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A Wild Pokémon thread appeared!
Apparently only after completing the National Dex though.
There's also a guaranteed shiny Haxorus.
a guaranteed what
i want it
Incidentally, my only Critical Capture in my entire Nuzlocke was on my Axew. I was pretty happy because it was my only Pokeball.
Anyway, I think once I finish my completionist plans, I should have everything but Celebi, Deoxys, Manaphy, Arceus, Meloetta and Keldeo. Not bad.
Me thinks I should start by completing the original 151 dex and work my way up.
I actually have both Mew and Celebi on me.
Yeah, I am.
It was from GameStop. Both of them. >>
He may have gotten it from the Global Terminal.
I screwed around with the Global Terminal a grand total of ONE time. And after all the shit I heard about it and my router being a bitch, I don't think I'll do it again.
Well, I figured you hadn't once you posted that, but I didn't see that post until after I posted.
My cousin has a Celebi. He's willing to clone it for me if I ever want it, although that would make me feel guilty.
Only shiny Pokemon I ever ran into (excepting the Red Gyrados) was a Caterpie waaaaaaaaaaay back in the original G/S/C.
Shiny Kinkklang, Shiny Alakazam and Shiny Raticate for me. Well at the red Gyarados and Shiny Johto Trio, but those don't count since they are either story events, or distribution mons.
Ahh, I nostalgia'd hard. Once upon a Gen II time a friend told me he had a "gray Slugma" and not believing him one bit until he showed me it. There's something about discovering something like that after thinking you've seen everything in the game.
I ran into a shiny Graveler back in Gold. I also had a shiny Oddish that I didn't remember capturing (it was probably from Gen I). There was probably more but I can't rememeber.
Nova, there is also a guaranteed shiny Dratini in White 2, and a guaranteed shiny Gible in Black 2
My shiny list:
Flygon (Technically caught by a friend when I let him play Sapphire for a few minutes)
Pidgey (given away)
Pidgeot (Butterfree to Pidgeot all in two weeks on the same save. Both Pidgeys in the same HOUR)
Stunky (gifted to girlfriend)
Ampharos (on Silver. The save died
Sharpedo (on Emerald. I cloned her dozens of times)
Treecko (Hatched him. His name is Cyan
And I'm almost certain I caught another but I can't recall what it was =/
Possibly because you attempted to treat them as an offensive line, when they're not useful as an offensive line?
fuck yes my shiny Garchomp will steamroll everything
A shiny Oddish was the first shiny I ever saw. A friend of mine caught it a month or two after Gold/Silver came out.
-Looking for Combee and Heracross-
Wild Combee appeared!
It's a male.
Nah, it was the name.
^ how did you rez the thread right as I did
I can reeeead your mind.
Got the Heracross, still looking for the female Combee.
^ Sure. May take a while if you can only trade from fifth gen however
Nothing at all.