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The OP and ED are by the band, but the music in-series is by the one composer/lyricist.
She plays a non-blue magical girl in Leviathan, so there's hope.
Though I'm hoping Yui Horie shows up before she does.
What is this?
...oh it's a new series.
Is it any good?
Wait, does Bahamut count? I've never seen Leviathan, but she sounds to be an anthropomorphic dragon, and that doesn't sound like a magical girl any more than say, Touhou characters, or any supernatural species with magical ability. (i.e. demons, fairies, and so on)
...or is she like, the Jake Long type of dragon, with the transformation and all?
The Leviathan characters are dragons, yes, but also magical girls. There are transformation sequences and everything (where they get wings and tails). At least, Leviathan definitely had a transformation sequence. Bahamut and Jormungandr haven't yet but I'm pretty sure they will since promo art shows them with wings/tail.
Although you could probably argue that they aren't magical girls since having magic power is more or less normal in that setting and they've had it since before the story started and whatnot.
No, it's really dumb. But it's sort of fun. It's pretty cute and has lots of magic and whatnot and generally has the feel of being a shoujo-ish magical girl show despite being made for men, so that's kind of interesting.
Well, based on a Google search, most sites and reviews don't call it a magical girl show. Most, as in I found like, two that actually used the phrase.
Does that mean Winx Club doesn't count either?
Is the music at least kinda manly?
If nothing else, it feels more magical girl-y than a number of series that actually do get called magical girl shows.
I don't know anything about Winx Club except its ridiculous transforming music, but typically a magical girl's power has to at least be exceptional.
Figure 17's music (at least its OP snd battle themes) is if anything too manly considering it's a show about little girls.
> Leviathan
> Bahamut
I'm surprised this isn't a Final Fantasy anime.
> being a shoujo-ish magical girl show despite being made for men
Did I ever mention how wrong this sounds?
Final Fantasy invented dragons.
What's wrong with it? I just mean it's not aggressively fanservicey, not a parody, and not super actiony or angsty.
While this is exactly what got me into watching 12 entire episodes of Vividred Operation, I guess I'll skip Date A Live to watch Leviathan.
I think he means "Final Fantasy actually uses these names all the time when most other JRPGs/Anime will usually invent their own things."
Winx Club does count since despite other people having powers they aren't exactly ever proved to be as good as the main characters (ie Bloom has the power that created everything ever V Diaspro having the power of danged gems). Plus the MCs are the only ones who ever get to do anything.
More so that Final Fantasy is the first thing that comes to mind that uses both "Leviathan" and "Bahamut" as names of dragons.
I don't see how sea serpents and wyverns aren't dragons.
That said, in Zettai Bouei Leviathan, Leviathan is a water magic... magic-using-person. So that's close enough.
It is a show about moe moe dragon things though.
Anyways, first EVA 04 PV out, not watching it since I still haven't seen Q.
> Leviathan as the name for a cutesy female character
> not Mega Man Zero
No it's not; it has separate hands and wings.
Well, IIRC having a transformation and all is pretty much standard for fairies. I can't really remember the show very well, but except Bloom (legendary dragon flame or something) and Stella (magic ring) I think the powers were presented as something normal, at least before any upgrades...? But yeah, nobody besides the Club did much of anything, although I didn't watch very much of it (maybe only for two seasons).
Honestly, I don't think I remember much of this show.
Anyway uh, more relevant to Japan: Possibility of new Transformers anime, even though TF Prime is not over yet. (at least, Google Translate makes the page sound like there's an animation project involved, and that teaser poster looks like some new designs/characters.) It's been what 7-8 years since a Japanese Transformers show?
Bahamut as a dragon name is a D&D thing, I think.
@Naas: Yup, new Transformers anime.
Though I haven't really watched one since the one with that lady whose car was constantly transforming and leaving her stranded, among other terrible things that happened to her. I quite liked that series when I was younger.
I guess I could giver this one a shot?
The Bahamut from old Islamic tradition is pretty terrifying yet also completely awesome. According to one legend, God sent Jesus down to look at it and when Jesus came back he asked him what he saw. Jesus' response? "I do not know what I saw."
Earth supporting fish, dragon, same difference!
Now bear with me here. The story starts with the character in what seems to be a stereotypical one-sided romance with a girl at school. He has opportunities to begin a relationship but is strangely reticent. Why is that? He feels the pressure of society to form a 'normal' relationship with a woman but can't bring himself to actually do it.
Then when she 'dies' he finds himself free and strangely wild. He immediately decides to explore a giant robot (the title refers to is as "The Liberator". Highly symbolic) that confronts him with an interface (tellingly represented by a fairy) that asks him "will you give up your humanity?" At first this seems offensive until you realize it is the MC coming to terms with the fact that many in society will consider him subhuman or even monstrous for embracing his sexuality. And whether he is truly prepared to face the consequences of coming out.
He does accept, however, and finds himself free for the first time in his life to soar through the skies and strike back at the faceless, authoritarians who have oppressed him his entire life.
Then he lands and finds himself confronted by a beautiful young man who immediately takes the Main Character passionately into his arms and repeatedly penetrates him. This encounter leads to the Main Character going through a symbolic 'death' and 'rebirth'. The young man begins to walk off clearly considering the encounter over when the Main Character embraces him with a loving bite to the neck, giving his body wholly to the young man while at the same time taking the young man's body as his own. Thus a deep bond is formed between them. And that's just the first episode!
You have to admit all the pieces fit! I feel kind of silly for not seeing it earlier, honestly. It's all so clear in retrospect.
Uh, was there supposed to be something before this? It sounds like you're missing the first few sentences.
All of this was beside the point.
All of it.
All of human communication before that post.
Are you
Are you addicted to singing
"L elf"?
Yes. Though really, the fact that one of the main characters is named L-elf is hardly the biggest flaw with Valvrave.
> Valvrave
That video is less stupid than Kakumeiki Valvrave.