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Magic: The Gathering



  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"
    So, there's a frog-themed expansion? My, time to get back in the saddle.
  • Sort of; one of Bloomburrow's archetypes is green-blue frogs doing the return-your-stuff-to-your-hand thing. Look.
  • edited 2024-08-12 02:58:45
    For completion's sake here's the full breakdown:

    White-Blue - Birbs - Flying
    White-Black - Bats - Life gain/loss
    White-Red - Mice - Valiant (abilities that trigger the first time you target that creature each turn) and lots of attacking
    White-Green - Rabbits - Go wide
    Blue-Black - Rats - Thereshold (Having 7 or more cards in your graveyard)
    Blue-Red - Otters - Non-creature spells.
    Blue-Green - Frogs - Returning your permanents to your hand
    Black-Red - Lizards - Abilities that care if an opponent has been dealt damage that turn (you'd think they'd bring back Bloodthirst for it, but I suppose the name doesn't fit the flavor) (Edit: Although I see now that they'd have to have some life loss effects to cause damage instead so as to preserve some synergies.)
    Black-Green - Squirrels - Food and self-mill
    Red-Green - Raccoons - Expend 4 (spending 4 mana per turn) and lots of attacking.

    So I drafted Premier Draft twice (edit: on a Bronze account) and... that was disastrous, 1-3 for both, one with a white-green deck I thought was pretty good, and a white-black deck I knew was awful.
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