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"It gets better later on."



    edited 2011-10-09 20:01:13
    The way the work is advertised, presented, and executed does indeed affect the quality of the work. It creates expectations. 
    So it's TTGL commercials that made you hate it?
  • edited 2011-10-09 20:03:32
    But the trouble is that perception of quality is not a vacuum. Cognitive dissonance from being told that something is much better than it actually is makes a larger impact than simply not liking something. This is the main reason I'm so wary of Madoka Magica: because the fandom makes it to be this brilliant work that destroys the foundations of magical girls, and yet their arguments sound like, just as I said, "Darkness. Darkness. Darkness darkness darkness!"
    edited 2011-10-09 20:03:28
    Yes. So to speak. Word of mouth. It's just as much as an advert as any commercial is.
  • edited 2011-10-09 20:05:52
    Well, as I've said. That's silly. You can't blame the show for the expectations people unassociated with it make.

    I can say Iron Maiden will make you reach Nirvana but it's not Bruce Dickinson's fault that I do that.
  • it is kind of silly. A commercial is a paid advertisement meant to hook new people into a series.

    Word of mouth is simply idle chatter about it.
    edited 2011-10-09 20:08:21
    All I know is, the more my expectations are built up, the more glaring the flaws become, the more critical I am of a story, the more I dislike it in a literal hate sort of way. It makes it so I can watch a stupid movie and reasonably enjoy it, and watch a very good movie, and enjoy it at practically the same level.

    If that's how my brain works and my desire for entertainment works, so be it. If someone comes across with a well-reasoned argument for why I should watch it, I might change my opinion, but as of now, I'm sticking with the one well-reasoned negative argument I heard, because it makes way more sense than the blind gushing.
  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.
    This is the main reason I'm so wary of Madoka Magica: because the fandom makes it to be this brilliant work that destroys the foundations of magical girls, and yet their arguments sound like, just as I said, "Darkness. Darkness. Darkness darkness darkness!"

    It's not. The first, that is.
    That might be the way your brain works, but that doesn't make it a logical way to approach criticism.

    I'm not saying I never do the same thing, but it's not good when I do it and I try not to.
  • Hey, I'm not criticizing TTGL. I'm just biased against it. If I wanna criticize the show, I'd watch the fucking thing. 
  • When is it ok to judge a series by its Fandom?
  • When it's Atlas Shrugged.
    edited 2011-10-09 20:11:59
    What are we judging? Watchability? Quality? Level of Interest in Premise? Overallness?
  • edited 2011-10-09 20:12:36
    Yeah, I just take issue with the type of bias. You're perfectly allowed to think it's the shittiest thing on the planet, just not because of some lousy fans.


    ^^^Hmmm. Maybe when the fandom starts influencing the work explicitly?
  • $80+ per session

    Am I allowed to think Homestuck is pretty good for what it is, but hate it and all things related because of it's fandom?
  • edited 2011-10-09 20:15:56
    No. You can dislike the fandom, but shouldn't let it influence your opinion of the work itself. I'm not a big Potter fan, and I think the fans are an obnoxious bunch but I do my best to separate the two dislikes.

    Or if you do acknowledge what you're doing is irrartional at least.
  • $80+ per session
    Ah well, guess I'm just gonna continue being wrong then.
    Everyone's human. Just acknowledge the flaws of what you're doing and try to improve for future issues.
    edited 2011-10-09 20:22:16
    Dude. I am never ever ever ever ever ever ever going to be writing a review about TTGL. I am never going to protest it, argue about it, or discuss it.

    Also, I think a lot of it is retroactive. People see 10 shows. 8 shows are meh, 1 is bad, 1 is good. Out of that 8 that they will never watch, 7 are also unpopular, but that last one is REALLY popular. And suddenly a show that they would have never given a second glance to, is sickeningly loved.

    It's not so much as "you were never inerested it in the first place, it's not the fandom's fault" so much as "if it hadn't been for the fandom, I probably would have never even known it existed the next morning, and I STILL think it's meh!"

    For example, random show on a random mecha trope page: 

    I don't know this show. I have no opinion of this show. I will never watch it, because I don't like mecha. Chances are, tomorrow morning, I won't even remember what show I cited as an example.

    I am sure there are plenty of shows like that. There IS no opinion of them. They just are. As a result, the opinion IS formed due to the FEEDBACK of others.
  • I know for a fact that if I never got passed the bias for Pony-Fans, I wouldn't have watched MLP FIM.

    But I guess what I'm trying to say is this, don't let the fans of a series dictate the quality for you.

    So be frustrated with the fandom, not the show itself.
  • I think attitude has a lot to do with it as well. There is a difference between a show being popular, and a show being over hyped.

    It's why I never had a problem with Touhou. It's popular, but it's not actually hyped much. But that may just be me.
    ^Different experiences, sis. VERY DIFFERENT EXPERIENCES.

    I've never had an obnoxious Haruhi or TTGL fan. I've met my fair share of bad Touhou ones.

    which is why personal experiences can create a false impression.
  • You don't see the problem with letting people base an opinion off of something outside of the control of the creator?
    edited 2011-10-09 20:29:27
    And if you never tried Touhou, I wouldn't fault you for it. I just feel like if I hadn't seen so much positive feedback, I wouldn't have been so willing to take Jesu's word as complete truth on her review of the series, due to the fact it was slightly negative.

    CC: On a debate level, there is a huge problem. On an entertainment level, I see it as something more personal. I mean, lots of people hate One Piece for the artwork. I dislike it when people make that their reason for not reading/watching it, but it's their own personal comfort levels.

    Now, if they argue the QUALITY of One Piece...
  • $80+ per session
    I just hate it on principle.
  • edited 2011-10-09 20:30:50
    I never tried Touhou because I don't care for Bullet hell games. Maybe you would have not have faulted me for not doing it because of fans, but I would have. Fans are terrible. I mean I'm a Batman fan and I don't stop shutting up about him, but you'd lose out for not watching The Dark Knight because of me. To quote Yahtzee 'The sooner you shut out their shrill tremulous voices the happier you'll be.'
  • edited 2011-10-09 20:33:11
    @AHR: Waht's the difference between One Piece and TTGL?
    edited 2011-10-09 20:35:36
    Meh. The Dark Knight was OK. Joker would have been a lot better, to me, if I wasn't expecting the most spectacular performance ever.


    CC: The people who want to watch it? Actually, I'm not even sure about that...heh. 

    Although, I know people who hate one piece fans, and to be honest, yeah, I wouldn't fault them either.

    Unless they tried to debate the quality of it.

    And I would never debate the quality of TTGL. I haven't watched it.
  • Has friends besides tanks now
    "So be frustrated with the fandom, not the show itself."

    What if I dislike both separately and together? That's fine, right?
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