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That video has decent music. Does Kakumeiki Valvrave have decent music?
It has Nana Mizuki and T.M. Revolution doing the OP. It also has an ED by angela. Wasn't paying any attention to the soundtrack though because all of the bad writing was too distracting.
Dunno T.M. Revolution but the other two sound decent, at least.
Guillermo Del Toro is going to direct a pilot for a live-action series adaptation of Monster on HBO.
Not enough YES in the world right now.
Let me fix that: Outside of T.M.Revolution x Nana Mizuki and angela nothing is special or even slightly noticeable. Also how much of the ED is about ERU ERUFU L-elf? I'm pretty sure the ED is about L-elf.
This shouldn't be true but it is...
No, I already went over in IRC about how there were two entire dude-on-dude neckbites in two episodes and neither was homoerotic, in a danged anime.
Also I'm pretty sure:
Is a mecha-musume.
Though your point makes sense, so I'll continue watching Valvrave so I can make my own Queer lit theories!
On to other things, like GMH said earlier, while this is a game it's really very much aligned with the interests of anime fans. There's a new Broccoli Otome game with Elements Garden doing the music! It's much more mystical than Utapri and it seems like it might have a plot outside of "Romance these guys and also listen to them sing".
I guess I'm mostly mentioning it because it's one of the newer otome VNs that's caught my interest aside from Hatsu Kare Renai Debut and STORM LOVER.
Though none of these things really matter until any of those series get an anime >_> <_<
This has the potential to be really good. It'd definitely work better as a live-action series than a movie, I think.
Speaking of otoge, I hope the upcoming Diabolik Lovers anime doesn't suck. And I still need to watch the first Kuro to Kin no Akanai Kagi OVA...
I don't know whether to be happy or sad that there won't be any more BLge adaptations for a long time...
This is the best thing.
I don't have anything to really say right now, except that this is kind of amusing:
Well, just watched Ojii-san no Lamp. I'm not sure why I put it off so long. I think out of all the Anime Mirai/Young Animator Training Project productions, this is my favorite (well, unless it turns out that Ryo is completely amazing, since I haven't seen that yet since it doesn't seem to have been subbed). Unlimited tears were shed throughout. Also, it's pretty interesting that despite being extremely heavy on nostalgia, it doesn't conclude that technology and Westernization are evil, which I was kind of expecting once I got about halfway through.
And for the record, Arve Rezzle is the worst Anime Mirai and Wasurenagumo is the moe-est.
^^ Don't know, a Precure from a series I haven't seen, Hibiki Ganaha, a Symphogear character, and Kanade Minamino.
^^ I picked an odd time to watch Oji-san no Lamp, considering that it was not too long (like a day or so) after I saw an episode of History Channel's The Innovators that somewhat focused on J.P.Morgan teaming up with Thomas Edison, which also mentioned how electric lights were competing with kerosene lamps. Anyway, it was a nice little movie, although I don't think I can actually relate to the main character.
^ Top row are all named Hibiki, bottom row are both named Kanade. Both the leftmost characters are from Symphogear.
I should try one of the Precure series sometime. However, I'm currently trying to finish three different 50-or-so ep Toei shows within the next couple of months, and that's already a lot of Toei for me right now. (They're not animes, but still... although Toei does feel different when comparing "eras")
Also, word is that the upcoming Transformers anime will be released as magazine pack-in DVDs, so low production values might be expected.
I should watch Ojii-san no Lamp already.
Which ones?
Or do you mean the toku shows?
But that doesn't deter me yet. I've enjoyed worse.
Yeah, I do mean the two Sentai and one Rider I'm currently watching. What other non-anime Toei shows would be relevant when talking about magical girls? (okay, there's the Fushigi Comedy magical girls, live-action Sailor Moon, and maybe something else that I'm not sure about...)
Are you specifically referring to Transformers stuff? Have you seen the TF web cartoon based on the live-action films? I don't think I actually finished that, but I remember one episode had Optimus being oddly merciful, but I guess that was because it was set after Revenge of the Fallen, and they still needed Megatron to come back for Dark of the Moon.
L-elf is the not-so-secret main character, so it makes sense that the ED would be about him.
Like, uh... episode 3 was entirely about L-elf doing cool things.
Also I guess as more proof that Valvrave is about homosexuality, we have L-elf wanting to marry team up with Haruto because this is Code Geass or something, except with Suzaku having superpowers instead of Lelouch, and with even less of a coherent plot.
Doing annoyingly implausible things
They want to liberate Dorssia! They're literally planning a space mecha pride parade!
I just discovered "ミライノキミへ", which some people seem to be saying is Setsuna Higashi's character song or something.
Probably because it is.
It suggests that there are apparently a series of massively-awesome C-minor songs in the Precure series. So far I've found that song, Shining Star, and Heart Goes On.
Definitely not, especially since I already mentioned that I'd only seen the one other show (I guess I did see Dark of the Moon, but I've been trying to erase that memory). I was referring to the animation quality.
"Doing annoyingly implausible things
What do you think this is, the Wire?
But they weren't even cool and like, based on his skill or anything. It was just basically the episode writer writing about how cool they think L-elf is without putting in any effort (On their part and L-elf's).
Also KyoAni are actually making the swimming anime, I wonder how explodey the anime part of tumblr is right now. I might watch it but am preoccupied with Symphpogear G delusions fantasies.
I don't think you "Get" this show
That is definitely ALI PROJECT. Really nice PV too.
^ No, I completely get Valvrave, it exists to show us that Sunrise can also do irredemably (and extremely funny) terrible.
Anyways will somebody tell me why we have no confirmed leadership or leadership strata for ARUS, JIOR or Dorssia yet have lots of scenes involving not!TwitterYoutube?
No, I completely get Valvrave, it exists to show us that Sunrise can also do irredemably (and extremely funny) terrible.
Anyways will somebody tell me why we have no confirmed leadership or leadership strata for ARUS, JIOR or Dorssia yet have lots of scenes involving not!TwitterYoutube?"
You totally do not "get" this show.
Then exactly what am I missing?
So I dunno how many people here besides me follow yuri manga (or even care), but Dynasty Scans released the final chapter of Sasameki Koto yesterday.
We already had that (minus the funny.) It's called Sacred Seven.
I really wish KyoAni would go back to just animating successful games/manga/LNs and not only animating their own publications or original series. Tamako Market and Chu2koi were both kind of bad, so I really don't have much faith in them if they're going to keep going in that direction.
Also, wow MAL users are terrible.
Is anyone else watching DeSu 2? The game makes more sense right?