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Who Would Win General Discussion



  • No rainbow star
    ^ I'm not putting anything consistent beyond, "can be stunned"

    For all I know, that is the only time a human will ever stun Cthulhu because Cthulhu had bad gas or something. There is no way to know WHY or HOW Cthulhu got stunned other than a boat managed to pierce him this one time
  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    At the very least, you posted "Great Old Ones", which implies that this might happen, ever.

    And it might, I guess, but it's just as likely that... fuck, anything else.

  • Surely there's some limit to what they can take. I mean, Great Old Ones are somewhat lower tier Lovecraft horrors, compared to say, whatever Nyarlathotep is.

  • No rainbow star
    Well, constellations influence them
  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    Nyarlathotep is a Great Old One. He is also fucking weird, but then, so is everything in the Lovecraft universe.

    If there's a "limit", then we'll never know it. I mean, that's kinda the point of the whole Mythos. Unknowable, uncaring gods whose mere presence can fuck everything up.

  • edited 2013-03-15 13:53:08

    Wikipedia and this site as well say Nyaralama-ding-dong is an "Outer God", not a Great Old One.

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    Yeah, but see, you're using the Mythos as a whole as a basis for... anything.

    Bad Naas. Bad. :|

  • edited 2013-03-15 14:02:07

    Eh, I'd say Pharoah Nyaru-sama should be harder to beat than Cthulhu anyway, if only since it's literally impossible to tell what's going on if you're up against him. Cthulhu has psychic influence too, but he didn't come across as that confusing. The guy with the boat could tell that Octopus-dragon-man was right there behind him, but the people who followed Nyar-dude couldn't tell what was going on, if anything.

    Also, Haunter of the Dark was scarier than most of the other Lovecraft stories I've read, but that doesn't mean anything since it was one of Nyarly's "lesser"(?) forms.

    And yes, you can expect me to keep spelling his name differently

  • No rainbow star
    The Rake vs a typical werewolf

    The Rake is a vicious man like beast with long claws. He shows up in some creepypasta and in EverymanHYBRID
  • What powers does the Rake have?

  • No rainbow star

    Basically what is in this story
  • edited 2013-03-17 02:28:09

    I can't quite understand how it fights, or what can hurt it.

    Also, wow, that story feeds into exactly the kind of paranoia that kept me from sleeping on a few occasions. Although I've imagined something with more hair, for some reason.

    Anyway, Hibiki Tachibana (Symphogear) vs. Kouga Saejima (Garo). I'm guessing under normal restrictions, and without anything they don't usually have, Hibiki would win just by being able to stay transformed for more than 99.9 seconds. But if Kouga's allowed to just exceed that limit, it goes to him since Berserk Garo is just terrifying, but berserk Hibiki can't really do anything extra. I they get to use final upgrades though, probably Hibiki, since I'm pretty sure Winged Garo can't match Hibiki's XD Gear in sheer power.


    Kyle Rayner Vs. Simon (Gurren Lagann)

  • edited 2013-03-17 02:58:30

    See, here's the thing; Green Lantern plasma is transmuted from willpower. As such, using it will cause you stress, making you feel drained. As such, there is an upper limit; the person wielding the Power Ring itself.

    Spiral Energy - on the other hand - is transmuted through passion, the expression of life itself. By using Spiral Energy, you feel really good, which allows you to use it more. In one respect, that is the Spiral Nemesis; an immense burst of Spiral Energy that generates itself with more of itself, creating an infinity of infinities that would choke all existence. Only careful, measured, and cautious uses of Spiral Energy - such as fueling space-ships and giant robots - can prevent this from happening.

    So I'll give this match to Simon, because he doesn't have the upper limit.

  • I'm a damn twisted person

    Eh lets make this more fair. Simon and Viral piloting the Gurren Lagann and Kyle is rocking a Blue Ring and a Green Ring. 

  • Well, adding a second emotion to the Spectrum would even things a little. And I also forgot to account Rayner's immense imagination which would make him much more resourceful than Simon, whose approach is "use drill, and if that doesn't work, use more drill."

    I guess that would make the match just a little more even.

  • You can change. You can.

    I mean, science just can't explain killing different permutations of giant snakes over and over and dying over and over.

    Worldly peasant science can't.

    I would trust Comics!Science tho. I mean, this is a world where Reed Richards is a Person Who Exists. 

  • edited 2013-03-18 12:28:43

    How does one provide a properly explanation for reincarnation? Hell, how does one explain cycles of existence repeating themselves in different ways when they really have any logical reason to? What, is it because of Jormangandr Particles? Lazerusium? 

    There's being able to wave questions away with gobbledygook, and then there's having the only explanation that makes any sense at all be; "Because it was foretold."

  • You can change. You can.

    How does one provide a properly explanation for reincarnation?

    You're thinking of this in the frame of actual science. But comics have always been ambiguous as to the true nature of Asgardians. 

    Considered that people like Storm exist, I tend to assume that Asgardians are not really gods but really weird beings from another dimension. 

  • But you never had any to begin with.
    The Demifiend (SMT: Nocturne) vs. All 5 of the Madoka team. (Assuming they had all made their wishes prior to knowing about him.)
  • edited 2013-03-18 13:35:28

    ^ What is the extent of his power, and how much damage can he take? Madoka herself was already more effective than an entire JSDF battalion, at least when against Walpurgisnacht. But maybe Witches are more vulnerable to magic attacks than "conventional" weaponry.

    You're thinking of this in the frame of actual science. But comics have always been ambiguous as to the true nature of Asgardians. 

    Uh, wouldn't the extent and limitations of their power matter more than what category of beings they're placed in? Someone mentioned that Marvel Thor doesn't have trouble flying in space, and he can use that to suffocate mythology Thor.

  • But you never had any to begin with.
    The strongest thing the Demifiend survives in-game is the local equivalent to a nuclear blast (albeit one made of divine energy). In terms of abilities, at peak power, he can summon 3 allies, including members of various pantheons.

    On the flipside, he /has/ been beaten before.
  • Juan: As far as I'm aware, Storm is a really powerful mutant who was worshipped as a goddess, not an actual divinity herself.

    Naas: The problem is that as far as we know, Mythic!Thor has extremely vague limitations.

  • You can change. You can.

    Juan: As far as I'm aware, Storm is a really powerful mutant who was worshipped as a goddess, not an actual divinity herself.

    My point is that they're very similar on power level. 

  • Definitely not gay.

    All nine player characters of Team Fortress 2 versus Paarthurnax.

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!

    Paarthurnax. Unless a Dragonborn is present, a dragon cannot die.

  • I'm a damn twisted person

    My dad vs your dad. 

  • Definitely not gay.

    Paarthurnax. Unless a Dragonborn is present, a dragon cannot die.

    I thought it was "a dragon cannot truly die unless a Dragonborn is present". It is stated in-game that non-Dragonborn individuals have killed dragons, just not permanently (as in they can be resurrected).

    Think about it: if dragons couldn't die at all, why does Alduin have to run around and resurrect them?

  • You can change. You can.

    My dad, man. He would just use a scalpel

  • edited 2013-03-19 01:41:20
    OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!

    I thought it was "a dragon cannot truly die unless a Dragonborn is present". It is stated in-game that non-Dragonborn individuals have killed dragons, just not permanently (as in they can be resurrected).

    They resurrect almost immediately.

    Think about it: if dragons couldn't die at all, why does Alduin have to run around and resurrect them?

    This is explained in the main quest. They were actually shifted forward in time.

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