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The Virulent Hatred Thread



  • I tried being ashamed. Then I realized that it was stupid and unproductive since I shouldn't have to be sorry for things that aren't my fault. You don't exactly get to choose your fetishes.
    You could argue that maybe I shouldn't talk about it so much, at least, but even still I don't regard it as any different from any other paraphilia. As long as the person isn't acting on it, there's nothing wrong with it.

    This pretty much sums up my opinions on the matter.

    As for whether porn counts as "acting on it", well--I understand the objection to actual child pornography, as real children were abused in the process of making it, but I don't see a problem with drawings.
  • ^^ Yeah, I guess that makes sense.  It ceratinly made me feel down, and did a lot to encourage my virulent hatred for humanity.  It's really no wonder there are so many omnicidal maniacs out there.
  • edited 2011-02-08 14:00:40
    Now I'm back, I'll probably try and be more verbose to clear up any confusion.

    Well, by porn being "acting on it", I don't mean I view it on the same scale as actually raping a kid, that would be pretty stupid, and I'm not acusing anyone here of doing either. I went into detail on what I thought about porn in the Boku no Pico thread a while back, and I don't really feel like talking about it again because I don't want to derail the thread (wait, that's the point isn't it?) Basically, I'm in the "porn is degrading/misogynistic/misandrist" camp, even though I used to look at porn a lot myself. Changing camps wasn't something that just happened overnight, though. How did we get onto talking about porn? Wait, shit, that was me.

    My post was mostly saying that it's rarely the fetish that makes me dislike people, citing Chagen and Matrix as examples. Chagen because of the oppresion complex that he sometimes shows, and Matrix because he was just a dick in general (pointing out in particular the incident in the Kanye confessions thread)

    Peadophilia's one of those issues I never know where to stand on. For instance, my family, who are actually very tolerant, probably wouldn't want to be aquainted with such a person, and I don't tend to argue with them whenever the subject comes up. On the other hand I find it hard to actually hate an individual for anything other than thier actions and words, and the fear around peadophilia in the media and etc is creating an Us vs Them situation which is never good.

    Funnily enough, I seem to have toggled between this viewpoint and the opposing viewpoint at will recently, just something else to add a background to this awesome fucking post I just wrote.

    ramble ramble

    I want to mention I haven't eaten anything but a double chocolate muffin, and a block of chocolate a friend gave me today. I'm hungry.
  • Mmhh, I think I'll have a chocolate muffin tomorrow.
  • ^^So do you feel guilty or what?  I'm sure you can be forgiven if you do.
  • Feel guilty for what? Eating that muffin?
  • No, for looking at pornography.  Sorry, I don't mean to offend or anything; you don't have to feel guilty if you don't want to or anything.  I'm kind of a busybody, you see, so I often try offering help even where it isn't needed.
  • I thought that was what you meant, I just couldn't resist giving a more absurd answer, since the chance presented itself.

    Yeah, I feel guilty (I thought that was clear, but I guess not, sorry)
  • Well, confessing what you did is always a good first step.  I read what you wrote, and while I don't know you all that well to begin with, I don't really think less of you.  My recommendation: come to terms with what you've done and learn to forgive yourself.
  • edited 2011-02-08 16:23:40
    Thanks, although I don't know, "forgiving myself" sounds a bit religious. I didn't want to talk about it because mining for sympathy regarding something like this seems pretty low. (As much as I appreciate your post, this is pretty much the direction I don't want the discussion to go)
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    I don't think there's a moral problem with me looking at pictures of women in swimwear catalogues.
  • I don't think there's a moral problem with me looking at pictures of women in swimwear catalogues.
  • Porn being acting on "what"? Sexual desires?

    (I think of "acting on it" as actual, physical acts)
  • I don't understand why people have problems with anyone else if everything they are doing is indirect and not hurting anyone. Nobody is being forced to draw anything that will ruin their childhoods or harm everyone involved. Although it's a picture of an act that may hurt a real person, they are not real people. You may think it's wrong, but who gives a fuck what you think? Unless you plan on stopping the artists from drawing it, keep your mouth shut and stop making the world a horrible place with your intolerance. Go stop some REAL child molestors, rather than rag on people on the internet about liking lolicon artwork. Seriously. If you want to be such a moral warrior about this, start here for the people who actually DID SOMETHING WRONG, and stop plaguing the internet with your unwanted guardian fantasy bullshit.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    "Go stop some REAL child molestors, rather than rag on people on the
    internet about liking lolicon artwork. Seriously."

    Let me help explain this.

    It's the same mindset that causes Wizards of the Coast to stop selling PDFs.  The same mindset that, in some cases, causes people to vote for elected officials that do them no good.

    It's a combination of association and what's called "single action bias".  First, you need to associate a problem and a "cause".  I put cause in quotation marks because the "cause" is not necessarily related to the problem.  It only needs to look like it could be a cause of the problem.

    Now you need a way to "fix" the "cause".  This is generally done by targetting, often antagonistically, the "cause", and in extreme cases, using violence against it to bodily defeat/destroy it, such as by shooting George Tiller.  Once you do that, in your head you've fixed the cause of the problem.

    Are there other unrelated causes of the problem?  Or was that even the true cause of the problem?  No, of course not.  Anyone who says otherwise is undermining your objective, by distracting you from the real cause.
  • edited 2011-02-08 20:29:05
    OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    Huh. That's quite a good breakdown of how it works.
  • Everytime I get a reply from Glenn it feels like I'm saying something wrong.
  • edited 2011-02-08 20:34:16
    OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    Really? He was just explaining why people don't do what you said they should.
  • Oh...perhaps it's just ""Quote" Big Statement" phobia.
  • I'm too fucking mean. I keep hating everything people like, thanks to the differing opinions of people on the internet.

    God damn you, how dare you corrupt my ability to enjoy everything, and now force me to only like certain genres.
  • Weird, that's the first time anything I've said has caused people to hit back with genuine vitriol.
  • I keep reading vitriol as nitroil.
  • AWww, I'm sorry for replying but not having anything worth discussing.
  • ...Do I want to click?
  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    It's completely SFW.
  • It's really just a photo of two rabbits just sitting next to each other.
  • So it is!  D'aaaaw!
  • I am not in the mood to hate anything actually...I am in a very vigorous and happy, relaxed mood.
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