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Not-Call of Cthulhu interest check
so, been more than a month and no progress.
*pokes INUH with a chainsaw. That is on*
So, um, my occupational skills.
Fast Talk (05%) - 35
History (20%) - 35
Library Use (25%) - 50
Own Language ((Education times 5)%) - 29
Persuade (15%) - 54
Photography (10%) - 10
Psychology (05%) - 34
Occult (05%) - 33
Which would add up to:
Fast Talk (40%)
History (55%)
Library Use (75%)
Own Language (99%)
Persuade (69%)
Photography (20%)
Psychology (39%)
Occult (38%)
Hopefully I didn't make any mistakes.
That...looks right.
Who're we still missing? Hang on, I'll check.
It's here, in the page, you even listed it yourself.
Right >.>
So, Myrmidon obviously won't be playing, so that just leaves:
Since thing still seems to be on, my schedule has changed and I am open whenever now.
^Good to know
So...Alex? Malk?
Sorry, I'm going to have to drop out at this point. It looks like you've got enough players to fill a game in any case, though.
Okay. Good to know, at least.
Now for Malk
*Gets out the hurty stick*
I just drop in to say, I'd play, but I'm afraid I can't find a good place for it in my schedule. Pity.
Bumping because why not
Stiiiiiiiiiiiiill interested
Also first we need to nail down how we're going to play. That's the most important thing, I feel.
I'm still willing. Not sure if able, though. I'll hopefully finally get my internet connection going this weekend. But you never know so I'm not making any promises.
So an update on this, sort of.
I have actually been working on a simple horror RPG (called Mythopoiea) in addition to the fantasy one you may have seen undergo some rudimentary combat playtesting awhile back.
It occurred to me today that A) the fact that it's a horror RPG set on modern Earth means that it needs much less balance-related playtesting than the other one, since any actual combat would be both asymmetric and ideally avoidable, meaning I could have it playable for a campaign very shortly, and
I have a really interesting campaign idea for it.
Would people perhaps be up for that rather than Call of Cthulhu specifically?
I would be and I can do PbP. but uh i have a horrible track record with RPs.
but hey anything to help a friend playtest their abominations
Good, because that's the only way I can play right now :V
This is IJBM. That is a given.
As long as it is an RP, I don't care. I am up for it
o.o Even if I have to tie all of you up so we can finally complete one for once
I actually have one of the sourcebooks for this one lying around somewhere...
Possibly interested.
I think you missed this:
I should probably change the title.