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  • $80+ per session
    She cried out the second I was inside her, and she swung her arm at me, and I pulled out, and I was pushed away from her. I started crying, and I got off of her body, turning away from her. "I'm...sorry...I don't know...why I'm doing this...I just...I like you Amy...I don't want to lose you...I've liked you for so long...Ever since you moved her..."

    I was in a daze. I couldn't concentrate anymore. The tears were hurting my eyes and I had a splitting headache. Everything felt like it was going by so fast. I shuffled over to my door, and I turned the lock. I cried as I look down at the ground and I shuddered. "I'm sorry...I just can't let you...leave me...Like everyone else..."

    The truth was. I was completely alone. Mom was gone. Dad had been gone. When he left, mother started to break apart, slowly. I was stronger than her, but not for long. It seemed like almost everything I did made her angry with me. But on the small occasions that I made her happy, she was so so happy, and would hug me, and kiss me and we would laugh. And I just...loved that feeling. But she eventually left me, saying that she needed to leave to find herself. It was like I was emancipated by her!...I longed for that feeling of making another woman happy...That touch...Amy didn't want to touch me...But I wanted to keep making her happy until she did.
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    I didn't feel safe anymore. She was confessing her desire for me and trying to have sex with me after I objected to it. She started to cry and then retreated to the door, away from my limited sight and I heard her lock the door, and say in a sobbing voice, "I'm sorry...I just can't let you...leave me...Like everyone else..."

    I was stuck in here with her now. I doubt I could fight my way out regardless of what I could do. I attempted to sit up and get out of the bed but all I could do was just flop to the side of it and lay there. I stared at the edge. I started to sob and stare in the direction of Clair. I was done for. If I understood anything, it was that I was locked in her room and if I ever left to tell anyone what would happen, she would erase me from the face of the earth.

    "I don't want to die..."

    It was all I could muster up to say. I started to cry too as I pulled myself away from her and climbed to the head of the bed, coiling up against the pillows naked, crying. "...I'll do anything you want Clair...just please don't kill me...I won't tell anyone what you do to me...you can keep me here...just please don't...please don't..." I could not finish the sentence as I started bawling, tears streaming down my face as I felt the coldness of being trapped envelop around me, knowing I was completely at her mercy...

    Then, I heard her begin to step towards me very slowly.
  • $80+ per session
    I felt like the most horrible person ever. I turned around, and I saw her crying and huddled naked, squeezing the pillow. She was screaming and begging for her life, saying she would do whatever I wanted. I started to walk towards her, trying to calm her down. "I would...never kill you Amy...I just...can't lose you..."

    We probably had sex that night. I don't remember. It was such a blur. The next year was all a blur. That's right. I kept her in my house for an entire year. I always made sure she was fed well, had plenty to do and was kept up on the news and was bathed. I thought about letting her go to school a couple of times, but I decided it was too risky, and that made me feel even worse.

    For the first couple of months, she was so scared all the time. Fidgety every day, she would always flinch and whimper whenever I handed her something to drink or tried to give her a good night kiss. She would never talk to me and was always so jumpy and looked terrible.

    Towards the last few months, she got so much better. She actually spoke to me, and she was sleeping much better. I don't know if she ever smiled.

    I couldn't tell you how many times I violated her. I never bruised her, or made her bleed but I did take her virginity and then some. Looking back, I don't know if it ever truly made me happy.

    I just let her go an hour ago. As I'm recording this video in my basement, she's been free for an hour. I don't know if she went to go tell the police or went home to her parents or what. I'll probably get arrested any moment now. I feel so bad for everything I did. I was selfish. I don't deserve the love I wanted. I never did. That's probably why Mom and Dad left.

    I don't know if I'll ever see you again, Amy. But if you see this, Clair is sorry.
  • edited 2011-06-03 20:50:14
    ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    "I would...never kill you Amy...I just...can't lose you..." were the words she told me as she climbed back onto the bed and hugged me. Then she kissed me, and then I learned where that ominous staring feeling came from as Clair looked down on me with empty soulless eyes. There was no Clair there, but there wasn't absolutely nothing there either. It was something else, something I could never explain in words, not even on paper. Staring directly into the eyes of the abyss, is what it felt like.

    Clair gently caressed me and I offered my body to her, freely. I didn't know what to do anymore tonight. I will just let her have her way.

    That entire night filled me with sickening thoughts. At first when she put her fingers inside of me I wanted to cry again, but in the middle of it, when I started to enjoy it, I started to fade away, and then I just let it happen. Softly breathing, letting Clair touch me in ways I couldn't even touch myself. I always held back, but she didn't.

    She made me drool from how much I was holding back. She drove me into a sexual coma from everything she did. Not once did she hurt me or make me afraid. Her touch was gentle and warm, her fingers danced inside of me with subtlety, and always knew what I could handle. After it all, I awoke with my face nuzzled against her chest, me having my legs and my arms coiled around her while she petted me, confessing her love silently to me while she sat there and stared at me, petting me.

    This continued for a long time, eventually I forgot how long. I wasn't really Amy anymore, and I didn't mind. The outside world eventually became less important the more I thought about Clair. At first, I hated her. I wanted her to get hurt to give me a chance to leave, I wanted to kill her and run away...but there was something so nurturing about her that I just couldn't leave behind.

    There was one time she fell asleep on the couch while she pet me, and it gave me plenty of time to rush the door and break it, or smash out a window and just leave. When I approached it though, I stood there and stared outside, and saw nothing. No trees. No sidewalks. Not even my house. The sun was so bright that it made my eyes hurt. I didn't even want to go back anymore.

    I had everything I wanted here. Food. Entertainment. Water. Showers. Shelter. and Clair.

    The one girl who saw nothing wrong with me at all.

    Is the only one who can truly appreciate me the one who trapped me in this place and lustfully ravishes me almost every single night? I thought about it for weeks, but eventually succumbed and dealt with it. I never truly showed my happiness, but I did show her my appreciation by treating her with respect and living with her. I tried on different sets of sexy clothes for her. I danced for her. I showered with her and bathed with her. We always slept together.

    Then came the day where she had a talk with me, she grabbed my hand and led me to the door, heavily locked. She looked into my eyes with a teary face and kissed me one last time, and opened the door, and told me "You can go now..."

    I ran as fast and as far as I possibly could. I went to my house, but it was empty. There was nobody living there anymore. Everyone left me behind. I ran further away, ran so far I couldn't feel my feet anymore, wandering through the dingy alleyways, the underpasses and the chain-link fences, lost, not remembering where to go.

    None of this was familiar anymore. Eventually I made it to the front of the school. There was nobody there. The sky was getting dark as the sun started to set. I felt lost now.

    The one thing I desired most was to be set free, to venture out into the world and escape that demented rapist. Now, I don't even know what to do. I didn't want to tell the police. No, I couldn't bear to put Clair through all of that, although she deserved it.

    "it's been a whole year now...hasn't it?" I told myself, looking over near the benches that stretched outside the bus-stops. I couldn't fathom what to do next. I didn't feel safe in this world anymore...

    I wished Clair was here...
  • edited 2011-06-03 21:27:01
    ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    To Be Continued.

    (All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.)
  • $80+ per session
    (OR IS IT?)
  • edited 2011-06-03 21:57:01
    ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    So now, let's take a small Commercial break, shall we Vivi?

    (that was fun to be honest. Sucks that nobody but us even read this...T_T)
  • $80+ per session
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
  • BobBob
    edited 2011-06-04 17:56:40
    Part 4

    When I had woken up from my nap, it was dark outside, and Amy still wasn't home. I started to cry, but stopped, wondering if anyone was even home to hear me. I searched around, looking for the tiny twin bowls of food and water Amy or one of her parents left for me. They were empty. Resolved to get to the bottom of this (and get some food and water), I trotted to the door and started pawing at it. I kept this up for a while with no response before I started jumping against it, trying my best to get someone's attention. Again, nothing. I was starting to worry that I was here alone, that everyone had forgotten about me. But most of all, I worried about Amy. Where was she? Was she safe? Why hadn't she come home to me? Did she even still care about me? Whimpering to myself, I hopped back on the foot of the bed, waiting for her to come back home. I couldn't sleep, not worrying about her like this. I just lied there, staring out of the window, trying in vain to allow the sound of raindrops against the window calm me down.

    Part 5

    I wasn't sure how long it had been, but every say without her felt like a millennium. Every night, I cried myself to sleep thinking of her, her soft touch, the funny sounds she would make, how content and happy she looked when she was asleep. I didn't know if her parents just gave up trying to find her or had forgotten about her completely, but eventually, they decided to move, taking me and all of Amy's old stuff with them. So there I sat, in what I presume would have been her room. I heard the sound of a door being opened, and instinctively ran towards it. I didn't expect it to be her, nor did I still entertain the notion of ever seeing her again. No, the time for that was long gone. Running through the front door, I felt the sensation of sunshine all over my body and asphalt beneath my feet. I heard the shouts, the panicked screaming, the whir of tires, but none of it mattered. Looking in the direction of the noise, I saw a truck speeding towards me. Realizing this was it, I closed my eyes and stood my ground, thinking of her. I envisioned her face one last time before my imminent death, recalling all the good times we shared. Her voice calling my name went off in my head one last time.

  • $80+ per session
    It had been a year now since I let Amy free. The police never came for me. That made me happy I suppose. I decided to move away. I started going to school the next town over. That's all I had money for. All I had was that money and my dad's old truck. I was driving one day and I saw a dog right in front of me. Before I could swerve out of the way, I hit it. I cried out and got out as soon as I could. I ran to the poor thing's sid. It was still breathing but it didn't look good. I had to take it to the vet.
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    After wandering lost for a year and drifting back and forth from town to town I eventually ended up getting my GED (I couldn't dare go back to school...I was afraid that something might happen again) and after that I signed up for an internship over at the vet clinic.

    I never got back into contact with my parents, mostly because I could never figure out where they went. There weren't even any missing posters set out for me.

    Perhaps they weren't that worried at all. After all, they had my college fund, the hell would they need me for anymore? I spent most of my time sitting at the desk while the Vet stayed in the back, tending to animals. I set up appointments for clients and checked their animals, recording information and stuff.

    The bell rang as somebody came into the door clutching a small dog...it looked like my dog.

    ...and then I realized it was. Oh my god, somebody found her! and I looked up in surprise to talk to the person who was clutching my dog and in such a hurry to get them to see the vet.

    And I saw her again.

    I saw her.

    and she saw me.

    We both looked into each other's eyes and I couldn't finish my sentence, and she didn't say anything.

  • I wasn't sure what happened, or if I was still alive. All I knew is that I woke up in someone's arms. The face looked familiar. Suddenly, it hit me. All I could do was try to bark and bite, but I was so weak I could barely do either, my lame attempts at barking coming out as loud yet weak cries. What happened next was all a blur. All I remember was a car seat and being taken into some strange building. That's when I saw her. After all these years, I finally found her. I tried jumping out of the arms holding me, through biting, kicking and whatever else, but they wouldn't budge. All I wanted was to be reunited with her.
  • $80+ per session
    I went into the vet's office expecting to get this poor pup in right away hoping to save her life. I didn't expect to see...her after all this time. I was getting teary already. So many emotions rushing back. I almost fell to my knees. I almost got angry. Why? Why did God do this to me. Was I really hated by me so much? "A...Amy...I...No. Not here. I can't...This dog...I hit hurt...I've...hurt her...Please help..."
  • The strange woman uttered a jumbled up sentence. It almost sounded as if she were so overcome with a particular emotion that she was temporarily unable to communicate clearly. That, or she had just forgotten how to talk. Having had enough, I mustered up enough strength to bite her hand hard enough to make her drop me, and I fell to the ground with a loud thud. The pain was nearly crippling, but I tried my best to crawl to Amy, to have her hold me in her arms again, even for just a few seconds.
  • edited 2011-06-04 03:39:19
    ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    My little dog bit Clair and she dropped her, slowly pulling itself toward me. I picked her up and cuddled her, wondering why and how she had my dog my entire time...did she steal my dog from me after all of that time? Was she contacting my parents?

    All of these thoughts were running through my head, but they didn't matter. "Oh Ivory...you are back..."  I whispered to her, bringing her in to the back of the office to show to the Vet to see what could be done.

    After a couple hours she was asleep, and sprawled out on the table being patched up. After I knew she was okay, I walked back to the appointment room, and looked back at Clair. Her hair grew longer, she was dressed in more sophisticated clothing than before, although it looked a bit dirty now, and she was wearing light lipstick. She was still taller than me.  She looked a lot older and more mature now, and I nearly remained the same, only I have lost a bit of myself in the long run of these years.

    I just looked at the ground, and scowled. "...So...you've found a replacement yet?"
  • $80+ per session
    I looked down at the ground too. I spent the last couple of hours waiting there, trying to think of something to say. I had nothing. "...I accidentally hit the dog while I was driving...I feel so bad about it...I'll try and find it's owner when it gets better..." There was so much I wanted to say, but I had no idea how to start and articulate it. I kind of wanted to kill myself, mostly because when I saw Amy, I wanted to kiss her.
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    "...well, thank you for saving my dog, even though it was your fault it ended up like this..." I told her, looking at her while she looked at the ground with a guilty look on her face. She's turned into a woman now, far older than me. I should have known since I watched her the entire time evolve from a mousey quiet girl (then into the anathema of my life) and then into this slender stoic girl standing before me.

    "....where did you go Clair..." I asked her. I don't know why I cared. I was free from her. There was something in me though that made me want to go back though...it was probably because of the fact that I didn't really live anywhere or that I haven't been able to keep a good meal in my stomach anymore...
  • $80+ per session
    I let out a sigh. I pondered on Amy's question, "....where did you go Clair...". I looked her up and down. She looked just the same as she did when she left my house, only her hair was longer. I didn't know what to think of this. "Well...I moved on with my life...I graduated...My mom came home for a little while. I cleaned up my Dad's old truck and now I go to school in this town...W-what about you?...How are you doing?"
  • $80+ per session
    The sexiest bump of all.
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    "...I don't have a house yet. I eat food at the church. I am saving my money to try and travel elsewhere, or get an apartment for myself....I don't even know what to do besides survive from day to day..." I wanted to ask her the question, but my heart sank again. My body hesitated and brought me back to those eerie, horrible days where I lived confined in this monster's house.

    But then the secondary feelings came back. The feelings of being a pet. Being cared for and tended to. Pet, having my hair combed and being fed with a spoon. I did absolutely nothing for myself most of the time. I heard no voice but hers.

    I used to have nightmares every night after I left her. Sometimes they weren't nightmares at all. Sometimes I would trade my nights sleeping in a van for being confined into a dark house with no escape, bound to the will of a sexually possessed hermit like Clair.

    But I couldn't get the words out...

    "...I live in a van." I told her, stepping a bit forward, each step I made towards her I could feel Clair getting more and more nervous, until I stood only a few feet from in front of her.

    I wanted her to take me back, exchanging my freedom and chastity for a warm home and someone who loves me. Desires me. Covets me.

  • $80+ per session
    "Amy...I'm so sorry...I ruined your life...If there was absolutely anything I could do to fix this..." I looked up at her, taking in her expression, how sad she looked. I wanted so much to take her back home and clean her up and give her a nice meal. So many thoughts were running through my head. How could I possibly ask her to come back? After all I put her through, the contast rape and treating her like a pet. "Do...you want to come back home...with me?" I braced for getting hit.
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    "Do...you want to come back home...with me?" She told me, those words echoing through my heart as she mentioned that. It swelled with pain. My fists tightened up. Such nerve she had even suggesting that. Such nerve she had even bringing it up around me. I wanted to hit her. I wanted to beat her down into the ground for what she did to me. I wanted to kill her. Yet I was so willing to say yes. I wanted to go back to her and escape this struggling life. This crappy internship, this life of hiding in a van. This life of buying cans of cold soup. This life of being afraid of human contact, of making new friends out of fear they would subject me to the same thing.

    I was so conflicted inside. I didn't know where to go anymore. I followed my violently beating heart, and took a few steps forward. Clutching my fist as hard as I could and making sure not to hold anything back. I stepped closer until my face was against her shoulder, and then I hugged her, crying. I couldn't tell her I wanted to go back. I wanted to so bad but I couldn't get the words out. I could only bleat out silent words and air as I mustered up the air to stop myself from crying. Nothing but air, attempts at telling her "Please take me back."
  • $80+ per session
    I was so ready to be punched in the face that I flinched when Amy simply fell to me and hugged me, sobbing. It was shocking. She seemed so broken. So hurt. I started to get angry and cry with her, mad at myself. I did this to her. I ruined her life. I couldn't even imagine how she spent everyday of the last year. Scraping for food, sleeping in a van. It must of been horrible for her. I want to make it all better. I had to. There was no more doubt in my mind. Things started out so wrong for us. If it wasn't for my shortcomings things could have been so different. I don't know if we'll ever get to the level where we are equals who care for one another. Was sex out? Don't know. But at least I know in my heart that I finally have a friend. END.
  • $80+ per session
    Now wut
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    The following image is that of a Greek urn.

  • Mmm, now that's something I'd want my ashes to be put in...
  • $80+ per session
    Your ashes? So that's what they're calling it now.
  • edited 2011-06-05 21:52:46
    ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭

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