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Magic: The Gathering



  • a little muffled

    It's not a Christmasland scenario to assume you have a creature out, but it certainly is one to assume it's always a Thragtusk. Having a Restoration Angel or a Beast token gets you a much less impressive Zegana that can also be effectively neutralized by killing the Angel/Beast in response if you don't have another creature. What else does Bant play? Augur of Bolas? Mulldrifter was a good card, but adding a mana and removing flying makes it look a lot less impressive...

  • edited 2013-01-09 12:40:40
    Has friends besides tanks now

    that can also be effectively neutralized by killing the Angel/Beast in response if you don't have another creature.

    I was gonna point out that spot removal sucks at the moment, and it doesn't exactly seem ideal to use that removal on a token or a Resto in response to something like that (well, I dunno, maybe it's a good blowout), but removal could get better with Gatecrash, I'll grant. But a 4/4 that draws 4 for 6 isn't exactly terrible anyway.

  • a little muffled

    Okay, as distinctly not a Standard player...what do you actually mean by "removal sucks"?

  • edited 2013-01-09 12:45:07
    Has friends besides tanks now

    For what it's worth, I've clarified it to spot removal. I don't play much standard either, but off the top of my head, there are pingers like Pillar and Izzet Charm that hit for 2, Searing Spear costs 2 to ping for 3, Ultimate Price . . . is pretty good since it still gets a lot of prime targets, and then Selesnya Charm can't target Resto or a Beast token anyway. Abrupt Decay could get the beast token, but that seems like a waste.

    There's definitely other good removal, like Bonfire/Mortars/Verdict, but they're all Sorcery speed, so barring shenanigans from something like Omnidoor, they wouldn't prevent the card draw off of Zegana. Hopefully Gatecrash gives us a good kill spell like Doom Blade, though.

  • a little muffled

    Abrupt Decay could get the beast token, but that seems like a waste.
    A four-for-one seems like a waste?

  • edited 2013-01-09 12:53:06
    Has friends besides tanks now

    If you think of it that way, I suppose. But it's still mana saved in the hopes of stopping something that might not actually happen quite like that. At that point, a Beast is probably the best thing to remove with Abrupt Decay, and I guess if you can neuter Zegana in some way or other, it's probably worth it . . . until she gets blinked with another Resto Angel.

    Well, that makes a handful of relevant cards to stop insanity coming off of a deck that probably has more of it waiting (t._.t Revelation t._.t). I dunno. I mean, I hope Bant Control dies off, but I'm not really seeing the downside here.

    If anything, I want to see a deck with this curve that some goon already put out there: turn 4 Corpsejack Menace --> Silverheart --> Zegana, draw 17. >:D And hopefully Zombie Mike ends up in there somehow.

  • a little muffled

    Why do you hate Bant Control so much anyway?

    I don't really want to argue about whether a card is good in an archetype I've never actually played, but I'm still not convinced.

  • You can change. You can.

    isn't Murder in Standard

  • a little muffled

    Three-mana kill spells have historically not been very good in Constructed (barring ones that can also hit noncreatures) but yes.

  • edited 2013-01-09 13:10:39
    Has friends besides tanks now

    ^^ It is, but that's three mana you're leaving open for something that isn't Revelation. Nyktos already covered that, though.

    ^^^ I hate Bant Control because I hate incidental lifegain and boardwipes, mostly. And, as a natural progression, matches that can apparently go to time with no real progress made (in mirrors, mostly, I think, but still). (I forgive Omnidoor for it because that deck is just hilarious in its absurdity and its demonstration of how greedy the current Standard manabase is, whereas Bant Control is the figurative stuffy old dude who takes himself too seriously).

    I probably shouldn't be speculating either, since I've also never played it, nor have I seen the rest of the set. I just felt like you were condescending for no reason.

  • a little muffled
    I apologize for coming off that way.
  • More UG goodness!

    Wellp, there's my next general.

    I think I'll stick with Momir Vig, but Zegana will definitely get a place in the deck.


  • Has friends besides tanks now

    I'm wondering if I might switch over to Orzhov for the prerelease instead of Dimir, since the cards look to be better/cooler and I have lots of black and white clothing I could attend in. Plus, I might still get enough good Dimir cards to go WUB WUB WUB WUB. And Orzhov/Boros could still work out okay. Hmm . . .

  • a little muffled
    Simic master race
  • edited 2013-01-10 15:29:02
    Has friends besides tanks now

    That's also why I'm still considering Dimir; that might leave BUG as a possibility, and that seems like it could be pretty fun to play. I'll probably still rep Orzhov, but Dimir is still a close second for a number of reasons.

    EDIT: Got eight RTR packs for $3 each at a local CD store. Pulled a Rakdos's Return, a Dickwurm, and a foil Wayfaring Temple, for notable stuff. Pretty happy with that pull, and I can only hope I have similar luck at the prerelease.

  • Oooh, Boros shiny.

  • Boros charm is crazy, crazy strong.

  • Oooh, Boros shiny.

  • >Aetherize


  • Has friends besides tanks now

    Found this in the SA thread.

  • Heh. I see Snapcaster and Dark Confidante, but who's the woman? Is that Thalia?

  • edited 2013-01-16 22:42:48

    Stoneforge Mystic.

    For red, I propose Goblin Piledriver (assuming being Modern is not necessary).

  • edited 2013-01-16 23:18:39
    Has friends besides tanks now

    They said it was Legacy, if anything (what with Mystic being banned in Modern and all). If not, Piledriver's probably the best bet, yeah (since Recruiter is apparently banned in Legacy), though unlike the others, it really only works in tribal.

  • Has friends besides tanks now

    Well this is pretty cool.

  • a little muffled
    As a former player of EveryBallLightningVariant.dec, I approve.
  • Janky tech: cast it turn 6 and use Boros Charm on it.
  • edited 2013-01-18 22:23:18
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    There's a puzzle involving Magic the Gathering.  It seems to have to do with whether something is possible or impossible in a normal game.

    Here are the four individual sub-puzzles:

    Come to our Mystery Hunt team's IRC channel to discuss these, and get the link for our spreadsheet working on this.  Go to http://webchat.esper.net/ , enter your username of choice, put #ducksoup into the Channels box, and click Connect.

  • edited 2013-01-18 23:50:45
    Has friends besides tanks now

    The puzzles wouldn't load for me when I tried to look at them the one time.

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    Those links are working on my end.  Try them again?

    Anyhow, apparently a significant thing might be how many turns were taken to get to each situation.

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