If you have an email ending in @hotmail.com, @live.com or @outlook.com (or any other Microsoft-related domain), please consider changing it to another email provider; Microsoft decided to instantly block the server's IP, so emails can't be sent to these addresses.
If you use an @yahoo.com email or any related Yahoo services, they have blocked us also due to "user complaints"
Obviously, a major part of any cutscene will be the way it's handled. It'd be interesting to measure how long control is taken away from a player before they become knowingly aware of it. To that end, though, cutscenes should probably be short, narrow and focused on the information that needs to be conveyed. Too many close together will ruin it, too.
This was an issue Tales of Symphonia ran into. While it didn't have many "cutscenes" in a technical sense, a lot of the dialogue and story progression segments were too lengthy, and there's a particular part late in the game where you're essentially on a glorified railroad of plot progression. You can explore freely, but that section is all about moving from place to place and talking to the right people, without any non-random combat, puzzle-solving or anything.
Again, I think The Witcher nails the balance here.
It's less a matter of how long the cutscene is as it is what sort of things happen in the cutscene, probably. If it's just a lot of dialogue, then while that will probably put off a lot of people who'd rather just get on with the game, it'd probably at least feel a lot more cohesive than a cutscene that shows your character fighting a bunch of enemies when they could have just had you play through that instead.
But yeah, a lot of it is a pacing thing I guess. One of the reasons that I think Persona 4 is such an engaging RPG (aside from having generally interesting mechanics and a not-completely-generic story) is that there's a very clear rhythm between the more game-y parts of the game (dungeon crawling) and plot/character parts (social links, many cutscenes). As I was playing through the game I noticed that it was pretty consistently about three or four hours of one followed by about three or four hours of the other. While that's probably a bit much for most games, having four hours of story stuff at a time worked for Persona 4 since it also mixed in light gameplay in the form of having to manage how you spend your time, which dialogue options to choose, etc. Anyway, the point is that because it was so consistent about this, it never really felt like any one part of the game dragged, even though there were a lot of long stretches of little gameplay, just because of how it shaped your expectations............................................
I probably lost track of what I was saying there, but hopefully you get the idea.
A teaser from Tomorrow Corporation (the guys behind World of Goo) has been released.
It's pretty creepy to be honest
I'm not accustomed to watching cutscenes. I can clearly recognize when one is starting.
Well I guess I'm accustomed in the sense that I don't find it extremely jarring. That doesn't prevent me from noticing it though.
Of course you notice it. The whole point of a cutscene is that it cuts... to a scene... But the point is that a cutscene doesn't "take you out of the game," so to speak. It still feels like it's part of the same experience as the gameplay. Just... a different part of it.
Usually, anyway. I guess it could just be a really poorly-made cutscene.
About time someone managed it.
Them's fighting words, son
I thought Starcraft managed that awhile ago.
Is it just me, or is Megaman X3 sort of the "awkward phase" game of the series?
I still haven't played Megaman X3 yet. :c
How is it the awkward phase game?
For one, the music's a little bland, at least for me. Also, there's Ninja Gaiden 1-esque forms of bad re-spawn coding everywhere.
The internet has destroyed my brain. I actually have to expend a mental effort to perceive that as text.
Farming Sims? How exciting.
(why yes, I am one of those people who foams at the mouth at the mention of FarmVille)
"Is it just me, or is Megaman X3 sort of the "awkward phase" game of the series?"
I'm one to agree with you for the most part. The boss design was rather lackluster (CHARGES! CHARGES EVERYWHERE!).
On the other hand, it gave us Gravity Beetle's song and I love that song.
It also gave us Volt Catfish's theme, and that's even more awesome.
I will maintain that Gravity Beetle be rockin' harder, Glenn. >:V
I will maintain that Volt Catfish be more metal, Lai. >
Why Volt? Why not Quake? :<
I just finished playing Cannon Dancer/ Osman.
oh dear my brain is full of wat
Bought The Witcher today.
alex halp how do i make the game as easy as possible
In Chapter 1, you won't have a silver sword, so ignore those upgrades. In general, the strength and dexterity upgrades are the most important, generally grab them first. The use of potions can make or break you, especially Swallow, but Blizzard and Wolf are good choices as well.
So, in short:
You can use or ignore the magical Signs at your own convenience.
Also, I recommend playing with Polish voices and English text. Trust me on this one (but the second one has good English voice acting).
Okay. I don't actually have the second game yet though.
I'm half going into the game expecting not to like it because I have to play as a guy
Welp, the game crashed on me five seconds after I stabbed some bandits. Guess that's that.
I've had some random game crashes, too. Not very often, but they happen. Worth trying again just to see if it's regular; the game autosaves every time you pass a loading screen, so you shouldn't have lost any progress.
Alright, but you owe me a bar of chocolate if it crashes again.
With or without nuts?
Without nuts.
FUCK the water temple, no really FUCK the water temple.
I would rather play through the entire game (sans the Water Temple) with the entire soundtrack replaced by HEY LISTEN than run the Water Temple.