
still IJBM's highlight
I wonder how well Batman would do if he were allowed to participate in Saimoe.
Is there a male equivalent?
I imagine Dick Grayson-Batman would fare incredibly well.
There used to be SaiGAR, for anime badasses, but that apparently isn't around anymore. I'm not sure if there was ever a tournament that was specifically for male moe. If there was I'd totally vote for Koutetsu Kaburagi, because delicious ojisan moe. It'd actually be kind of fun if there were one, but... yeah, I dunno if one exists.
> Forzare has read Wheel of Time
Cygan approves +5
Also, we now apparently have a dog
I don't like dogs
trade you for it
you get a dog and i get a cat
Forzare disapproves -50
We also have a cat.
But Nan is taking it to the pound because she doesn't like cats and she doesn't want cat hair over everything and it was either the pound or drowning it in a bucket ;-;
^ fine whatever ;-;
D= At least the pound's better than that!
But dogs are good. Better than cats, in my opinion. Kittens are cute, though.
> dogs being better than cats
no go away
We will have to get you one of those hypoallergenic cats
lucky inuh
my cat's a hellbitch
I am Keiichi again.
don't give me that look
you are dead to me
i will take my pokemon and go elsewhere ;-;
-looks at photos on his desk of his dog before he died after months of pain-
Objective analysis of languages:
God Tier: Spanish, German
Good Tier: French, Japanese
Ok Tier: Russian, Arabic(s) and Chinese(s).
Meh Tier: All the others.
Shouldn't English be in the okay tier as well?