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Who Would Win General Discussion



  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    More likely BURN-BURN-BURNBURNBURN because Haruto would not stand a chance otherwise.

  • I'm a damn twisted person

    Well technically Ghost Rider's powers effectively have no upper limit as long as the person he is fighting deserves vengeance to be carried out on them. So really Ghost Rider vs Decade might be a flashier fight, but we all want Ghost Rider to win, because seriously, fuck Decade. 

  • No rainbow star
    Saig: His sucking ability, ability to fly, ability to copy abilities, and of course his ability to consume almost anything (fucking Gordos aside)
  • edited 2012-12-21 21:56:15

    I still want to write a Kamen Rider/Ghost Rider crossover.

    Call me, Marvel.

  • ^ Maybe Toei could've done that as a follow-up to Supaidaman.

  • edited 2012-12-23 00:19:08

    ^ Square Cube Law. As the size is cubed, the strength is only squared. It can go in reverse

    The square in the square cube law refers to the increase in the object's areas, not the force it exerts (if Superman was scaled by 2, he wouldn't be significantly impaired in his ability to move planets, quadruple force or not). A body being smaller does mean that it'll handle stresses due to its own weight better (its stress due to its weigh being directly proportional to the scaling factor, where a smaller scaling factor means a smaller object), but even then the stresses a body can handle beyond those caused by its own weigh before yielding decrease linearly with the scaling factor (and not directly, for that matter).

    This is important, damnit!

    Edit: It's a good thing to read your posts after a while so you end up confusing yourself and rewrite.

  • Slender Man, by definition, violates the square-cube law as his volume does not necessarily increase in proportion to his body size, as his spacial occupation is very undetermined and variable.

    I remember the Bible saying the exact same thing about Pazuzu 

  • Ridi, Pagliaccio, sul tuo amore infranto!
    Nice Retsupurae joke steal
  • No rainbow star
    Mewtwo vs Frieza

    Considering how hard the BSTs are to properly translate across series, assume Anime Mewtwo (you know, the guy who created a storm that threatened to destroy the whole world without an effort)
  • edited 2013-01-29 07:56:52

    Frieza actually succeeded in destroying a planet effortlessly. I'm referring to planet Vegeta, which he blew up while still in his basic form.

  • No rainbow star

    So Mewtwo would probably want to run the other way


    I forgot Frieza did that to a planet

  • Sokka vs. Finn.

    Two legendary boy-style adventurer swordsmen! The black blade of the stars against the crimson sword forged of demon blood!

    Place your bets!

  • Definitely not gay.

    I'm sorry, but Finn managed to defeat a demon lord once. Sokka hasn't accomplished anything near that.

  • No rainbow star
    Majora vs Ganon. Both at full power
  • Definitely not gay.

    Majora's greatest feat is causing the moon to crash. Which took three days, but still.

    Ganon, however, has shown himself to be capable of reviving the dead (both as undead and just full-on True Resurrection-style reviving), raising armies of demons and zombies, killing a hero that was destined to win (in the Decline timeline), corrupting beings considered powerful demon-mages in their own right (Vaati), and at one point ruled over an entire dimension (Dark World). Ganon at full power also means Ganon with the COMPLETE TRIFORCE, mind you.

    Ganon's got this.

  • No rainbow star
    Alright. Ganon vs Anime/Manga Giratina (since the games make them possible for even a small child to win).Once again both at full power
  • But you never had any to begin with.

    Ganon is immortal, and Giratina can't hold the master sword or light arrows.

  • No rainbow star
    Giratina is essentially the god of (anti)matter, however
  • Ridi, Pagliaccio, sul tuo amore infranto!

    Wasn't enough to stop it from being captured in a Pokeball by a ten year old.

  • No rainbow star
    ^ I did say anime/manga Giratina. Which is different just due to sheer power (game Giratina can be taken down by Foresight and a FEAR. Anime/Manga is basically, "...Oh shit')
  • But you never had any to begin with.

    The Master Sword and Light Arrows aren't antimatter, either.

  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"

    Okay, let's try. Who would win, if both were at the peak of their augmentations? JC Denton, or "Goggles", the anynomous soldier from Von Braun?

  • edited 2013-03-06 23:11:35

    An Ultraman (any of them) vs. an Evangelion? The A.T. Field should enable the Eva to win in probably most cases, although higher tier Ultramen are probably capable of overcoming it. Max's Max Galaxy managed to get smash through Zetton's barrier (I think), and Dyna managed to get around Neo Daramvia II's barrier by... shooting at it twice. Ultraman Zero probably has comparable strength in his attacks.

  • But you never had any to begin with.

    It depends on the A.T field in question really. We never see if Evas are capable of reaching Ramiel levels of field power.

  • edited 2013-03-06 23:28:31

    Aren't Evas at least capable of withstanding nuclear-level explosions? As for Eva weapons, Ultramen can avoid or counter most ranged attacks from them, but the prog knife should hurt like a lot, since it was designed to kill Angels and Ultramen are similar to Angels and Evas in that they're not made of "regular" matter.

  • I'm a damn twisted person

    Eva's can easily ride out a nuclear explosion. Hell they could have even(probably) survived Sahaquiel's impact at ground zero. 

  • edited 2013-03-07 08:47:19
    Definitely not gay.

    Re Howl vs Ice King:

    My reasoning is similar. Howl's magic is esoteric and raw and shaped by emotion, too; it seems as though it has less implicit "rules" whereas the Ice King seems to come from a school of D&D-type thought. 

    I'm sorry, but I can't agree with this. If you're saying that Howl's magic is inherently stronger than the Ice King's (and if you aren't I have no dispute) I can tell you that it is not. The Ice Crown has been shown to be capable of freezing the world for centuries at full power, and even at partial power has been implied to be capable of moving and freezing large landmasses. In a contest of pure magical "brawn", Howl would lose.

    The thing is that Howl knows this. What I like about Howl's type of magic is not its intrinsic power, but the school of thought it encourages. Howl's brand of magic encourages lateral thinking skills by its very nature, fluid and flexible as it is.

    In sharp contrast, the Ice King's powers and personality encourage brute magical force and Attack Attack Attack tactics. (On another note, Ice King's magic is sort of an anomaly in this regard: other forms of magic in Adventure Time do have restrictions but are less brute force-y) Ice King is shown to be regularly beaten in combat by individuals he would have defeated easily in brute force simply because of their superior lateral thinking. 

    So Howl beats Ice King because brain beats brawn, not because his power...EXCEEDS Ice King's.

    hoshit did i seriously write that many paragraphs

  • edited 2013-03-07 09:39:44
    One foot in front of the other, every day.

    Enlightenment magic's inherent restriction is that it's limited by conscious and rational human thought. Romanticist magic can likely do anything, including things that are impossible to achieve with romanticist magic, because that's just how it rolls. 

  • edited 2013-03-07 09:45:31
    Definitely not gay.

    That doesn't change my point in any way. My point is that Howl's magic is not inherently more powerful than the Ice King's. 

    Look I agree that Howl would win in a fight, but I think that making it a matter of magic "power-levels" would cheapen Howl's victory. I think Howl's greatest asset is his ability for abstract thought, not his powers.

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