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I'm still behind, but from what I can tell, the OP is still STAND PROUD.
Iggy isn't in the op so I imagine it will change when they reach Egypt in ~3 weeks.
Ufotable are doing two Fate/stay Night adaptations. In like, the same year or so. Wow.
Ufotable are saving anime~
Minor (But hilarious) problem with Rayearth anime: Plot of the week where they meet a monster disguised as Princess Emeraude who tries to kill them will lessen impact of the actual twist at the end where Princess Emeraude turns into a monster and tries to kill them
I should rewatch that sometime.
But they're not making Gekijouban Eureka Seven AO...
So this sure is happening.
I never saw much of that show, but I have this feeling that I should ask "what would the movie even be about?"
Thanks to recent scientific advances I have a few good reaction faces to this. Let me find my Sunday best.
After complaining about it pretty constantly for the last three days or so, I completed Rayearth S1. The ending was always going to be my main point of contention given it's pretty much my favourite ending ever for the sheer power and the actual deconstruction of the 'Trapped in another world' that happens.
And well
Manga end:

Anime end:
They gone fucked it up
*is vaguely mad*
Alternate universe? A remake? Even ninety minutes of Ao, Elena and Fleur just sitting while Noah dances. I'll take anything really.
@Rayearth: The manga is so pretty it hurts my eyes.
CLAMP is totally homoerotic and FABULOUS, you'd like their stuff.
Apparently in Tokyo ESP's universe, the Ghostbusters and Gerard Butler moved to Japan.
Of interest to (I think) shotapettanko
Oh boy. I mean, uh, sure he directed Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio and Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita, but he's also responsible for Hamatora so I have no idea.
Not sure what to think about Studio Gokumi. This looks about in line with their other works but as far as being able to expect good animation... I don't think I remember any of Studio Gokumi's stuff I've seen looking particularly good.
Anyway, premise sounds bad like most anime premises but maybe it'll turn out alright. It's an original anime so I ought to give it a chance in any case.
This'll probably be at least half as good as Arpeggio since the guy whose writing this wrote Arpeggio's story (Uezu Makoto).
Hamatora is probably more controlled by the production committee I will keep saying that until I believe it.
Anyways, Fall has like, way too many watchable anime and this is exactly why I mostly skipped it last year and just watched Gundam Build Fighters and Aikatsu! so I will just do that again. Unless I break and watch Donten ni Warau and Sora no Method at least.
But that would mean no G no Reconguista and World Trigger and OreTail and WIXOSS 2 and Shingeki no Bahamut: Genesis.
So you know how I've been decrying the AKB0048 dub as a stupid idea?
Well, I Just watched episodes 2 and 4 of AKB0048, dubbed. Note that I've watched the entire series (both series) subbed before.
1. Makoto is no longer that annoying drag on the group. Now she is the comic relief. Her voice is a bit lower than I expected, but her voice actress does her lines really, really well.
2. Sonata's voice starts out way too low when she first appears in ep 2...but then quickly gets fixed. It stays high (like it should for an 11-year-old hyperactive brat of a little sister) thereafter, it seems. I have no idea why this went wrong here. Also, she called herself "soNAta" (like the musical form) and then Linda immediately called her "SONata" (as in the original Japanese accenting), which was a little weird -- and that also happened in that weird first half of ep 2.
3. Linda's and Nagisa's voices seem to work fine. Oddly, though, Nagisa's name is now pronounced "na GI sa". Orine and Yuka also seem to have voices just fine.
4. The humorous lines in general are more hilarious. For example, Linda using stats to back up her estimates of Sonata's chances is followed by Sonata's response "You're a geek.", and it's actually funny and memorable.
5. Yuko Oshima previously sounded like an enthusiastic can-do kind of person. Now she sounds like an overly enthusiastic can-do kind of person...but now the reactions from the rest of the characters in that one scene (the one that starts with Linda commenting on the Center Nova portraits) make more sense.
6. I dont like Mimori's voice. It might be somewhat consistent with the character, though -- if the point of it is to overact a senes of formal elegance, it definitely succeeded at that.
7. The dub's translation was clearer than the sub's, in Kanata's elaborating on why she joined 0048.
8. The dub's translation was also clearer in the scene with Kanata by the river. Unlike the sub, it actually brought the scene to life and I even almost shed a tear.
9. It also featured the translated lyrics of Shonichi...which didn't seem half bad, actually. Usually, the biggest problem with fitting English lyrics to Japanese songs is strangely-accented syllables, and this didn't really have them...at least for the little bits that were sung.
So, actually not half bad. Still kinda pointless, in my opinion, since the songs themselves are still in Japanese and thus I can't easily learn to sing them. Would like those translated lyrics, though......
Maybe it's just small reference pools on my part, but every time I see an anime-style young girl character with long blond hair and a red/black color scheme to her clothing I think she's Fate Testarossa.
...wait, are you telling me that the one from Mai-HiME is named Alyssa, one of the two from Nanoha is named Alicia, and the one from Gungnir is named Alissa or Alyssa (depending on the localization)? You're kidding me, right?
Alice and names that sound like Alice are super common for blonde characters in anime because of Alice in Wonderland.
Finished up Diamond is Unbreakable this summer.
I do have to say, this is so far one of my favorite parts. I found the main characters likeable and more charismatic than Jotaro, I do like the lulls in between Stand fights and speaking of which, I feel the Stands were starting to get more creative in this Part and really put the Bizarre in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.
I am going to look forward to its anime adaption after Stardust Crusaders.
Updated PriPara key visual with Shion and the twins!
Also Aikatsu! had no performance or even song this week and it was brilliant anyways. Go Akari Go!
Also it's nice to see that that one drama Ran was in with Sora is helping her acting career along which is a detail I wasn't expecting at all. But I wonder if Aoi and Ran will even be back for the Twinkle Star Cup...
Johnny was overall brilliant as well, it's nice to see this side of him that is an actual teacher who grapples with dealing with problem students.
Anyways next season's protagonist is a problem student without talent I am so excited!
Buddyfight was really great this week, with Gao taking Kazane's playstyle and really turning it on it's head. Also Ryuuga was in it so that's always the best.
Manga that have been officially translated: Noragami and Arpeggio and NORAGAMI!
You people all suck for not telling me either was happening <_<
But I also suck for not knowing /seppuku.
Finished watching Umi Monogatari, also known as Sea Story.
Frustrated that MyAnimeList's update history only goes back two weeks. Heck, the three-item "last list updates" shown on one's profile page can show more detail than that, if one's only done two things in the last three weeks.
Compare Backloggery. I may criticize that site for not having cross-linking via pages for individual games, but even Backloggery has its "Memory Card" feature -- which lists your updates since the beginning of time.
Why is this relevant? I was recently asked what anime series I'd recently finished. And I couldn't remember beside Umi Monogatari. Maybe Coppelion?
MAL actually does record start/end dates for the shows you watch (although despite having used MAL for years I still don't know when it decides to automatically record them and when it doesn't), and so apparently you watched Ragnarok, Coppelion, Nodame Cantabile, and Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio in June (or at least you marked them as completed in June), and nothing since then.
Incidentally HB does make all of your updates visible forever.
Wait, how do you look that up?
And I think I watched Arpeggio sometime back in the spring lol...only set it completed then.
You can delete those though (since it's really easy to accidentally update a thing on HB).
Yeah I've had to make use of that feature a few times.