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  • edited 2011-10-19 07:06:13
    If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.
    Was that John Howard?

    Speaking of the house of reps, in high school legal studies, we had to go to parliament house for an excursion...I thought it was only stand up comedians who made fat jokes about Beasley...

    Yeah, I hated those parts of Legal Studies :C
  • I didn't take legal ^_^

    Couple of my friends got waaaaaay ahead of everyone else from playing Ace Attorney a lot.
  • edited 2011-10-19 07:09:14
    ^^ It's kind of embarrassing when the member of the class who threw a tantrum and left when asked to hand over her bag was acting in a more mature and respectable manner than the people in parliament.

    ^ I did a semester in high school (the teacher hated me) then half a semester in college (the same teacher, not sure why he changed schools...maybe it was because of his son).
  • I was in parliament house once during question time.

    Kevin Rudd just sat there with his arms folded like he was going "bitch please'.
  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.
    It's kind of embarrassing when the member of the class who threw a tantrum and left when asked to hand over her bag was acting in a more mature and respectable manner than the people in parliament.

    You should have brought a video camera.

    Couple of my friends got waaaaaay ahead of everyone else from playing Ace Attorney a lot.

    I think this speaks more about our educational and legal systems than it does about the accuracy of that game.
  • -Remembers Sophia Rodriguez Ureta Xu or however it's spelt-

  • edited 2011-10-19 07:13:26
    ^^^ In high school, we saw fat jokes...and 5 minutes in to what was supposed to be an hour long excursion the teacher suggested just leaving. In college...remember that tiny bit of time after the nutjob when Beasley was back in charge? My timing is apparently awesome with question time.
  • I'm 16 and barely know anything about politics wheeeeeeeeeeeee
  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    at least it's not illegal to be gay any more here D:
  • Gay marriage still isn't an option though.

    Another one for Gillard.
  • Wasn't one of the states doing something about that?
  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.
    Isn't there a campaign going on now for gay marriage? What happened for that?
  • >campaign


  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.
    No, seriously, there is.

    You know it might happen, because it's actually important to one of the politicians involved.

  • Give me liberty or give me death evidence or at least a strong argument that it's working.
  • According to wikipedia, there's a decent number of politicians in support of same-sex marriage...but a bill to allow it got stopped in the senate late last year.

    And it's not like the politicians are actually listening to the majority of polled people on this one...
  • >politicians


  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.
    Yet once the issue is on the mainstream political agenda the debate changes, and whatever my own reservations I applaud those who are pushing for legalisation. Indeed the strongest argument is one I have rarely heard, namely that as marriage, as distinct from civil unions, is essentially based on religious beliefs it is discriminatory for a secular society to restrict marriage between two adults of the same sex. That is an argument that should appeal to an atheist, unmarried Prime Minister.
  • You'd think so =/
  • Why does our government suck so bad..? :(

    ...Also, apparently that guy from Midnight Oil whose surname I fail at spelling is one of/the only labor frontbencher supporting gay marriage. Although I don't know who any of the others are, so maybe they all love the idea. >.>
  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.
    Our government sucks so sad because


    so yeah
  • Wow...Costello went for a low blow on Garrett...by which I mean he insulted his AMAZING dancing skills. In question time. My god our goverment is bad.
  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.
    I still remember the time one of them called another a prick.

    While it was being broadcasted.
  • No rainbow star
    So, I woke up twice last night with bad nausea (Luckily I didn't vomit, but I came close)

    I wonder if I got mild food poisoning from the several day old fish chowder?
  • You can change. You can.
    Our government sucks so sad because

    there, fixed that for you.
  • No rainbow star
    Ok, guess nobody wants an Animal Crossing liveblog =/
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
  • ^^Which is why view counts would benefit liveblogs a lot.
  • You can change. You can.
    bluh bluh, don't do a liveblog to please others, do it because you want it. It's not against the rules and you're practically encouraged to do so.
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