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You still use the priorities A-F, but each one has a point value attached. You may spend up to 15 points.
A = 5
B = 4
C = 3
D = 2
E = 1
F = 0
If you have one of each, it all adds up to 15 points -- so it's balanced against standard character creation. The idea is that you can take multiple selections of a particular priority as long as everything adds up to 15.
So, say I wanted to be a knight, right? Knights are fairly gnarly dudes, and they're high class to match. I might go
B: Social Class (Unlanded Noble.)
B: Attributes (Pretty fit and quick-minded.)
B: Proficiencies (Well-trained in combat.)
So there's 12 points done. Between my other three stats, I've got 3 points to spend. I might go.
E: Skills (Not particularly studious outside martial arts.)
F: Race (Human.)
If I were to apply this to a magical character, however, I might do this:
B: Proficiencies
B: Attributes
B: Race
Again, 12 points spread evenly over three main entries.
E: Social Class
F: Skills
This way, you can vary your character build a lot more. Completely optional, of course, but if you're having trouble balancing your concept against game mechanics, give it a whirl.
So, the publisher, I've found, is actually out of business. This game is out of print, so I can post downloads without guilt.
Also, everyone else, get on this. >
Think of a very slightly steampunk mid-15th century in Central Europe. Early industrial technology via a chance invention by the Benedictine Order of monks conflicts with the increasing perfection and artistry of clockwork, politically and economically.
This means you guys can run the gamut of non-magical character builds, as this is a period where medieval technology was reaching its logical conclusion and new technology was being introduced.
I'd love to give more detail, but as part of the campaign, I have an introductory, "tutorial" session planned so that you guys can get used to the game, set up character relationships and so on. I don't intend to introduce the main crux of the story until the end of the first session or the beginning of the second. If I had to give you an idea, my intention is for it to be high adventure in the early Renaissance. It's a time and place where knights, swashbucklers, gunslingers and all other manner of characters rub shoulders.
Gimme a second; I'll type it up.
Here's what I have so far:
Currency: 15 gold standard
- Leather arm and leg armour.
- Pot helm.
- Arming sword.
- Dagger.
- Halberd.
As for court etiquette, I'll allow you to swap it out for something else if you don't feel it fits.
The party are soldiers fighting for the German-Swiss alliance in the Old Zurich War of the 1440s. Whether you were roped into it or volunteered is up to your own character -- I would assume INUH's character faced the option of a noose at home or a sword on the battlefield and took the statistically safer option, for instance. Your adversaries are the cantons of the Old Swiss Confederacy, and your allies are the French. You all fight as part of the same regiment. Note that, while fighting for the German-Swiss alliance, you don't have to be German or Swiss. Acceptable origins range from the western reaches of the Middle East to the northern reaches of Africa to anywhere in Europe.
While the setup for this campaign begins with war, the idea is not to get you guys fighting as many battles as possible or anything. Circumstances conspire to free you of the duties of an infantryman pretty quickly -- it's just a convenient excuse to have the characters know one-another, go through some hardships together, meet in a nonstandard location and set up the main plot.
Also, don't look up the war or anything. It was a real war, but I'd rather you guys didn't know much about it for the purposes of... stuff. In general. I may or may not use certain elements of it.
situation, more of an "execution or military service" situation.
And yeah. I'd love to see this get started, because I think you guys would be excellent players. Usually, in meatspace, I have to put up with That Player, except that most of my players are That Player.