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General writing discussion.



  • Geebs. The people in the CDT threads have ADHD, I swear. They all have, like six characters introduced.
  • Has friends besides tanks now
    Writer's Block again?
    edited 2011-09-19 21:26:34

    It's basically roleplaying.

    Only...everyone mans six or so characters, all giving exposition on their homeworld that they know like the back of their hand.

    Or something.
  • "Also, Mia sounds very exaggerated and hard to believe. 2Dimensional, unless thats the point."

    Well, the point of Mia is that she is a sheer genius....and also a complete asshole at the same time. She has more personality than that, but I wanted to emphasize her main traits.

    "Not bad so far, but I'd like to know the relevance of all these submissive personality types."

    Blame it on me liking submissive girls.
  • A genius in what?
  • edited 2011-09-19 21:47:18
    They're somethin' else.
    How fucked up is mine, Everest? Well...

    -The male lead survives as the victor of a 10 man battle royale. He uses a kick me sign that was strapped to his back the whole time to blot his nosebleed.
    -A scrawny dweeb is forcefully boned by his mentally broken girlfriend afterschool in the middle of a baseball field. His refusal to speak with her ever again after her parents send her to live with her aunt drives her to call him over the phone and (pretend to?) commit suicide, scarring him for life.
    - and the school staging it is set aflame due to some deranged group that sprang up from the lead couple's mutated beyond control Fight Club.
  • I try to make people appear fucked up.

    It never works. 
  • "A genius in what?" 

    Overall intelligence, but mainly in Physics.
  • Apparently not in social skills.

    But all right.
  • edited 2011-09-19 21:51:24
    Has friends besides tanks now
    "-A scrawny dweeb is forcefully boned by his mentally broken girlfriend afterschool in the middle of a baseball field. His refusal to speak with her ever again drives her to call him over the phone and (pretend to?) commit suicide, scarring him for life."

    Where have I seen this before? >.>

    But mine has a few moments that either rival or top that (well, not the incident I have cited in this post, but the other stuff), or at least one or two such moments, but I don't want to give away any details and ruin the fun. Mostly, it's a character drama, though; it's supposed to have some basis in realism, and it's not concerned with being overly violent or anything.
  • Hooray for rape!
  • They're somethin' else.
    I've really got to stop selling my crap and write it already XD
  • Yeah. Me too. 
  • $80+ per session
  • They're somethin' else.
    Its supposed to be a comedy, but It's gonna take a lot of fucking hard work and sense of timing to achieve that. No matter what they say, comedy is 10 times harder to write than drama.
  • You can change. You can.
    Apparently not in social skills. But all right.

    >Implying intelligence precludes social skills
  • No rainbow star
    Could I ask questions here on medium I should choose for a work?
  • This is probably going to be an astounding yes, but....

    Would a Blue-Eyed/Blond-Haired White male character lose alot of reader sympathy once he started mentioning his "Nordic/Aryan Pride"?

    Do note that this is in a world completely divorced from ours.
  • No rainbow star
    Stick with Nordic pride. Aryan still has negative connatations
  • edited 2011-09-20 07:40:50
    Till shade is gone, till water is gone, into the Shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath, to spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the last Day.
    "Aryan pride" anywhere near a blue-eyed/blond haired white male character is going to torpedo all audience sympathy, our world or not.

    ^^^ Sure, why not
  • edited 2011-09-20 07:53:12
    No rainbow star
    Alright, well, my Cryscon universe is eventually going to be a game (RPG/RTS combination), but I don't know what genre to choose first

    Going with game first means that I need to find a programmer first

    Card game could work and was the original plan, but everything needs to be in supplementary, optional material

    Webcomic gives me full control, but that could be a bad thing

    A series of short stories would let me explore the world, but drawing is my strong point (When writing, if it is all text, I do best with short horror, and even then not well)

    I can also go with full rpg using Game Maker just to get it out there

    If it helps, the world is fantasy with monsters that are captured using magic

    God the world building is easier than this part x.x
  • Apparently not in social skills. But all right.

    >Implying intelligence precludes social skills


    Social skills is a type of smart too. As are street smarts.
  • You can change. You can.
    Oh, it is, but all I'm saying is that not all intelligent people are socially skilled. 
  • But if someone is intelligent in "all fields" that would imply that includes social skills, which it clearly didn't.
  • You can change. You can.
    I thought he meant academia.
    edited 2011-09-20 10:24:33
    If he did, he didn't say so.

    I guess my impression of a genius is a highly skilled Renaissance person.
  • edited 2011-09-20 10:26:18
    One foot in front of the other, every day.
    @Chagen: If he's going to have "Nordic pride", give him a connection to it beyond genetics.
  • My brother, for example, loves his turkish heritage. Where does it show?

    In his love for soccer. And in his idolization of my dad.

    Which I guess is sorta genetics.
  • One foot in front of the other, every day.
    Also for instance,

    >Austrian heritage
    >Cooks a mean schnitzel
    >German swordsmanship
    >Trolling Germans for stealing Austrian stuff

  • And, of course, the endless food wank of "OUR FOOD IS SO AWESOME HOW DO YOU NOT LOVE OUR UNIQUE SODA?"
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