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A Wild Pokémon thread appeared!
What typing does the first gym have, and what are the common Pokemon in that area?
Normal type.
You can normally find Purrloins and Patrats at the nearby route and Riolus, Psyducks, Mareeps, Azurills, Pidoves in the Floccesy Ranch.
Ninja'ed by CU.
Thunderwave made Cheren a cakewalk
And I don't know why Azurill hates me
;.; I want my Marill before the second gym battle, dammit! Or at least my Lucario
Nova: From what I've read, Chargestone cave is in a post game area now
Also, Klink is useless. How are the evolutions any better?
>.> And why would they give it that moveset!? It's like Flareon! Completely wrong moveset for its base stats!
Right, forgot about that. Though I encountered one pretty early, so I got lucky there.
@Ica: Azurill's sprite is constantly frowning. Maybe you should do something about that there.
Chargestone Cave - Post Game
Well, there goes me getting a Tynamo now.
Shouldn't be too difficult then. No typing advantages, but I'm used to working with that.
Snivy's fairly bulky, so short of like, a Patrat knowing Fire Fang, Snivy should be able to wall.
Chances are I'll end up needing Potions, but... Well, by what you're all saying, it sounds likely that you'll have three Pokemon by then, both fairly frail but strong.
Of course, there's probably some trick I won't know yet, like Lenora's Retaliate, or Heart Gold's Miltank.
Work Up
Work Up and Bite. And Leer
Basically his strategy actually involves lowering your stats and raising his own
But Mareep's Thunderwave and Pidove's Ability (prevents defense lowering) shuts him down
> Thunderwave and Pidove's Ability (prevents defense lowering) shuts him down
If you're lucky. Can't count on that in Nuzlocke.
Chargestone Cave should have been a post-game area in the first place. Seriously, screw that place.
^ The psychic gym from Gen III.
Not to mention flinch hax, Slaking Of Doom, Milk Drink...
@CU: You know, that's a good point there. Doesn't help that they come relatively early in the game as well, Norman asides.
@Ica: Flinch haxing Milk Drink Miltank is the worst.
Klinklang is a wall. That doesn't sound very useful, but Steel resists most of the typings in the game. And with a broad typeset movepool, consisting of Electric-type attacks, Steel-type attacks, and Normal-type attacks, Klinklang is basically guaranteed to have something that's at least normally effective on Pokemon.
Gear Grind is like Double Kick, in that it's excellent because it hits twice, even if it is fairly low-accuracy at 85. It can break even Sturdy and Focus Sash, and considering how many Rock-types are in the game, that's awesome.
The Electric attacks are good for Flying-type Pokemon, although chances are you'd swap out against Water-types. Additionally, they hit normally against Steel, Fire and Water, three of the elements that Steel sucks against.
And, lastly, the Normal-type attacks work effectively against Electric-type Pokemon.
Klinklang is far from the best Electric-type in the game, which would probably be Garvantula, but with high defences and great type coverage, Klinklang is pretty damn useful.
The only generation I haven't finished >.>
Actually Klinklang's a pure Steel type.
Blah, that's not what I meant to say.
I meant to say that Klinklang is far from the best wall in the game, but acts as a decent type coverer, but is outclassed by pure Electric Pokemon like Garvantula.
Sorry, I haven't slept or eaten well in a while.
No problems, well, maybe you should get some rest or at least something to munch on.
One of the most annoying things about Critical Hits: Either your opponent keeps getting them like crazy or you get them when you don't need them.
Didn't kill her. Then I got a critical capture with a repeat ball
That battle was a critical success
I haven't run into a Shiny that wasn't the Red Gyarados at all. Since GSC.
I've run into a shiny Duskull back in Emerald, but that's it.
I could never run into a shiny again and still be satisfied =/
Special Attack is lower. Gear Grind works off of a Base Attack of 100, while the Electric attacks work off a Special Attack of 70.
On the other hand, Klinklang's specialty is not in dealing damage, but in walling opponents while having an attack that can deal at least neutral damage to the opponent, with a base Special Defence of 85 (Pitiful, but can be raised higher), and a Defence of 115 (which is pretty great), plus awesome typing defences from his Steel typing.
Plus, apparently in Black and White 2, Klinklang can learn Wild Charge, which is a base 90-power move that works off his Attack stat.
You can end up with a moveset like Gear Grind, Wild Charge, Vice Grip, and Shift Gear, with a bulky Klinklang, which allows you to survive while you set him up with three Shift Gears, which raises his Speed six stages and his Attack three stages, or a combination of Lock On and Zap Cannon mixed with moves that run off his Attack stat.