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  • When in Turkey, ROCK THE FUCK OUT
    How much wood could a woodchuck get if a woodchuck could get wood?

    Answer: all of it. 
  • $80+ per session
  • I am Dr. Ned who is totally not Dr. Zed in disguise.
    Actually gorilla penises are smaller as they rely on their physical size for maximising mating rather than other methods (that would favour a larger penis) /trufax

    Serious post in shitpost thread?
    I'm like so meta or shit.
  • $80+ per session
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Now that's some hot shit!
  • $80+ per session
    Coming soon (As in a couple hours) an exciting and romantic tragic comedy about an odd couple and an island.
  • $80+ per session
  • $80+ per session

    It was finally the summer. I was done with highschool and ready to enter the real world. I could be whatever I want, do whatever I wanted to do. For being such a kick-ass student and a bitching daughter, my mom and dad gave me this ticket for a cruise all across the carribean! Normally, I would have to go on a trip like this with them. But I was eighteen now! An adult. No need for the folks to take care of me now! Besides, I never really needed too much help with anything, seeing as how I'm so strong and independent.

    I did get a ride to the docks, though. The ship hzd about an hoyr or so before it was set to shove off, and it was pretty crowded with families. I wondered if they would do that confetti thing I'm always seeing in the movies. I had my luggage, and I had already said my goodbyes, so I got on the ship real quick.

    Ah...This was gonna be the best summer ever.
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    Looks like summer is starting today. I put on my tie and buttoned shirt on, straightened out my skirt and got ready for work. Although evading going to school for the last year hasn't worked out in my favor, I still have a job on a cruise line that gives me pretty good money and keeps me well fed. Tonight we are set off to the Caribbean, which would be a very nice, relaxing ride out in the middle of the ocean.

    I welcomed the passengers as they each stepped on, a crowd filled with rich people, millionaires, families and other people. I would rather put up with dressing in nice clothing and submitting to the whim of every person on a boat than let a bunch of underpaid teachers tell me that I will never amount to anything when I pretty much knew that.

    Let's see how this builds up.
  • edited 2011-06-07 11:52:53
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    How to create a shitty hentai animé premise:

    1. Pick some form of fanservice.
    2. Give superpowers to female lead when female lead is engaging in fanservice.
    3. Violate female lead sexually for drama.  For example, claim that female lead gains or loses powers from sexual activity.
  • $80+ per session
    I decided it would be smartest to put my stuff away, then head to the buffet for a nice, light lunching. I made my way to my room, and I gotta say, it was extra fancy. Lots of nice, little things. I didn't spend much time there though. Just enough for a relaxing shower. I...spent a little more time in their then I meant to, when I noticed the showerhead....Not very courteous of me as a guest, huh?

    After I washed up, I went on over to the ship's diner got myself and took a seat, waiting to be served, patiently.
  • $80+ per session

  • $80+ per session
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    I was sitting in the back of the kitchen in the break room, getting my outfit ready. The flatly-pressed outfits were too restrictive for me and left my chest sore so I decided to fold it a bit so I could get more breathing room. After I straightened up myself one of the cooks handed me a plate of dishes and told me to bring it to table 3.

    I asked "...which one is table 3 again?" and he pointed in the corner where this girl was sitting. I casually walked over there bearing the plate upon my hands, and as I set the plate dishes down and was about to serve the girl, I noticed who she was, and a very sick feeling began brewing in my stomache as she looked up and noticed who I was too.
  • $80+ per session
    The server had come over to my table, and I looked up from my menu to greet her. and I felt down-right disgusted. I exclaimed, "Oh mah goodness...What in God's name are ya doin' here? Didn't Ah get enougha you durin' the school year?" Her. Why was she on this cruise. I swear to the Lord, if she ruins this trip for me, it's on her head.
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    "Why yes, I work here. You know, to earn money, and support the economy."  I replied, trying to be as civil as possible. As much as I hated that girl I did not want to look unprofessional and try to make any snide comments. After all, I am better than that. Better than her.

    "Is there anything you want in particular ma'am? Have you decided what you wanted to order?"
  • $80+ per session
    I scowled at her and looked down at my menu. "Why yes, actually. Ah'd like a personal pizza, and a glass'a grape soda, cold, but with no ice in'it." I closed the menu and held it out for her to grab.
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    I picked the menu from her hand and nodded, smiling while biting my lip and writing down her order. "a personal pizza, a glass of iceless cold grape soda, anything else?"

    I wrote down the order and scribbled bitch onto my notepad while awaiting what she had to say next, keeping an insincere smile on my face.

    Please, this girl has got to be eating more than this.
  • $80+ per session
    "Nope. That'd be all...You can walk away now."

    I looked up at her and smiled, with no sincereity whatsoever. I looked her up and down once. I wasn't so surprised she was a part of 'The Help'. I was getting angrier by the second, let me tell you. But, I assurec myself that I wouldn't let anything ruin this vacation for me.
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    After looking away I nodded my head and headed to the kitchen and requested some cold grape soda, no nice, and her personal pizza to be cooked. I just sat in the back room taking a few breathers. I hate her. I hate her accent. I hate her face. I hate her boobs. I hate her face and her boobs. She should have never come here at all.
  • $80+ per session
    I scoffed as she left. She just had to be working on this ship. I hate her. I hate her hair. I hate her smile, and her laugh. I hate her butt and her dumb little walk. Well, at least I would only have to deal with her when I was in the diner.
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    The pizza and grape soda was done. I picked the food up and slowly walked over to the table, looking at her sitting there bored at her table, and I set the soda down on her table and laid down the pizza for here. "Here you go Ms...erm, I forget your name again."
  • $80+ per session
    "Alexis. An' Ah forgot your's. But don't say it, because Ah really don't care." I pulled out some money from my bag and set it on the table. "Here. Ah want to enjoy this meal where Ah'm not cooked up inside like'a loser." I began to walk away, bumping into a man that looked like was was the captain or something. He almost made me drop my pizza. I scoffed at him, but he kept scurrying along, looking worried, paying me no mind. I ignored it and made my way to the pool.
  • edited 2011-06-08 11:37:26
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
  • Kichigai birthday!!
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Looks like you need to find a different host for your images.
  • Kichigai birthday!!
  • Kichigai birthday!!

  • Kichigai birthday!!

  • $80+ per session
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