If you have an email ending in @hotmail.com, @live.com or @outlook.com (or any other Microsoft-related domain), please consider changing it to another email provider; Microsoft decided to instantly block the server's IP, so emails can't be sent to these addresses.
If you use an @yahoo.com email or any related Yahoo services, they have blocked us also due to "user complaints"
The thread for pimping Kickstarters.
Defense Grid 2 is the sequel to the tower defense game even weirdos who don't enjoy tower defense games (like me) enjoyed.
SolForge is one-fifth funded in like three days. I intend to back it as soon as I can find someone to lend me their credit card. The game looks really interesting and has a sweet team behind it. (Richard freaking Garfield for one, and while I still haven't played Ascension I've heard nothing but good things about it.)
You know you're interested.
Someone(that someone being the original CEO of Active Enterprises) is trying to redo the notoriously bad Cheetahmen 2 by fixing that game-breaking glitch, adding the fabled lost levels and selling the game on cartridges for a much lower price than it usually goes on eBay. It may be worth it just to see the Nerd tear it apart again.
Rack n Ruin is a top-down action adventure game featuring exploration, intense combat, puzzle solving, and of course destruction. It's being developed for PC, Mac, and iOS and looks pretty sweet so far. And Brian Clevinger of Atomic Robo/8-Bit Theatre fame is writing it. I'm pretty stoked for this.
I just remembered I got a prepaid credit card for Christmas, so I have now backed SolForge for $15.
(I'm hoping that if I mention SolForge often enough someone will care.)
I would back SolForge, but I've already kickstarted one TCG, so I want to play that before I look into others.
The other one is actually physical though, isn't it? I guess I could see how they could still compete for mind space or whatever though.
First SolForge gameplay video.
Not technically a Kickstarter, but very much worth looking at.
Monte Cook doing an original role-playing setting and system.
Monte Cook being the genius behind a lot of Planescape's best moments (Dead Gods in particular). So I can't not pimp it, is what I'm saying. It looks like it's going to be beautiful and weird, a bit like Gamma World with a twist of awesome.
There's now a video showing a full game of SolForge, for anyone interested in seeing how it really plays. (Nobody.)
For all Breaking Bad fans, there's some high quality fine art prints inspired by it available here.
Homestuck: the game.
(This was linked from Hussie's tumblr, so yes, it's legit. Not enough
in the world.)
On the off-chance that anyone is at all interested in SolForge, it's only got six days left and could use the help.
^^Eh, I got burned out on Homestuck after Act 5 ended and there was suddenly all this new stuff again.
^Do bear in mind that the last day for a Kickstarter is generally the second biggest for donations.
^^ If it helps, one of the focuses of the kickstarter is developing an accessible story (probably a new session or something) and generally avoiding the continuity snarl.
It's almost at 500k already. Would not be surprised if it was fully funded tomorrow morning.
Everyone who pledges for SolForge by midnight PST tonight gets the following in addition to the regular rewards: $25 and above get an extra Starter Deck, and those who pledge at least $100 also get 10 extra Booster Packs.
Also, everyone who loves adventure games should check out Broken Sword: The Serpent's Curse by Revolution, the same guys behind stuff like Beneath a Steel Sky (which is free on GOG for those who don't have it). Incidentally, Beneath a Steel Sky 2 would get greenlit if the project earned $1 million, which unfortunately isn't going to happen.
Oh, why the hell not. It does look like an interesting project. I'm in.
And SolForge is funded, at least partially thanks to getting a mention on Penny Arcade today.
Probably not going to make it, but just wanted to raise some last-minute Harmonia awareness as it'll come out eventually even if the Kickstarter fails, and it looks pretty cool too, especially for tactical RPG fans. Being easily moddable helps too. Plus it's only $10.
Pretty sure the "everyone needs to know" bit in that image is in violation of the Kickstarter TOS.
That said, it does look pretty cool.
SolForge looks like it's pretty likely to hit 300K. I really hope it gets to 350; animated cards would be awesome.
Though in theory there's no reason they couldn't be implemented later.
So, if Solforge's current trend continues, it's almost certainly going to hit 350k, and 400k seems within reach.
Also, this is officially the year of the game.
It hit 350. I don't know if it'll hit 400, but that doesn't really affect me, so I'm satisfied either way.
One hour left and still not quite at $400k. Looks like it might not make that one.
Though yeah, as you say, if you're under $50 in pledge it doesn't really matter if it makes it since there's no way it'll make $450k.
It's almost there. Might consider increasing my pledge.
Store credit for a digital game is a brilliant stretch reward. Everyone wants it and it costs them nothing.
Note: If they make $400k, Kibler is going to sing "Ice Ice Baby" on his stream. Maybe that's the real stretch goal.