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  • You can change. You can.
    Thanks. Hump see ya later.
  • edited 2011-06-14 15:35:57
    Kichigai birthday!!
    why did i copypaste this

  • Kichigai birthday!!
    i am make of bumpings

  • Where do you get those from?
  • Kichigai birthday!!

    Alternatively, /int/ in Krautchan
  • Till shade is gone, till water is gone, into the Shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath, to spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the last Day.


  • Kichigai birthday!!
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭

    1. I looked at my computer, closed out of Firefox, pushed the off button, and closed the screen.
    2. I got dressed into a cute skirt and my new tanktop, and headed to Rue 21. I went dress/bra/shoe shopping again, not sitting online sniping badly made auctions for the Fabled Grimro in an attempt to collect 100 copies of said card. Rue 21 sold everything Pac Sun used to, but for more affordable prices (in other words, a lot of awesome things people think are expensive for half price in heavy amounts) Then I went to JC Pennies to buy some Pour La Victoire. They didn't have it. But I got a cute ring.

    3. After I got done shopping I hung out at a friend's place and played Left 4 Dead Survival Mode with him. I FINALLY BEAT 3 MINUTES. :3

    4. Then we made Peanut Butter Sandwiches, giant ones, like 8, all double-stacked. We ate and played games until we were sick of getting killed and getting sick of peanut butter. We decided to go for a drive.

    5. We threw the excess sandwiches at doors while we drove around in his truck. We were laughing and having fun the entire time throwing peanut butter sandwiches at car windows and watching them plop and stick there. One person was like "WTF" and we totally went "YO WATEVA" and moved along. So fetch.

    6. After that we decided to drive to another one of my friend's house and stay the night and play a game of Gay Chicken. He had a giant fishtank filled with Sunset Wag Platys, and I DESIRED one. No, maybe two. Three. 4 Females and one male perhaps? Ones with Sunset Bridges on their tails and silverscales on their sides. Little plump ones with cute eyes! I watched them at his house almost night while both of my friends slept and made out with one another. Looks like they might be gay. Apparently I got tired and wiggled between the both of them and slept snuggly for around half the next day.

    1. I woke up to find out both of my friends were gay now. Woohoo! I asked if I could watch them have egregrious gay sex but one of them was shy about letting me see him get poked in the butt so he declined, thinking that his reputation would begin to plummet if the same girl he put his penis into was watching him get a penis put in his butt. Not really though. Either way they made out while I watched them and played Dir En Gray on the Stereo and cheered them on.

    2. We went into the kitchen and made a BIG ASS bowl of Chicken Soup. Like, huge. It was like a giant bucket of Chicken Soup, so awesome. I love chicken. I'm like Ed, if Ed ate chicken, because I love Chickens eddy.

    3. We left ma friend's house and headed to my house because I needed more money and I needed to grab my COMBINATION DEBIT CARD AND CREDIT CARD. Then I got my Debit Card. Then I got my Credit Card. I got my COMBINATION DEBIT CARD AND CREDIT CARD.

    4. After I got my Credebit card we drove over to Barnes and Nobles to check and see if my Higurashi Vol 12 came in, and it totally did, and I totally bought it. Fucking ace man, I should have picked it up like a week ago but I was being lazy and dumb.

    5. I HAD MUCH DESIRE to get a Sunset Wag Platy now. It was so cute and my Marigold Swordtail was so RONERY and OMG HORNY FOR MOE KAWAII DESU FISHU that I broke down and decided to buy some.

    6. I went down on Central Avenue to the local fishy store and looked at the window, there were pug puppies for sale for $220 each and they were so fucking cute that I went into the store and played with them. They were like Beww Beww Beww and I was like WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA because I was crying from how cute and small they were. Then I decided I wasn't going to buy them because I don't have anywhere to put them since my fridge is full.

    7. I walked back and forth through the store and looked at all of the different fish. There were Red Wag Platys, Red Platys, and then I found one called the Sunburst Wag Moon Platy that was so fucking awesome. It was like, Yellow, and black, and orange, and more superawesome than the Sunset Wag Platys my friend had and I wanted to buy all of them. The vendor was like "Do you want to buy all of the Sunburst Wag Moon Platys, All of them?" and I was like "Whoa, man, Whoa." and I bought all of them (7) for around $48.93.

    8. I then looked again and found PANDA PLATYS, oh my god they were black, and white, and spotted, and cuteness. Then a challenger appeared, and it was a Bumblebee Platy, They were yellow and black and so cute and huggable. I wanted them. Oooo, and then there were Dalmation Mollies and Marble Mollies. God damn. Dalmations have bigger black spots and Marbles are greyish and black and stuff, and they look like rocks. My crebit card burns my hand as I OH DESIRE some more fish.

    9. I decided not to buy any more fish until the fish manager told me "You know if an avid fish lover like you doesn't buy them, then some little kid with animal torture problems or some guy who feeds them to his piranhas will buy them, right?" and that hit a chord with me. Those little fish were going to get stuck in a fucking fishbowl while some 8 year old rains fucking fish food on it for hours until it suffocates, or have some teenager watch it try and swim away from a piranha in vain, just to be eaten...I could not have that. So I bought a shitload of fish. I bought their 1 Bumblebee Platy, 2 of their Panda Platies, a Female Marigold Swordtail, 1 Dalmation Platy, 2 Marble Mollies, 1 White Lyretail Molly, a Black Molly and 3 jars of Tropical Fishfood. It came up to around $63.78 for the fish not counting the Sunburst Wag Moon Platys. With the Platys, it costed $112.71.

    10. I returned to the car with my friend and he was like "You don't even have a fish tank you dumb bitch" and I was like "lolno yeah I do" because I had one in my room that was huge, with ONE RONERY Marigold Swordtail with a tail so long it was long. I decided to drive home while he held my giant amount of fish. We made it home and I put the 9 bags into my tank to float around and gain equal temperature. After about an hour (while I checked on eBay to see if any Fabled Grimro were on sale) and I release my fish and had an evil laugh as they settled into my tank. God they were so pretty...

    11. After that me and my friend stayed at my house and played Yugioh. I beat his ass with Lightsworn, and when I killed him with my Judgment Dragon he went "FUCKING LUCKSACK NO-SKILL BULLSHIT CARD I FUCKING HATE YOU, FUCKING SCRUBMENT DRAGON" and ragequitted. I laughed as he threw a fit screaming at my Judgment Dragon and calling it a loser-enabling wallet rapist. Eventually he was getting so pissed at it I pissed myself laughing while he succumbed to his own stupidity and was AMAZED AND DAZED at how stupid it was.

    12. I changed my panties for like an hour and took a shower, then changed them again. He watched cartoons on my laptop, and drew a dick on Paint and set it as my background. I got mad at him for drawing one in paint and saving it as a JPEG because JPEG sucks.

    13. I got online and downloaded the song Gwen Stefani - What You Waiting For. Took me 12 minutes. Fucking Vevo.

    14. I gave him a ride home while he chatted to me going "You won't think of me any less now that I like X, right?" and I was like "no, it's perfectly fine dude. Remember the gayness clause.*" I huggled him and drove home in the dark.
    * Gay guys still keep their man cred when migrating from females to males if they were the alpha during the female to male relationship.

    15. I came back to my fish, being cute and sitting in the tank and not jumping out. I fed them, turned on the aquarium light. Holy shit was my fish happy to have company. He went from being a depressed emo fish in the corner to going around spontaneously humping all the female fish with his gonopodium (extended anal fin that looks like a PENIS PENIS PENIS PENIS PENIS). He was chasing around the Sunburst females drive-by raping them with it, poking them with it while I giggled at how happy he was. They were all so cute. SO MOE KYUN~

    16. I undressed into my bra and panties and fell asleep on my bed at 12:33 am. I also opened the window because my room was too warm.

  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭

    1. I woke up and went to work. It was a slow day because everyone was busy spending their money elsewhere.

    2. I came back for lunch and took an EMACULATE WORLD SPLITTING SHIT that
    was so violent and painful it caused a water shortage in Africa. I went
    through a roll of toilet paper because of it.

    3. I ate a sandwich after washing my hands.

    4. I was lying I totally ate the sandwich without washing my hands and I
    got sick from it because my hands smelled like smug white person shit. I
    sat on the couch moaning from my stomache hurting.

    5. I went back to work like nothing happened, and I helped close the
    shop. I drove home all ronery-like and listened to No Doubt - Its My
    Life and sang it badly while I drove through town.

    6. It was like night, so I went home and it was chilly as fuck and my
    nipples were hard. I logged onto the computer and checked my eBay.
    Lurked on SA and posted a bit, then quit the internet again.

    7. I got on minecraft, got bored and quit.

    8. I opened up Notepad, wrote nothing and quit.

    9. I turned off my computer.

    10. I went to bed.


    I forget.
  • Till shade is gone, till water is gone, into the Shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath, to spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the last Day.
    " I went down on Central Avenue"

  • edited 2011-06-16 13:29:31
    ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭

  • $80+ per session
    I spied on Vorpy doing all of this.

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Are you Loid?
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    Yes I am. Are you Leliel?

    Beacuase I am.

  • $80+ per session
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭

  • $80+ per session
    Ich bin es leid, jeden von euch Huren durcheinander meine gute Zeit. Wenn Sie denken, ich werde können Sie weg von meinen Spaß zu nehmen, dann haben Sie eine andere Sache kommen!
  • @Glenn

    Aren't I? *Gnaws*
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    I'm going to swang you if you don't stop that.
  • edited 2011-06-17 10:51:45
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
  • edited 2011-06-17 11:18:35
    Clean your room little Billy

    There once was a man from Nantucket

    Who looked at his cow and thought 'fuck it'

    He picked up his gun,

    Three pins and Don Blum

    And then started a career as an  abstract artist who worked exclusively with bubble gum and plywood, while the cow served as his accountant. Don Blum mainly just air drummed. They made money. But not much.

    Look at the screen, now back to me. Now look at yourself. You are now a battletoad.

    What is Battletoads?

     Level 3 don't hurt me, don't hurt me no more.

  • edited 2011-06-17 11:23:57
    ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    THERE IS A 32% CHANCE SOMEONE CLICKING ON THIS LINK WILL MASTURBATE (nsfw dood, also, yeah it's totally prinnyXetna pornz)


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